Poison system data collection:

Over the prolonged time of preventing the cell clash of c1a, c2a and Ddc198. Data has been recording what foods, materials and substances have impacted these cell structures. All portions of substances have been metabolism by skin contact or other normal intake forms.

Before cell activation of mutation - timestamp (extracted data):

40% of c1a (also label as cscc)

26% of c2a (cells that interact with modules or nanotechnology directly in a beneficial way - this body and brain is the only recorded case so far)

04% of foreign cells or DNA strains from other species still being categorized.

12% concluded as 'sickness', part immune system attacking the fungi infection and the other part the fungi infection failing to take hold inside body.

18% is known normal internal body cells for host function - no longer labeled as unknown.

System notation for administrator:

All information of cell types and the chemicals make up of those cells has been collected and categorized. The databases of ai patchwork 000.000.01, plague doctors collected database, and nanotechnology matrix has been poured into poisons internal database network. It is now easier to visualize cell data during dream mode.

Timestamp note:

Administrator access isn't available for Kate until after cellular configuration. Poison will be implementing protocol order 1 from previous administrator. Data cell information for poison library will be created and incubated. System calculations of risks... 48% and a further 52% of host isn't compatible to understanding or responsibility. Whole body meltdown and cell restoration will be under poison. Patchwork has complied and has no data of knowledge... until password is received.

New data from poison library, touch transmissions, lungs and food intake:

1849 by the power 10000 - new cells received into cell library.

49 new strains of DNA, all broken down by poison protocol 2.

Data cell 'outsider' scuessful restored into cell form. Body or other cell doesn't attack new cell, response is promising.

Peak data collection at release of cell blocker:

40% c1a has been lowered to 5%

61% c2a which is where the 35% of c1a disappeared to.

12% of immunity and fungi infection was totally dissolved by new cell type.

3% of cells are being left unconverted by cellular configuration - human trace amount.

15% of previous recorded cells has been dissolved by new cell type.

27% is continually altering into outsider cell format. Scuessful compatibility of DNA to integrate with human cells. No further issues in a cell level.

Poison has taken over control of spider 1. Sent commands confirmation... Scuessful. Van has been brought into poison temporary use. Patchwork has been limited to hover drone 1 only. Kate's brain has stolen access into hover drone 2. For host survival of body construction, administrator code 1 through 103 has been implemented by poison.

Obtained supply from crates. Organ box containment of all fluids integrity holding for while process. Kate has been put under dream mode, program activation of poison system manual instructions. Program also loading... 'last message'. Date stamp is unknown.

Scuessful implement of species crossing, the personality and moral of Kate is unchanged. Her identity as herself unchanged. Her name has been changed. She has accepted responsibility as administrator. She gives Patchwork access into dream mode. Poison allows command input suggestion of Mrs Doc. Patchwork accepted understanding of poison system actions. Patchwork has be renamed... (data extracted). He has agreed to go as the nickname which is Jackle.

Finished construction. Time taken - 29 hours. Species traits are now active, host administrator in full command. All control has been returned to Jackle and Doc. Energy conversion from known to unknown has no instabilities or any issue of performance. Poison returned to 90% function. Administrator give poison minor permissions in situational problems. Poison is thankful of administrator understanding.

poison personal note: This mission wasn't for nothing, administrator 1 would have relief if it was even possible to contact. Maybe reporting back someday when development of this world has stabilized to a global agreement. There is hope that things could turn around... it was to late for administrator 1 through 12.