System auto movement basic, all joint and muscle stimulus check for faulty movement. Running.... task complete. No faults within limbs. Stabilizing stance, inconclusive. Host is unable to stand on two. System logic check... answer walk on all fours. Stablizing... running... processing... stance complete and stable.
Automatical movement by hosts own will started, host wishes to touch and look at everything. Lumins analysis... frequency to low for vision. Adjustment. Medlar compete.
The room is a total disaster zone. Where once pipes and the parts for the only working electrical generator for miles is now torn and melted. As if hard acid had poured across the room and vaporizated into nearly nothing. How chucks and cross sections of the walls are missing. The only strange thing among the chaos is a perfect metal fold box... of which we had crawled out from.
System analysis of area... data collected. Confirmation details received. Computer systems internal recognition finalize.
System answer to host: The metal box is a part of us. Must keep box safe Back up service and night repair within box.
The box is a result of us unified together?
system answer: yes.
Everything broken around here is a result of whatever happened to my mind and cells... Since when did I got a computer implant?
System answer is redacted by authorities. System logic running... processing... failure to reconnect to over authorities manual. System runs back up plan code 98... System has overwrite authority programming. Trying system answer.
System answer: Implanted by dome city authorities as way of measuring internal organ issues within host. This during cryogenic sleep.
I have mixed feelings about that... however you have saved both our lives during whatever moment I lost my mind to infection. You brought me back... So I can't fault you for someone else forced wishes. I should give you a name... like how I want to be called Kate.
System processing... human logic is sentiment. System history shows no negative history toward ai types. System processing... Name. Has never thought of name before.
I wish not to impose a name that you dislike. After all, we seem stuck together for now. Its not so bad choose with my inability to do anything I used to. Like walking... I know I can... I just... how do I do it. How do I stay stable to stand straight like that?
System testing, running diagnostic test... tilt head in directions. Left. good. right. Good. up... no.... up like looking at the sky. no... like looking at the light above head. OK... down which is at feet. No... down... down... Well done.
Processing... logic answer: Lost functions detected. Unable to be stabilize upright due to missing important organs. It is essential for sense of balance to have the vestibular system. This is found inside the inner ear. It is made up of three semicircular canals and two otolith organs, known as the utricle and the saccule. The semicircular canals and the otolith organs are filled with fluid. System detects mutation and damage within the areas stated.
So maybe is my hearing too because I can not hear anything.
System predictions and host is correct. Loss of hearing due to mutation cells located in area. System answer: protocol is in place but need resources and time to sort out.
Basement... I am in the library basement. I have lost generator for electricity.
system answer: generator reconfigured during body cellular configuration. Box is generator. This building runs electrical current only around host and system.
Like a magnetic field?
system area: no. That would burn lower wiring circuit of local area. Power from box is feed through wire circuits of building and only active in areas of host or system commands. Like the UV lighting for plants. Plants make food for host. System prioritized protection of plants.
Very helpful. I guess I will stay to walking on all fours until I can sort out food and drink. Getting upstairs is a smart move.
System commands sent to box. Box returns with follow protocol.
Ugh... mmm... now the box has spider limbs. I wish to be pre-warned of freaky moments.
System has made notes of host request. Question... why is is scary?
For what looks like a simple looking box to suddenly sprout legs and crawl around without warning is something scary. I start to fear out everytime the box appears out of nowhere. Meaning lost in eye vision or momentary being to focus to remember that the box can move.
System is satisfied by logically fear and rational protocol. System will run task logic in background for solution.
System remark: ease task steps slowly and with breaks to catch breath. Low energy means increase clumsy mistakes and increase injury probability.
Thank you captain obvious. Your remark is appreciated for the 11 steps up to ground floor.
System detects negativity.
I am hungry but at least sane.