More Power

Henry was shocked to know that the place Mom Gina brought them was actually a tattoo parlour. There were about eight huge dudes at the entrance whose bady might have been mistaken for an artist's canvas. They wore bikers' jackets and Henry was sure he saw a pistol's handle glistening from behind one of them. Aunt Gina quickly made him avert his head from them as she urged him into the building. Once inside, they found four more guys getting tattooed by two women and two men who were equally armed with tats all over their body. One of the women looked up and she stopped her work, stunned.

"Gina McBride! You daughter of a bitch! What do you want?" she asked out loud, making the other three look up and were equally surprised.

"Martha, nice to see you again. Cory, Ryan, Cynthia, still keeping up with her I see," Mom Gina greeted them but she sounded a bit apprehensive. The woman named Martha looked at Mom Stef and Henry could see the disgust in her face then she turned to look at me and I could see the disgust intensify.

"I see you brought your spawn back here," she said, not even trying to hide the disgust in her voice.

"I see you haven't changed a single bit. I came here looking for help but from your tone it seems I would have gone to another place," Mom Gina said with a disappointed tone. Martha clicked her tongue.

"What kind of aunt would I be if I left you out to dry. Come on in and make yourselves at home in the basement," she said with a little grudge in he voice. Mom Gina nodded at her in gratitude then led the two to a door hissed in the parlour quite well. She even knew where the key was hidden. Once they were in, she locked the door and led them down the stairs and into the basement that seemed to be a kind of fancy condo.

"Wow, I never thought your aunt had this kind of taste," Mom Stef said in amazement.

"She doesn't, this was my place before I moved out when I opened up to her," Mom Gina said, sadly. Mom Stef put an encouraging hand onto her shoulder and Mom Gina carressed her fingers with her cheek.

"Do you know how to put tattoos too?" Henry asked her.

"Sure but you are getting none till you reach forty years old," she warned him and Henry seemed like a deflated balloon. He went to sulk in front of the television. Both his mother's went aside for a talk.

"How do we do this?" Aunt Gina asked first.

"With what I saw, the military man is the most bothersome because he can use government resources to trace our tracks no matter how hard we try to hide them. I'm afraid they might even come here and try to find us if they. So we can't stay here for long," Aunt Stef said.

"Obviously we can't let any of them get to Henry no matter what. We need to plan for the worst case scenario. What if they try to use us so that they can get to him?" Aunt Gina asked. The two became silent for a while as they looked at their son lovingly.

"We need to remove that option before it becomes an option. Meaning we have to make sure we are not caught and if we are caught..." Mom Stef trailed off. None of them knew that Henry was actually listening to them as if they were using a megaphone next to his ears no matter how low their voices were.

"We need to protect him and it is actually quite logical," Mom Gina agreed. Henry didn't know what the agreement was and he was curious but he wouldn't ask so he kept quiet. The two mother's came and sat beside him.

"Whatcha watching?" Mom Gina asked as she ruffled his hair.

"Cartoons," he answered with a smile.

"Mind if we join?"

"Nah, the more the merrier," Henry answered as he made space for them.

They watched the cartoons for a few hours then the two women fell asleep, their hands around Henry, protectively. Henry sighed as he remembered those Japanese animes he had watched and couldn't help but relate. A few hours later, Martha came downstairs. She saw him still awake, scoffed and went to pour herself a drink, muttering to herself.

"Martha, how do you know so much swear words?" Henry asked her, making her almost choke on her drink.

"A big boy like you never heard anyone curse?" she asked him as she took some papertowels to wipe the drink from her trousers.

"I'm thirteen years old so my parents tell me I am not old enough to curse," he answered,

honestly. Martha chocked on her saliva this time. She could not believe it! She looked at him again in doubt.

"Oh My God, where did that girl get her sperms from? Damn, I bet he is a giant of a man," she said in admiration and shock.

"Oh, I wasn't this big yesterday. Some men came to find me in a motel and they said that I awakened a mutation and I think this is why I am this big," Henry told her. Suddenly, Martha's expression changed. She suddenly lurched for her knife but just a step towards it and she found Henry in front of her, the knife in his hands. "I have seen a few movies to know that whatever I have is not going to make me popular with normal human beings."

"Do you know what the government do to your kind? They use you as their lab rats and research on how to stop more people like you. You are a mutant and now they will be after you and my niece. I can't let her die for a brat that is not even her blood," she said.

Suddenly, her hand went below the kitchen table and when she brought them out, she had a pump action shot gun in her hand. She aimed it at him and fired. Henry had frozen because he did not know what to do so the four rounds of the shot gun was unloaded onto his chest. But he did not even feel pain, just the sense of something hitting onto his chest. It was really bizarre. The two sleeping women were woken up by the gunshots and when they looked over and saw their son was the one getting shit, they lost their cool.

Mom Gina threw the first thing she could grab towards Martha. The woman was hit squarely on the head by the remote control and he head snapped towards the other side as her body swayed. The motion of the body made the shot gun barrel point towards both women then by reflex, Martha pulled the trigger. The gun let out the pellets and Henry knew immediately both his mother's would be hit. Instinctively, he arrived in front of both of them and shielded them against the pellets using his body. He felt them hit but nothing else.

"Are you okay, baby? Are you hurt?" Mom Gina was the first to recover and she looked at every place she saw a hole on his clothes. When she saw he was not even red dye to the pellets, she turned to Martha who was taken back too and was about to charge to her when the wall suddenly exploded. Everyone but Henry was thrown to the ground and he looked at the wall only to see men armed to the teeth flowing inside, their guns trained at him.

"Did you think you can run away from me, kid? I can find you any where in the world as long as your body is not decomposed," Stryker said as he walked in.

"You again? You are relentless, aren't you?" Mom Gina asked him.

"I am, I truly am. Now, Henry, do you want me to do this the easy way or the hard way? None of them will be pleasant for you," Stryker said as he unsheathed his deagle and aimed at Mom Stef's head.

"If I come with you, will you let them go?" Henry asked him.

"Of course, you have my word, kid," he said with a sly smile.

"Don't believe him, he is going to kill us the first chance he gets," Martha shouted from the kitchen. A soldier then proceeded to knock her out with the butt if his gun.

"Old people, they are paranoid," Stryker said. Henry was about to nod when he heard Stryker's earpiece talk.

"Once you get the boy, you can kill the parents, they are of no use to us," he heard a man say. Immediately, Henry went livid.

"You are lying to me," he said through clenched teeth.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Stryker said.

"Of course you don't," Henry said with a laugh. Suddenly, be felt pain from his eyes and he quickly closed them as he clutched his eyelids painfully. Nobody understood what was going on but Stryker quickly signalled for some of his men to quickly put the dampener collar onto him. The two men chosen could only swallow hard then crept toward the screaming boy. They were only one metre away when Henry suddenly straightened up. His eyes shone red suddenly then red beams shot out of them! Nobody was prepared for this, not even Henry himself so as the beams were dangerous and anything that was unfortunate to meet with them was instantly reduced to nothing more than three pieces of flesh! Henry struggled to control the beams for he could not see clearly and once he got the hold of it, no soldier was to be spared.

The poor guys tried to shot him but he was impervious to the bullets. Once he turned his head, the lasers would cut everything in their way into three. Stryker opened fire at him twice and seeing he couldn't stop him, he trained his gun and Mom Stef. Before he could anything, he felt unbearable pain then he fell! His eyes looked up and saw his bottom half still standing and the wound which his top half was cut from sizzling. He died with a lot of regret in his heart! Henry finally stopped firing the lasers when every armed man was dead and all was left of them was frightening scorched, mutilated bodies that weren't even full.

"C'mon baby, let's go," Mom Stef said as she hugged him and then led him out of the room. Mom Gina looked at Martha who had pissed herself on the floor.

"You're lucky you are my aunt or I would have killed you for what you did earlier," she growled at her then followed the two.

"I don't feel so good," Henry told Mom Stef who thought he might be awakening more powers.

"Just hold on, sweetheart, we will be somewhere safe soon," Mom Gina encouraged him. Once they got out of the building, they saw the street filled with cops. They immediately aimed their guns at them.

"Don't move! Put your hands in the air and kneel!" one cop shouted through a megaphone.

"Mom Gina, Mom Stef, you need to go back underground. I can feel something powerful about to come out of me," Henry said. The two just witnessed him shooting lasers from his eyes and now he was about to produce an even greater power? They quickly ran into the parlour as fast as they could. Once Henry confirmed they were inside, he looked at the police apologetically.

"I am really sorry," he told them. They suddenly felt his body producing frightening amount of heat and they started backing away. Just then, an aircraft arrived at the scene and out came four figures in black jumpsuits.

"Jean, he's about to release a huge amount of energy! Can you make sure it does not harm anyone?" from the aircraft came an aged voice.

"Sure thing, professor," the woman named Jean answered. She came forward and outstretched her arms. Henry felt something surround him but he had no time to access what that was. The energy inside him came out finally.

Everyone saw him suddenly become nearly as bright as the sun and Jean even dealt the Psychic shield she had put surrounding him was not going to hold for long. Soon, Henry became less bright till they could see him. They noticed he seemed to be shouting out in pain but no noise came from his mouth.

"I can't hold it!" Jean shouted before she was thrown back as the shield was broken. As soon as the shield was down, windows started breaking, cars' windows too then the buildings started shaking as animals fell down, their ears, eyes, noses and mouths bleeding and their heads and chests aching. One person even had his head explode. Suddenly, a shockwave came out of Henry and everything in a mile radius was flattened! Henry fell unconscious soon after.

When he woke up, he noticed that he was not anywhere he could recognize off the bat. He got off the bed as he stretched. He then looked around and realized he was in some room that limited his mutant powers. But he was still as powerful as before he had that meltdown. He could not see through the walls but his sense of sight, smell and bearing had reach an unprecedented level. So, he had already smelt a lit cigarette behind his door.

He then looked at the wall then charged at it. With one slam, the door let him through and with his superior speed, he could outrun these normal people. The alarms started blaring but he did not care as he went through smashing walls like they were made out of paper and glue. His oath of destruction led him outside where even more men with guns were waiting for him but he now had his full power and he was even more powerful now. His eyes started turning red and everyone tensed.

"Before you kill my men, it would be wise for you to turn around," a strong voice said from behind. Nicklaus turned around and saw a black man in a black trench coat looking at him calmly. Beside him was his parents.

"My name is Director Nick Fury, me and you, we need to talk," he said, firmly.