3. Return of the catalyst

"Yamamura drink this" Mochizuki stared at Yamamura and handed him a cup of warm liquid. Yamamura was till sitting in a traditional Japanese style glaring around the cave that had been drawn on with paragraphs of stories and adventures. "Yo! I won't hold this damn cup forever you idiot stop staring off into space and drink it already it'll help warm you up!" Yamamura turned quickly to grab the cup "thank you!" He began to drink it as it tasted a bit like tea.

"What is this?" Yamamura asked mochizuki. "It's tea leaves I found while I was scouting the dragon you ran into earlier." Yamamuras face instantly began to show amazement. "S-So that was a dragon?..... I knew it! Hah I only ever heard about the possibilities that they existed in our past but never knew they could be real!" Mochizuki lowered his head and let out a sigh. "That isn't the dragons from the history books, atleast not exactly. They are a creation of Grim industries. Grim thought he needed to bring history to us thinking he could control history with his aura.", "wait! Grim is awakened?!" Yamamura grew confused as Mochizuki began to pour him some more tea. "Grims aura wasn't something that could be noticed unless he wanted you too. He wanted to not only show the world that he knew all of our history but prove it to them, so he created a worm hole using a catalyst. And that catalyst poured our history into our world causing chaos. Once this happened more and more people have started to awaken developing abilities that even I've never seen before—".

Yamamura interrupted mochizuki with a question that would quench his need for answers, " wait! What year is this?..." mochizuki pointed at a spot on the cave wall that read "2088" yamamuras eyes widened in shock he couldn't believe what he was realizing all kinds of things rushed to his head giving him a sense of discomfort "so w-wait did I actually d-d-di—" mochizuki who moved to standing by yamamuras side while he was in a state of shock places his hand on yamamuras shoulder "yes you died on the day of December 20, 2066.".

Yamamuras face began to show despair. Mochizuki recognized the pain he was witnessing Yamamura express in his eyes that were white and emotionless Yamamura had one question, "what happened to Japan?", mochizuki spoke, "it was deemed a danger zone by the military and no one to this day is allowed to enter without proper authority, no one knew that the military had been on the side of grim at this time but even to this day he still hides at the top of his tower no one knowing what he is up to." Mochizuki began to walk out of the cave to give Yamamura some time alone. As he made his way out Yamamura stood tall and said "what is Grims aura?".

Mochizuki began to walk further out of the cave and drew a diagram in the snow of branching names yamamura who had no idea what he was looking at quickly began to realize that as the diagram was appearing to reach completion and spoke

"this is different types of awakenings!",

"yes that's correct people awaken in different categories those catagories are defined like this, intellect, those who can awaken further knowledge beyond normal, power, those like me who can adapt inhuman like strength and speed, sagacity, those who awaken the abilities to use things like spells that you would see in anime and manga or video games, and unique, these individuals auras are classified as unique to display that no one knows exactly how it works just that it's in a category all its own."

Yamamura began to wonder what exactly his aura was but then snapped back to the task at hand and asked again

"what is grims aura?"

Mochizuki locked eyes with Yamamura and as he was standing up

"grims aura can control the mind of others. He can make you do things and always knows what your feeling he is the most sinister man in the world he grew his wealth by hypnotizing others just like your father."

Yamamuras face showed shock once more.

"Your not the first one to resist grims aura."

Yamamura was shocked and confused the man that he never met before who he thought abandoned him and his mother was actually employed by grim. Mochizuki snapped him out of his blank confusion with one phrase.

"He has your mother."

Yamamura began to grow angry and screamed in frustration as he fell to his knees.

"He knows you've awakened but he couldn't tell when you would appear and at what point in time—",

"wait what do you mean what point in time?"

Mochizuki extended his hand to the kneeling Yamamura

"your aura. Your a time traveler"

Yamamuras face showed digust and confusion once more as mochizuki's voice became muffled he softly heard,

"you're the catalyst that ended our world.".