Chapter - 9 - I have a little sister!

"Yes, yes come. My older sister happens to be nursing. Give me the little one. I handed the woman the small newborn and she brought her to the older woman who immediately took the baby in a small carriage to breastfeed.

I breathed a sigh of relief and sat down. I rubbed my face in my hands and sat still. I now have a baby to take care of. Oh, what am I going to do?

I have money sure. I'll have to settle in a village for a while to take care of her for sure. She also needs a name. Oh my, I need a name. Kobe is an English name.

Okay, okay. Think, think.

Our last name can be...Chen.

I'll be Chen FuSin.

Her name will be...Chen Susan.

"What's your name?" One of the men called out.

I looked up to see a man coming near me.

"I'm Chen FuSin."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lang LingJu."

I nodded.

"My wife is the one breastfeeding your little sister." He said.

I nodded.

"You have a newborn?" I questioned.

Then his face turned grim.

"Ah, no. A stillborn."

I pursed my lips. These things happen. What a tragic thing, but they do.

"Very sorry for your loss," I said.

"Mmm, I do have a son though." He raised his left hand and pointed to a little boy playing with a little girl.


"Would you like to travel with us? Pine Wood Village is a 2 days journey and after we get there you will be let to take care of your little sister." He said.

I nodded and yawned. It had been a long day. That night I kept one eye open but I still slept well. A woman that just lost her baby was a force to watch. Especially when out of the clear blue she was able to take care of another.

Still, though, she seemed like a calm nice woman and I was able to also change and wash the little girl.

I knew in my heart it would be best just to give them the baby and leave. This made the most sense, but I felt a weird connection to the small girl and I just couldn't bring myself to give her to these people.

So the days went like this and the day came to enter Pine Wood Village. I was holding little Chen Susan as she fell asleep in my arm. She was so beautiful. I hummed and rocked the small baby in my arms.

Then I realized a pair of eyes were on me when the village became visible. I knew it was the lady. I held little Ch SuSan closer to my chest and waited. Would she ask, or not?

"Chen FuSin...." She spoke up while no one else paid attention.

I turned my head.

"May I...hold little Chen SuSan one last time?"

I was about to hand her Chen SuSan, but I stopped. I got a gut feeling to not let this lady touch Chen SuSan under any circumstances.

"I would, but she's asleep. I'd rather not wake her." I said calmly.

The lady's face contorted just a little.

"Oh...I won't wake her." She reaches out her arms but I pulled away. "Come on Chen FuSin. Let me see her." She grabbed again but this time I moved closer to the others and they also started to notice.

"What's wrong my wife?" Lang LingJu asked.

"I just wanted to hold little Chen SuSan." She replied.

"Chen FuSin is there something wrong?" He looked at me and asked.

"I want to hold my little sister. She's asleep, I don't want her to be dis-" Expect I was caught off guard when the woman pounced on me.

Flight Steps activated on instinct and I was able to stay stand and moved around her in one motion. I was on a carriage through. So it was still wobbly. Thankfully though, Chen SuSan didn't wake.

The lady on the other hand hit the other side of the carriage. She then turned around in a crazed state.

"Come on~ let me see little Chen SuSan~." She started to walk over and I just backed away.

"Stop your crazy wife!" I shouted.

This is when Lang LingJu composed himself and clung his wife down. She started to scream.

"I want that baby! Give it here! I will kill you! Oh, come on~ give her here~ hmmm? I'll get on my knees for you~ what do you say~."

Her husband was shocked.

This woman was batshit crazy.

It was then we reached the village and I jumped off and ran. When I got away from the yelling, I was in the middle of the village. Little Chen SuSan was also starting to wake up and I heard fresh goat's milk was a good substitute for women's breast milk so I bought some and stuffed it in my bag. I also grabbed some lunch and an inn to stay in.

The innkeeper was even kind enough to provide a place for Chen SuSan. I also made it clear to not disturb me.

I then went up and fed and changed little Chen SuSan. I also entered cultivation as I was very close to Level 3.

By that night I was there and little Chen SuSan was ready to eat once more. That night I had to keep walking but I didn't mind I had Leveled up so I was in a great mood.

Still though, having a baby sister was...a new experience and I was very confused about how to deal with it. I almost wanted to go back to the nest. Then I remembered the huge Dragon and immediately vetoed the idea.

The morning I awoke to hear a commotion outside. I opened my window to my room and listened while I got ready.

"Did you hear? A Dragon was stolen from its mother! The Dragon is going crazy right now in Blossom Forest. Everyone's too scared to take a step near the forest."