Found you

Zara began walking through the roads, hugging herself trying to stop the tears that were welling inside her. 

Why was Ryan so cold to her?

Despite having never fought or trained in her life, she did her best to not give him any opportunity to scold her. She ensured getting up early and doing all the morning chores at home. In her haste to reach on time, she would even sometimes skip breakfast and only have a glass of juice, hurrying out and running fast to reach his place.

She had never been late and would always reach for practice on time. He would grunt and disapprove of her speed and dedication, while she would do all the hard work that he asked her to do.

Each day she would vow to herself to be better than the previous day, to not give him a chance to frown upon her yet he treated her as some filth that he didn't want to set his eyes upon. Frustration welled inside her and the dam finally broke.