Your highness

She squinted her eyes a little and realized that it was her mom's. Closing the door hurriedly, she ran to her room and quickly changed into her pajamas. She didn't want her mom to know that she had arrived just minutes before her. 

Putting on her best sleepy expression, Zara did a big show of walking out of her room. Her mom looked tired and frazzled as she clicked open the lock and saw her daughter standing on the stairs.

"Did I wake you up, honey?" Her mom had been trying to enter the house quietly but had dropped her bag with a loud thud. Zara rubbed her eyes and pretended to stifle a yawn.

"Mom, what took you so long? Are you okay?"

Her mother didn't reply but went straight ahead ignoring her questions. Zara felt it a little odd, her mother never dodged her but instead always wanted to be with her and give her all the attention she could.