The sleepover

Zara woke up late in the morning after staying up late till night. Veronica had already gone for a shower, so Zara yawned and called her mother. "Hey mom, sorry, I forgot to call you yesterday."

"I had spoken to Veronica, so I knew you were okay. But, make sure this doesn't happen again." Rose warned her daughter.

Zara kept silent, and Rose didn't press the issue further. "When are you coming home? You and Veronica can come up for lunch. I'll cook something special."

Zara jumped up, "Wow, mom, you are the best. I'll be there with V before lunchtime."

She then called out Veronica to hurry and walked in front of the mirror. She studied the jacket she was wearing. It was definitely big on her, but she loved the feel of it.

She looked at herself in the mirror and mimicked her conversation with Ryan

"I have a wardrobe full of jackets"

"I'll get it dry-cleaned and return it to you, mister handsome"

She pouted her lips to make it look like Ryan was hurt by her words, "No, you are my beloved. Do not walk out on me." She sighed dramatically and giggled at her made-up conversation. So what, if she had taken some liberties in her made-up discussion? It sounded good in her head. She then mentally scolded herself for having it.

She was reminded of the actor from the movie she had watched the day before where the filthy rich guy was playing around with the girl. She reluctantly removed the warm jacket and hurried to get ready. Zara and Veronica always had spare clothing at each other's place for night outs.

Zara got ready and walked out to the nearest grocery store for getting ingredients as instructed by Rose. Veronica, who generally loved shopping, avoided visiting the grocery or the drug store as they never had boys around but coughing bald men. She was going to pick Zara after she got everything, and they were going to drive to Zara's home.

Zara browsed through the store and came across the refrigerator section that held different bottles of liquor. She was immediately reminded of Ryan and wished that she could see him. She cleared her head and proceeded to pay for the items.

She texted V who was busy painting her nails. Zara knew this would mean that Veronica wouldn't arrive in another 30 minutes. To kill time, she walked to a café and ordered a coffee. She took the coffee and began walking towards her home; Veronica would come home directly when she texted V about her desire to walk. Zara had always loved her me-time when she walked alone. She saw a boy standing at a corner, and her heart soared at the thought of seeing Ryan again. She had packed the jacket in her bag; she wasn't letting it go.

"Missing me already?" Ryan's voice floated towards her. She turned around to see him leaning on the café's wall with his hands in his jeans pocket. Her heart fluttered at the sound of his voice, but she ignored both him and her heart, a task she was dismally failing at. Ryan caught up to her, "Z, I asked you a question?"

"Not worth answering."

"Ooh, the cat bites." He then took the coffee cup from her hand and took a long sip. Zara shivered to think that once again, their lips took a sip from the same container; first, the bottle of champagne, now the coffee cup.

"The coffee is nice, though it's a bit strong for my taste." Zara was proud of how her eyes glared at him while her heart was threatening to jump out of her mouth. "We should hang out here often. By the way, whose jacket are you hiding in that bag?"

She tried to keep her voice neutral, "I haven't dry-cleaned it yet"

Ryan grinned, "Do you even plan to return it to me?"

"Yes, of course. What a silly question"

He closed the distance between them in two long strides and said, "You like it, don't you? You spent the whole night dreaming of being cuddled in my arms."

Zara's mouth fell open. Did he have some superpower? Ryan's breath tickled her ears and she had an urge to turn around and gaze in his enticing eyes. He chuckled as if he could read her mind and and raised his hand to put on his aviators. She noticed that his knuckles were cut and bruised. "Are people still trying to hurt you because of your father?"

He quickly hid his hands in his pockets again and tried to divert her attention, "So, how many boys are trying to date you? I just want to be ready for a competition."

The trick worked, and she got distracted, "It is none of your business."

"Actually, it is my business."

"Your girlfriend is issuing threats to me, so just stay away."

"Not because you want me away?"

"See, Ryan-"

"I am seeing, and I like what I see." He then proceeded to drain the entire cup in a single gulp and asked, "Are you sure you didn't mix anything in the coffee? I feel I'm getting drunk. Intoxicating coffee," He uttered the last two words in a sensual way, and Zara thought she would probably faint. That boy was dizzying at his best, confusing at his least.

"Enough. Your girlfriend is right. You think I need your sympathy, but I don't. Just because you are blessed with a super-hot body doesn't mean you can make fun of others." That came out wrong.

Ryan chuckled, "Thank you for the appreciation."

C'mon Z, try one more time. "I mean, there are loads of girls dying to be with you, just to kiss your handsome face, so go kiss them."

"Should I?" asked Ryan sincerely. don't want that. Third time's a charm. You can do it, Z.

"Ray...Ryan...Yes, you are handsome, and yes, you are funny but don't make fun at other's expense. Not everybody is born beautiful. Some are ordinary people, so don't give them false hopes."

I'm only giving hopes to myself, thought Ryan. However, he replied, "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder."

"Such a cliché line, it's easy for you to say."

Ryan grabbed both her hands and pulled her closer, "Look at me. Really look at me. What do you see?"

Zara stammered, ""

"You think I am handsome because I don't actively hide it. You are gorgeous, Z, but you hide behind your books and glasses. When was the last time you really looked at yourself in the mirror?

He traced a loose strand of hair through her temple, "Your hair smells amazing." He then took her face in his hands "Your eyes are the path to your heart that is pure and uncorrupted, unlike mine."

He proceeded to rub his thumbs on her cheek. "Your cheeks are as sweet as your kind nature." He then traced his finger on her lips. "Your lips are the color of my wildest desires-"

Zara pulled away even if it felt like a thousand hot needles pierced through her. "Stop it...just stop it. You don't mean any of this. You are in this with your gang, who wants to make a spectacle out of me."

He looked her in the eye; his tone was deathly serious, "Do you think I am lying? Do my eyes speak lies too? Do you even have an inkling of what I have gone through?"

Zara looked in his eyes again. They were the color of a wild storm, churning with emotions, passionate and yearning.

"What you see is a facade, Z. I can't explain everything right now. But, one day, you will see. One day, you will understand. Till then, here's your chemistry book." He took her hand in his and retrieved the book from the inside pockets of his windcheater. He then placed the book on her open palm.

And with that, he left. Zara called out to him, but he walked away. She felt dizzy and numb with shock. His words had washed over her in a warm delight before punching her in the gut.

What will she understand? What did she not know?