I found the ball but where is he?

Where did he go off to? Did he kept walking while Lilith was occupied with the flower? The boy was nowhere in Lilith’s eyes.

She dropped the flower and called for his name. When she heard no response but the echo of her own, she began to frantically search for the boy, instead of the ball they were supposed to find together.

Lilith looked left to right it drove her insane. She searched like a madman. Her continuous footfalls disturbed the silence between the tall walls. Dragging her exhausted body, from the tiring challenge of game earlier.

She worries for the boy, had she been paying attention to him, would she not lose the boy. Thinking about the aftermath of losing Stewt; facing the mother of a lost boy will only finger her guilt and conscience.

If only I had been responsible enough and paid more attention, would I not lose him. Lilith blamed herself as she frantically turned to corners. In hopes to find him, she shouts his name along her search of him.