We sent out this message to the dome cities. We wish to inform you of a turth our governments have hid from us.
The existence of other life beyond humans is not only real.
They are among you.
Worse is that these uninvited guest had cause the triggering events of WW4, sparking the start of a global projects.
Everything that was developed before the start of WW4 (Including the current modernised nuclear shelters, space orbital cities, machine intelligence release and the creation of nanotechnology) was because of them.
The medical filter that torn our family was because the enemy had already taken them hostage from us.
This is declaration of knowing the existence of the real enemy that our global leaders has used machines as the excuse!
We will take back our home from you.
We will make it clear that this attack on us was a big mistake.
[Broadcast was cut abruptly and overwhelming only 2 dome cities in the UK received the transmission.]
[All transmission from the Midlands Dome City Hub has been cut from network]