LR of Puppy 2

Bear is good eating. Skin good condition. Cleaned in river. Makes better cover of torn clothes. Better hides human mock shape and tricks things.

Hotter weather. Sleep in puddles often. I come back with plenty of water to stomach box all time. Stay hydrated she would think. Very right. Feel better when kept wet.

Bear skin hides skin from sun. No red or burn. Gained a tan... very nice. Looks are changing slow. Hair on head, growing. Not long. Very short. Not fingers length yet.

Strange to see... See reflection of other faces sometimes. I seen people that make me ache. I see a tired lady in white coast and blue face cover. I sometimes see this lady trying to talk to other people. Those people can't see her, they see me. Not her. Sad.

Smell of wet ground nearby... not water area. No... banging too. Weather changes.

Maybe need to consider hunting good for storage. For the harder days. Yes... must. I go do that.