The gooping patient

"This should be enough basics... but I will have my brother send for more supply. Now, take me to our feather friend. We

need them in good health if it will guide us when you lot can't." Kate in puppet control with springing to action. It was midnight and the small talk over zip with Frank finished. Purple99.8 takes around to the city regulated area, but in a the path of following the AI troops. The whole ai squad walked around, blending her among them to smoother away from human sight. Once in, through to a transporter with a wood crate.

The sound within was as if something was struggling to breath, rattling and sickly. It seems second nature for her to immediately open the crate, scoop the bird and pet it along the beak. The moment panic was ended shortly with the peace of it enjoying the scratches. A sort of sung happy coo before a working wing if hitting her to stop.

"Stop touches. Stop. You werido." She let's it down and it looks at her properly and eyed her head to teo, "Stupid human."

"Three broken wing bones, a bullet now removed and a punctured lung..." She leaned to eye level and smiles, "My name is Kate. I have a background in medicine but I only ever treated folks on field." She smirks as it hissed at her for all the words and nonsense... but stops as it jabbed a beak right through her left hand, drawing a little bit of blacken fluids, "Its ok, I should have been more considerate of your personality. I am sorry, I just love winged folks. The freedom to fly as you please is such a wonderful thing to imagine."

"She is going to be the 20th... however I guess you could say she and the ai are 20 and 21. She was a experimented on and left behind from her time." Purple99.8 cutting in with his honest knowing of her history.

"Meaning your a ice box subject... yes... a few Doctors with a similar background was looking after us until they became infected to much." The bird walks around posed wing, thinking hard like a human work. Pacing about the transportor shelving.

It ranted a bunch of things that it knew about the ice box project and that point was it had only vague know. Just the understanding that Kate was another person from before the calender and the data eraser virus of machines.

Kate does have experience that would be from the survival training. She was expected to pass for successful storage. Its all it needed to know and it know exactly what standard of surgery to expect. It was about ti down right refuse her but she closed the beak of the bird to shut up a moment.

"I am a photographer of micro-organisms and studied all the known diseases that the country has access to. I am one of the most able person to catalogue all illness and disease in the entire country. My work was used to create the Ddc198 to begin with. Not that I knew it at the time and was stupid to assume my work was for a cure. My skills are sought after, so I use a fake name, nowadays." She let's the beak go, "Ever since I have been out of ice and away from the city prison, I have been look at how the plagues have changed our lives. I had even came to the same conclusion as my brother, there isn't a point to cure what nature has given us. Meaning being plagued isn't as death threatening as it sounds. With more study of how best to improve lives, someday we will all live together... in peace." She shows how the wound on her hand was closing with nanotechnology, "I vowed to be the protector of life, a promise with no boundaries."

"You are a specialists." She smiles plain and with patient waiting.

"Your wing will heal itself in 3 hours. May I make sure that the bones heal the correct way? That is if you want to fly smoother in future. Why else would the bullet not kill us?" She showed the bullet, "See you can't feel pain right now. That's the Cscc doing its magic. Ddc198 is just writing how you should be put back together."

It narrows at her and looks about itself and back to her. Looking at how it no longer had a hole in the left side. It posed the wing that was broken to her and she snapped it alot more. She then added needling wire in the skin. It was painless. She added a few stitches of thread and it now had a forced posed wing.

"Once the inflammation settles, we will take the wiring out and then you will start feeling pain. I will have some willow for you to chew when it does."

"So you have your own version of plague." She nods agreeing to the bird, "You also have nanotechnology with an ai." She nods again, "So... you share bodies with the machine?"

"I am a host of the nanotechnology. He was ordered to monitor me for the city. I am special in another way. By definition by machine standards, I am a walking corpse. This body you are talking to is a skin sack of metal frame bones and fuilds. This body is my missing organs, my organs I lost in transformation. The only three organs I have intact aren't located in this body. Well... intact is putting it politely." She grins with removing helmet. The face of machine parts to replace eyes, mouth and nose. It was by graphic illusion of the glass of the helmet did it seem she had a normal face under it. The helmet interference was still in sink of her speaking, "This area here is all that is left of my skull. My inner ears are still partly usable. But from what you can tell... this body is quote on quote 'brainless'. Which isn't exactly true." Helemt back on. The bird backed off into the box, "This is how extensive the plague can be to ones life. I am now two people... this body and a brain in a box. Of course I have to share signal of body control with my brother."

The bird going into silence... thinking about how amazing she would be for some the hardest cases of the zoo. Maybe even help with some the problems disease has caused. Make life more comfortable if she can help control the infection within the zoo. She would be a valued asset.... to valued to be left killed.

Hours pass and she was removing the wiring work as she said she would... it has been her brother speaking questions since. Bird was able to tell instantly which of the two was talking at a given time. She always was soft and warmer... polite to the bird. Her ai brother was sort of less polite but not out right rude. He asked for context information about some the zoo residents, medical only sort of questions. They never pry into personal asks unless it was necessary to a health concern. Even then Bird wasn't going to out right tell them everything. Just the basics for now. Let them learn the more grit when on location and speaking to folks.

"And... here... the willow." She handed a stick to the bird, "Willow is a natural wood with painkiller affect. It was medicine before medicine was considered normal. I don't want to give you anything that would be a disease trigger. You would be goop for 4 weeks and lacking memory for a month, otherwise. We are still researching what compounds cause triggers, we do not want to force someone into a trigger on propose unless it is last resort. Besides... there is a limit to amount of times someone can go through it before becoming mindless." She packed away the med kit, "It was to late for those we have encountered... I just hope it will not be for those at your territory."

"Your very considerate of those you treat." Bird noted as a big difference of previous doctors.

"Your alive and have a life to live. Why would that make you any different to a human or a machine?" The bird is caught off by that, "Not all humans and machines have a life to live. But you... you have a family. You be happy to know that your egg bound... How far along... I can't tell. I can't even tell if you will lay anytime soon or not. But... this is maybe the most dangerous time for you and the eggs. Cscc relies on undeveloped cells to steal and replicate from. Your very lucky that the eggs shells aren't normal." She pointed to the bullet, "They saved your life... by stopping that bullet."

"But I haven't... the..." The bird is perplexed.

"Your both a boy and a girl. your made of three birds ans maybe trace of human cells... Thats just in guessing and counting your wing bones." The bird is accepting that answer, as this sort of egg bound problem is common within many of the zoo. Folks being suddenly with children but without a partner... after 'deaths' because of it or triggers as this doctor Kate said.

"You have convinced me enough to at least accept your medical words and that you give a honest try to help those in a state. I knew I was carrying... I took my risks to flight out to help... find help." Back into the box, "Once I can fly, I will report to the alphas and leaders. They will give you a trial... if you can do the trial without fail for 2 weeks. We can start looking into further future stuff. Besides... you can't stay with us. You would have to have our strain to be stuck with us. I am not infectious... this is why I was sent."

"I get it... its a ground zero level of infection within your territory. You isolated from humans is just not protecting yourselves but the idiot humans too. I really do understand the issue of me being there causes. Whom knows if I could trigger some of you... and that would be only halfway the worse case."

"I like you. Your understanding and use that education to good thoughts. You dont seem at all like someone whom experimented on us."

"I took pictures of samples. Those samples were from other people that did the horrific things. I can only wish for forgiveness for being one of them. Not with the knife but on their side. Most lower tha packing order were told this was for saving lives. The higher few said that which was a lie. They used it to harm instead. We little followed blind... we shouldn't have." Bird came only to tap her hand in understanding and back to the box.

"I must sleep and then I fly to tell. You make preaperations to leave. I or another will come back to guide you. Look for us birds... we will show the way."

The crate closed and Kate is taken to a sanitation station. Cleaned in a mist of hot zap. Helped scrubbed off every possible area. Nothing was missed. Even the kit and tools. Bag. All of it was packed into a shipping containers. The hover drone of her brother over sees what is being put in and being part of the check list checker.

Kate and the puppet drone went to sleep. Ate well and long rest. Everything in order in the van... a few last trades. The last evening meal with Frank's company group, whom warmed up with the ai brother not around.

The bird did fly put as it said it would, spying on her to check she wasn't to spill secerts. To the birds surprise, she put right lied to her friends around.

"I am taking the long way around to London. I don't want the military of the city to help me or stop me from how I do things. So you could say I breaking laws for some sweet stash seeking. I am even leaving the safety of the controlled territories."

"Your going to the mindless lands? are you crazy? what if your in..." The newbie was punched and Frank passed her a bottle of zip.

"Lady of the undead is off to stab the heart of the plague at the core." He approved of her actions.

"I hope that what I learn from the mindless and the corpses of mindless... I could finally forfill that one thing I was meant to do. Save lives." She made one or two of her friends try to correct her about finding a cure but she doesn't correct them either. Sipping the shot glass of zip. A hover drone puts the unopened bottle to the van.

Bird seen enough to catch up with the flock again... spill the details to them. More importantly - tell the bird leader of undisputed honesty the bird has for this doctor. Detailing from how this one helped bird, hide no lies and even tried to explain in term of what the doc know of the plague... how it worked. Knowing this was as close to having a expert on the disease then they will ever get in a million. Making sure they understand that this doc maybe half machine but is to the point human too. A true heart sleeve human that cares.

"We will see... She doesn't kill anything without trying conversation. We have watched her a long time, even before the machines knew of her. Stole her stuff at the library. She whom left notes at the warehouse place about what good items to replace generator parts with. Her books... everything. She is has been of more help to us then you knew." The scaled lord tuts, "It makes it more important that we continue protecting from a distance. We can't have her freak out on us. She must be get use to seeing us before she can be one of us."

"I think once she is trained in our ways... we can take her to trade in old city bells. She can directly see the council in regards of the treasury... as reward." A snake coiled around one the lower birds spoke in agreeing.

"She could maybe bridge us with humans and the machines..." one other small bird tweets.

"the ai... not machines." the reptile bird corrected, "She might have a better clue of being trained as an ambassador... but that is being to hoping."

"19 have came to us and not yielded enough answers. No one them collectively could answer the leaderships questions." The snake hissed in aggressive toning, "4 of them were ice box project subjects. 2 weren't able to answer anything and became unspeakable types. One is currently researching but has hit a barrier of progress. The last died horrifically and refused answers."

At this point it was safer for hover drone 2 to return back without damage, to stealth return back to the van with its recording of talks among birds. Hover drone 2 with spider 1 has been aware of the birds watching for a long time... recording anything interesting that would help in the study of creature changes, her mind calls it natural adapting in animals. This is the first time a significant conversation has been recommended and the details of it was shocking enough to all of us... myself, system and Kate. A worry of what is really going on.

Honesty is the most safest option for here on out. Do not ever hide a secert from creatures that detect lies with 79 percent accuracy. Another win for Kate being right about animals... as stated in her scientific predictions in her earlier study - back before she was ice boxed. Does she even remember that now? subconsciously she must, her treatment of them is telling. Her mind is still fragmented between puppet 1 and brain box.

There seems a government system among creatures... something over looked by humans. Machines are labelled as useless to them. AI, of which they do have understanding, is also to scary for these creatures to trust yet. Levels of packing order, so she thought as a answer. Its a interesting theory.

The last pack... last time. We need to rest. Organise out databases. Reshuffle all research about the transformation disease.