Jake gritted his teeth and put a finger on the boy's chest, "Is that what you are doing? Because, I haven't seen you around since the last two to three months."
The boy looked at him evenly, "I can be discreet when I want to."
Jake laughed, "Or should I tell your boss that you have been so busy trying to be a puny drug lord that you have been giving him false reports."
The boy took a step in Jake's direction, "How far have you come with the weapon's location?"
Jake hissed, "Keep your voice down. And, you are nobody to ask me that question."
The boy threw the cigarette on the ground and put it out. "Just a heads up buddy. Sooner or later, you have to answer that."
Jake took the boy's shirt and fisted through his collar, "I'll have my answers and I will report to the boss directly. Off you go."
With that he whirled the boy on the street. The boy's eyes were filled with malice and he waved a finger threateningly in Jake's direction before disappearing through the empty lanes.
Jake began walking in the direction of the house and saw Zara come out of the main door. She smiled upon seeing him and he too gave her a small smile.
Zara asked him, "Where have you been? I searched the whole house for you?"
Jake broke into a jog and reached her, "I was only watching the surroundings. Grandpa lives alone so wanted to ensure that there are no shady people lurking around."
Zara glanced through the open porch, "This seems like a quiet and peaceful area. Better than where I live anyway."
Two hours later, Zara and Jake were back in his pick-up truck driving through the city. Jake felt happy to be with her and kept finding ways to spend more time with her. As he gripped the steering wheel, he asked, "So?"
Zara, who had been watching the view outside turned to him, "So what?"
Jake pushed up her glasses that had begun to slide down her nose, "How did meeting grandpa feel?"
Zara smiled, "I have known him since I joined school. But, it was nice to visit him. We talked a lot about interesting stuff."
Jake tried to ask conversationally, "If you want, we could come to meet him often."
Zara thought about it, "That means you will drive me around everywhere. You are my friend, not my driver J"
"Yeah, I make a very handsome driver."
Zara giggled, "Very handsome" that made him grin.
They reached the parking area of a commercial complex and Zara stiffened. Jake's brow furrowed with concern, "Are you okay?"
Zara nodded her head, "Um-hmm"
Jake shot her a worried look, "You don't have to do this if you are not feeling up to it,Z"
Zara shook her head, "I need to face it sooner or later, J. Let's go."
Jake parked the truck and together they entered the huge lobby. The complex was a huge glass walled building consisting of many offices. As they walked in, they saw several people walking in and out of the elevators, dressed in crisp suits. Zara felt out of place in her jeans and hooded shirt. Jake motioned her to follow him and walked to the reception desk.
A young girl in her twenties sat at the desk, surrounded by a dozen office gadgets. She, too, like others was dressed in formals with a ponytail riding down to her waist and perfectly manicured nails.
Zara looked at her fingers and saw her chapped nails and dug her hand inside the pockets.
Jake smiled and asked the girl, "Can you please point us to the direction of Mrs. Brooke's office."
The girl sweetly replied, "That would be the 5th floor. Take the elevator to the fifth floor, walk along the long corridor. Her office would be the fourth to your left"