Chapter: 5 Hall of Origin

Ash felt like he was transported somewhere, like being pulled to somewhere else. When the feeling stopped he opened his eyes, he and all of his family were in a very large room, it was all golden with many different colored patterns on the walls. Ash knew he had been here before but he couldn't name it or say when it was.

"Where the hell are we?" Max asked, the others all asking the same thing.

"Yeah, the last time I checked I was in my bed sleeping?" Gary said, he hated having to get up in the middle of the night or early in the morning.

"I know where we are." Latias said, causing everyone to look at her.

"Where are we love?" Ash asked, he was surprised that Latias knew of this place as she was just a pokemon.

"We are in the mythical Hall of Origin?" Max asked, he had heard many different opinions of this place all different from the others. Now that he was seeing it for himself it did not look anything like he had been told.

"Yes, Max is right." Latias said.

"No wonder this place looks familiar, Arceus brought me here whenever he needed to talk to me. Remember what I told you, that he wanted to speak with all of us and that we had to be prepared, well I think that this is it." Ash said to his shocked family, they had all heard of the Hall of Origin and knew it was the home of all legendary pokemon.

After Ash said this a loud noise could be heard and a blinding light shone, a light so bright that they had to shut their eyes against it. When they opened their eyes once again they were shocked at what they were seeing.

There in front of them was every Legendary pokemon known to them. Arceus, Articuno, Azelf, Celebi, Cobalion, Cresselia, Darkrai, Deoxys, Dialga, Diancie, Entei, Genesect, Giratina, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Keldeo, Kyogre, Kyurem, Landorus, Lugia, Manaphy, Meloetta, Mesprit, Mew, Mewtwo, Moltres, Palkia, Phione, Raikou, Rayquaza, Regice, Regigigas, Regirock, Registeel, Reshiram, Shaymin, Suicune, Terrakion, Thundurus, Tornadus, Uxie, Victini, Virizion, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zapdos, and Zekrom.

"I said I would summon all of you and now it is time for your first of many surprises. Bonnie, please step forward." Arceus said.

Bonnie gulped and stepped forward like she was told to. "Yes, Arceus." She stuttered.

Arceus smiled gently. "There is nothing to fear young one. You have a caring nature to all pokemon no matter what they are, you are always willing to help others before yourself and for that, I am proud of you." Arceus said, Bonnie, smiled being told that made her happy.

Arceus stepped aside and a small pokemon came up to Bonnie. It was pink and white with amber eyes and a red stone on its head with a long tail. This was Mesprit."Mesprit had chosen you to be her trainer, take good care of her young one." Arceus said, he lifted his head a Pokeball appeared before Bonnie who took and captured the legendary pokemon.

Arceus did this for all of them and when it came time for Ash his family all got theirs.

Bonnie got Zygarde (Squishy and Z3), Max got Victini and Gary got Cobalion. But it was Ash who got one of the biggest surprises yet.

"Ash my Chosen, step forward." Ash did so right away. "You have proven that I was right all those years ago when I chose you, and although you have been betrayed you moved forward and found those that truly loved you. For this, you get all of the remaining legendaries at your command, as well as myself." Arceus said, bowing his head to Ash.

"But what about the world, your dimensions need you?" Ash said.

"No, we will all travel with you and if there is something wrong then we just leave to solve the problem and return to you. Nothing bad will happen, we don't need to stay there all of the time." Arceus explained and Ash nodded his head. Ash then caught each of the remaining pokemon and Arceus.

When he was done Ash had Arceus, Articuno, Azelf, Celebi, Cresselia, Darkrai, Deoxys, Dialga, Diancie, Entei, Genesect, Giratina, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Keldeo, Kyogre, Kyurem, Landorus, Lugia, Manaphy, Mesprit, Meloetta, Mew, Mewtwo, Moltres, Palkia, Phione, Raikou, Rayquaza, Regice, Regigigas, Regirock, Registeel, Reshiram, Shaymin, Suicune, Terrakion, Thundurus, Tornadus, Uxie, Virizion, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zapdos, and Zekrom.

"Thank you for this gift," Ash said after he had released them all for now. His team had already grown so much and he hadn't even caught them on his own, they chose to go with him and on top of that, they were all legendaries.

"Ash you have three more surprises. One of which is that Latias wishes to be captured too." Arceus said, this shocked Ash who turned to look at his girlfriend.

"Why do you want me to do that love?" Ash asked. He didn't want to put Latias in that small ball when she could be with him.

"I am still a pokemon Ash meaning that I can be caught and taken away from you, but if you catch me then no one else can. I will be your mate and your pokemon, which will keep me and you protected." Latias explained.

Ash nodded his head knowing where she was coming from. Another Pokeball appeared before him and he placed the front to Latias' head, a few minutes later the newly caught Latias was let back out.

Ash stroked her head and waited for Arceus to speak once more. "And your second surprise is the solution to the GS Ball." Just then came Ho-Oh and Lugia, both working together to absorb their own feathers which were used to create the GS Ball in the first place. Arceus could see their confused faces so he started explaining "You see the GS Ball was created by a Masked Man using a net made from the feathers of Lugia and Ho-Oh to capture Celebi. Only the feathers of the two Legendary Pokémon could contain Celebi and prevent their holder from suffering the ill effects of time travel."

Ash was shocked to see a Shiny Celebi coming out of a ball that he was carrying around with his for what felt like months.

Arceus continued seeking "And for the final give two old friends returning to join you." Arceus said, as two figures entered the room.

One of them was a Riolu, a small blue and black dog pokemon that was able to use Aura like Ash was able to. The other was a Lucario the evolved form of a Riolu, this pokemon was just bigger than Riolu with extra ears and spikes on its body, it also was able to use Aura.

'Hello, again master.' The Lucario said, the Riolu running to Ash and knocking him over.

"It has been a long time master.' The Riolu said. Ash looked to Arceus for help. "This Riolu is the one you helped a while back, the only Riolu that has ever been able to use aura sphere," Arceus explained.

Ash gasped in shock as he remembered the small dog pokemon, before smiling and stroking its fur. "It's good to see you too Riolu." Ash said before turning to look at the Lucario."And this Lucario you have also helped, this Lucario once belonged to your ancestor Sir Arron. He sacrificed himself to the Tree of Life in order to save Mew, but your pain freed him. He is here to help you learn aura, as is the young Riolu." Arceus explained.

Ash once again went into shock as he remembered Lucario. "I never thought I would see you again," Ash said hugging Lucario, who returned it.

'It is good to be back with you master.' He said. Another two poke balls appeared before him and he caught the two of them.

"That is all for now my friends. Catch your legendary pokemon and I will transport all of us to the mansion where you live, once there you must catch me once again and then sleep. Tomorrow we begin searching for the rest to complete our team." Arceus said.

They all did as they were told and a few minutes later found themselves in their sitting room. "Well I guess it's lucky that we were all given the Nanodex I think we will be having pokemon joining this little family," Ash said.

"Okay everyone back to sleep, we leave tomorrow and we need to be well-rested," Ash said. Everyone said goodnight to one another before they all went to their rooms to rest.

"Goodnight Ash, I love you." Latias said to her mate. Ash was lying down on their large bed with her lying on top of him, her head in the crook of his neck. It was their favorite position to lay in when in bed.

"Goodnight Latias, I love you too," Ash said. Latias leaned up and kissed Ash on the lips for a few moments before she lay back down and fell asleep.

Before Ash fell asleep he couldn't help but think, that he was the luckiest man alive. He had a loving family that he knew loved him for who he was, he had a great team of pokemon that was only going to grow in size and power and a loving girlfriend who he loved with all of his heart and who loved in return, all of his faults included.

Yes, Ash was very lucky, and he would get even more so as the years went on.