The woman

The door creaked open upon Lilith’s approach on the door. She squints her eyes to adjust to the blackness of the room, but it was still complete darkness that formed no figured of shadow furniture.

She approached one step at a time, still fixating her vision on the room’s dimness.

Before she realizes it, she is inside the darkroom. The door creaked shut behind her back.

Her sense heightened as the darkness consumed her vision, her ears have sharpened, and every little noise passed through her ears. And there was this panting noise that resonates in her ears, she could not pinpoint the exact location where the noise was coming from.

The heavy breathing sent her hair standing as the noise gets louder and louder. Or was it because she had focused so much on the noise that it became louder? Even so, the sound began to bother her, trying to point to the source of the sound.