Filth of the Heavens

It was at the crack of dawn when the sun had yet to fully show itself. Under the dim light of the peeking rays of sunlight, the figure of a thin little boy stood out like a sore thumb amongst the shades of trees and grasses, the bright radiance in his eyes bringing a striking contrast to his sickly features.

"Where am I?"

It was the first thought that came across his mind once the boy regained consciousness. He turned to look at his surroundings, wriggling his four limbs in a blind manner to quickly get himself accustomed to his new body.

That's right, this is his new body. A body that had finally been granted to him after 500 years of waiting!

He, Fu Sheng, who had once brought terror to the three realms, had finally returned back to life and the world should better prepare for it!

Raising a fist to the sky, he gritted his teeth as ferocious light flashed across his dark pupils.

"Damned High Heavens, just you wait!"


Just as his words fell, lightning crackled out of nowhere as it struck the exact spot where he had originally stood a second ago, blasting the ground beside him to a pitch-black mess.


Fu Sheng shuddered at the heart-chilling view, cold sweat covering both his forehead and back as his face turned pale.

'That was close,' he thought.

If not for his good reflexes, he would have been struck to death.

Was it necessary for the Heavens to be that petty? Nevertheless, after that one strike, Fu Sheng no longer dared to utter any more words. The Heavens' intentions were obvious. They will be watching him so he better behave well else he wanted to end up like the piece of charred land beside him.

Shrugging his shoulders, Fu Sheng pulled his focus back to his surroundings. He was now within the range of the Da Qing mountains, a short distance away from the magical barrier enveloping the whole mountain region.

Despite its mundane look, the Da Qing mountains had been known as the blessed land of the continent since ancient times. It was said that a long time ago when the Temple of Luck and Good Fortune had just been erected, a majestic figure that was believed to be a God descended to the mountains, blessing the land with tremendous spiritual energy.

Millions of years later, the whole mountain ground shook once more as the unexplainable phenomenon was followed by the appearance of fog from unknown origins that started to appear at random spots around the mountain. Slowly, they flocked together and formed thick layers of cloud-like grey fog, outlining the borders of the mountain range as they set a powerful barrier that isolated the mountains from the outside world.

No one knew the reason behind the strange occurrence except for the culprit Fu Sheng as he was the very one who had triggered the defense mechanism of the mountain and therefore had been trapped in the place for almost 500 years alongside the poor mountain people within.

The magical barrier was astonishingly a powerful one. It was as if it was built specifically to trap beings of higher realms like him. Although the previous him had never been able to get as near as 5 feet from the barrier, he was confident of his current ability since he had seen how the boy had rushed into the site with ease the previous night. Since he had now occupied the boy's body, it shouldn't be hard for him to execute such a feat either.

"Teng... Teng... Teng... Teng..."

Just as he was about to turn to leave, a loud sound of struck bells rang across the whole mountain region, halting his footsteps. After a short period of time had passed, the bell was once again successively struck four times, signifying the start of the morning prayers.

It was needed to be known that the activities of the whole mountain region revolve around the holy temple and the bell tower that was built near the temple was the one that made sure the temple's activities run well.

The giant bell works as such; It was struck once to welcome the day, struck twice to signify the end of the day, struck thrice if there are any emergencies or alerts, and struck four times when it's time for the session prayers.

Within the temple grounds, everything was not even near as important as praying to their God and praising him, the one and only God of Luck and Good Fortune, to the Heavens. And that entity who was worshipped by the mass and stood above anything else happens to be this troublemaker, Fu Sheng.

Fu Sheng helplessly sighed. Despite him never proving of use, he had after all become the mascot of the Da Qing mountains and served as their God of Luck and Fortune for hundreds of years. It would be heartless of him to leave this place that had once become his only home without saying any goodbye. At the very least, it wouldn't hurt him to stay for the day and have some feasts, right?

With the decision made, Fu Sheng closed his eyes, intending to gather the world's energy for his use when he realized to his dismay that they didn't seem to answer his call.

'What's going on?'

Fu Sheng gathered his focus once more but to no avail. The spiritual energy around him was ignoring him as if he were nothing more than a mortal who have no affinity with the world's energy.

'Wait, a mortal?'

His heart skipped a beat.

'That couldn't be!'

His senses quickly swept over his whole body only to find a withered spiritual root in his abdomen. He could hear the sound of his heart dropping to the ground. In this world of cultivation where the strong prey the weak, a dry root was simply akin to a mortal's fate, the life of a prey.

But, that couldn't possibly happen!

He had clearly seen the magical sight of the previous night with his own eyes. That night when the boy crumbled to the ground with wounds all over his body, he had clearly observed how the spiritual energy of the world moved around him with such liveliness as they fought to pour over his body and nourished his wounds despite the boy slowly losing consciousness.

A living body with the ability to heal on its own. It was something unheard of for even a creature of a higher realm like him. To have such a heaven-defying physique like that, how can he be nothing but a rootless mortal who has no single affinity with the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth?

He had originally thought that the Heavens had gone blind for once and actually send him a prodigy as it would take at least a son of the Heavens to bear his primordial soul. Who would have thought that the Heavens would be so idle to make such a dry joke out of him?

"What Son of the Heavens? More like Filth of the Heavens! I must have gone stupid for believing in your nonsense! Just you wait, I will definitely-"


The Heavens didn't wait for the boy to end his swears as it summoned the dark clouds to send him another strike of lightning. It was a pity that this time, the boy failed to escape the lash

"F*ck you, the Heavens."

Fu Sheng mumbled as his body collapsed to the ground.