Demon vs demon

The other demon gave an angry hiss and took hold of the iron rod lying down on the floor. He brandished it menacingly and hurled the rod at Ryan, who narrowly missed getting hit in the ribs. Ryan decided that he should use the leader's strategy, of tiring the opponent.

He ducked and deflected all the attacks by the other demon, who was now getting a bit tired and exhausted. The demon's breathing was getting labored but Ryan kept taunting him, beckoning him with his hands to keep coming at him.

"Are you done? I am going to relish killing you more than your friend" Ryan said with a manic grin. He ran a hand through his hair and was bobbing on his heels, waiting for the demon to lunge.

Angered by Ryan's comment, the demon lunged at him but Ryan jumped backwards, avoiding his attack once more. The demon took hold of a large and heavy pole and lifted it as a dead weight.