The sketch was drawn after the last storm passing. The strange writing was in notation of things. One pointed to the door locking mechanisms. One was the garden layout of the one neighbour house. There was arrow about the wind power generator on the roof another house.
On investigation, these were faults in the Sanford housing protection against the radiation. Immediate actions were taken to prevent deaths from such mistakes. If this page wasn't checked, over a third of the population that stayed would have died. These improvements had guaranteed the survival of Sanford as the category 10 made its passing.
As among the few who can stand out in the storm, the shuffle of houses being checked was noticed. Upon improvements to see through ash visibility, clawed in writing was found marked in those areas we fixed. There is a real person with claws hands trying to protect these little places, creepy on the method as it maybe and regardless of the myth spun around them.
When finding a way to come closer to this witch, all she did was stand staring back at me. The shape had not belonged to anything that survived this earth for millions of years. But the signal data of the replacement organs that been put into her was a picture enough to say it was a human once. Likely another whom has adapted the extremes of radiation poisoning, that fell of the public city watch as the worse storms have been.
I couldn't ask her anything. As someone in my crew came to check on me. The second I turned away to tell them it wasn't a problem, the strange tall lady vanished. Her signals faded as instantly along with. I am unable to recover the data of what the readings told me about her.
In her wake was a drawing, left where she was stood. My own image looking at her. My nervous handle of my gun as I realized she stood over me. She must have been drawing it the whole time I stood guarding this spot in the storm. I choose to keep the image in my personal records and burn the real copy from anyone knowing. Knowing I failed to tell the others about her.
She seems an enigma. Not a good omen to approach by. Clearly not evil PR for bad intentions. She comes during storms, looking for faults in systems. She creeps the ever daylights out of you but she will never approach or speak towards you. She leaves the reminders in the strange patterned language, witch marks. I still doubt that she is a witch. There must be story.