Where is it then?

The mist of the morning came upon Lilith as she trudges around the garden. She hummed her way, picking out the living flowers left in the half-dead condition of this place. There were merely flowers present in the garden, but she managed to collect some purple chrysanthemum and camellias.

Her wicker basket hung around her left arm as her other hand cut the stem of these flowers. “I hope she’ll feel better” she sang to the leaves surrounding the plant.

The cobblestones were almost fully covered by the falling tree leaf of the autumn season. Lilith was glad to find different plants and flowers in the garden that she gathered, she brushed through her hands to the piled flowers on her open basket.

Lilith entered the mansion by the time the sun has risen, and birds start to flutter their wings. Putting off her robe to the stand and off her hat too, she was surprised by the sudden appearance of Ada when she had turned to the right corner of the house.