Chapter 3

Kater's POV

I put down the scissors, satisfied by the work have done to my hair. Now this is what I should have done a long time ago, cut my hair to Taylor Swift style and dyed it dark brown. It showed my new life, my dark life.

I puffed a little my hair, twirling a little to see if its perfect before I shoved all the hair I cut from the counter of my bathroom to the bin and put on my leather jacket. I read again the text that I was sent by one of the men that is running the Costello's business. It has been a month since I came to London and I think its finally time I met one of the Costello brothers.

I stuffed my pocket knife in a small pocket my gucci belt has and my silver blade in my boot, just have to be prepared, you never know what your getting yourself into. Maybe I should carry a scarf with me, the weather here in London is so unpredictable, you never know when you will freeze plus I could struggle someone with just using this scarf. Its a win win for everyone here, the person who I will eventually kill and to warm up myself.

I looked at my silver pistol contemplating whether I should take it or not but there is a lot of security in that place and they can be suspcious of me if I go all armed, anyway am only there for a casual stroll not for a fight. Plus I like more action in something, it makes the fight more interesting. I straighten my skirt and wear my leather gloves before I head out the club.

I walked in the club before having to straighten up the shit head bouncer this prune hired. Clearly he doesn't know me because he had the audacity to question me, I swear I would have already stabbed him in the neck. Nobody makes me wait in a fucking line, I will have a talk with this silly boss of this place.

I walk around to the barstand, passing most women that are half naked or naked on those silly baboons that pay them. I pity them, they make a living my selling their body but most of them enjoy it, so why should I pity them its their lives after all. I slid in one of the barstools after checking out for what I came here for.

"Alex, its nice to see you again." Cara shout my fake name over the music from the other side of the counter making her way towards me. I pinch my eyes shut for a second gritting my teeth a bit not ready for her nonsense but she usually knows what goes around here. I forced a smile on my face as I kept down my purse, "hey Cara, just came for some drinks, where is Ben?"

Ben is the one who runs this place for the Costello's and might I say that man is stingy, all I had to do is buy him off with money and he had to tell me anything important that comes up here. "Oh! His busy. The big bosses have come, you know the Costello's. Have heard that they are really dangerous, they give me the goosebumps even but the one that has come his really handsome and the other one that has come with him too, gosh his so breath-taking-"

"The Costello brothers? Which one is it?" I cut her off before my ears go deaf from all the peep talk she's rambling about. "Uum am not sure if its the older one or the youngest one. Have never really seen them before today but he has dark hair pull up into a small ponytail and the other one had brown hair, styled in a good way, I think some of them was falling on his forehead. They were so hot and all serious you would think twice before passed by them. And..and they had all this ton of men following them, see some of them are near the stairs to the VIP lounge. Nobody is even allowed to pass by there"

I looked around to see the security here is more secured that's why that man outside was so noisy. "Do you know the other guy that came with him?"

"Nope but have heard his more dangerous from that last name he has, um I think Lantavorous or something am not sure but his from America. Oh! I love your new hairstyle, you look hot. Talking of hot, I've never seen you hook up with anyone here. Oh my gosh, are you still a virgin?" She gushes like a five year old, her eyes going a little wide waiting for my answer.

You see that's why I hate listening to her nonsense, she likes snooping in other people's life. And how can be a virgin at this age, am 24 for Christ sake only a saint could be a virgin in my place and am far from that. "I don't kiss and tell" I winked at her and she gasped leaning closer, "you have fucked Danny, haven't you?"

"Who on earth-" Ugh! I should just keep quiet because the next thing she will be saying is that have slept with one of the hoes of this place. "Cara, sweetheart. Give me some cocktail, mix it up with the strong ones"

"Its on the house, baby!" She winked at me but before she could get my drink someone slipped on the barstool next to me, "make that two, I will pay for the young lady here."

Just great! This damn ass now think he can hit on me, I can practically smell all the nicotine he has been taking. Cara comes back with our drinks and they chat a little as I saw Cara all flustered by how she's blushing. I eyed him from the corner of my eyes to see its a young man, maybe even my age but even though he has the looks I don't have time of him.

I take my drink completely ignoring the man but he didn't seem to pick that up. "May I know the pretty lady's name?" His raspy voice rings in my ear as he came close to me as his hands slides to my hip. Two can play this games but it will surely end badly for him because I will cut his tongue and hands, his too touchy. I turned to face him placing my hand on his shoulder pushing him away from him, making sure there some space between us.

"Am Alexandria, what about you? What's your name?" I asked him pilling his hands from my legs and grimace a little from how his disguisting eyes where undressing me. To say the truth I think his sick in the head, this club has tonnes of hoe dancers and some of them even end up sleeping with these cocky bastards for their money. So I don't get why on earth his wasting his time on me because am no hoe to sleep with. But I want entertainment before I meet the Costello.

"Beautiful, mia bella. You have an extriquisine name, am Pedro." From his accent I can tell his Italian not bad but he said his name as if I should have already known it. I feel his hands slid again in my inner thigh and I bit my tongue eager to break his wrist, "its nice to meet you Pedro." I hissed lightly pushing away his hand and he smirks taking his drink. So cocky.

"I've seen you here once or twice, regular customer aren't you?" Well of course he's also a stocker. The problem is that I don't remember people who aren't important for my goal and his definitely not one of them. "So you have been stocking me?" He chuckles a little leaning closer.

"Well I work here, so am bound to know the beautiful ladies around here." That explains why he was so social with Cara. I felt my hair stand immediately on my back as a bad feeling washed over me. Its as if someone is watching me. I smiled at him as he told me his work here in the club and I took my mirror and lipbump from my purse pretending to apply it as I used the mirror to look behind me.

I inclined a little realising its only the strippers am seeing dancing in each booth but I halt noticing a man is sitting alone only three feet away from me and his practically throwing daggers at me with his eyes. I closed my mirror and lipbamp wondering why his looking at me like that.

I don't recognise him from anywhere but I don't think he only wants to chat with me. I faced the man who was continuously rumbling, " what to do you say about leaving this place?" Shit! How did we reach the leaving part? All I was doing while he was talking is just hum or nod my head in response. "Look it was nice to meet you but I have somethings to settle."

I took my purse ready to go but he catches my arm stopping me. That's it. Have tried to control myself but I just can't feel the self control that I had a moment ago. "Prendi le tue mani sporche perchè giuro su dio che non le userai la proossima volta. (Get your fiflthy hands from me because I swear to god you won't be using them next time)" I gritted through my teeth breaking some of his bones in his hands.

He looked at me a little startled and in pain while I got up smirking at him. I blew him a kiss as I left while I saw how his face is redding from anger, poor guy I was goner dump him after all.

I walked faster to the washroom making sure that the man is still following me. Well, isn't this going to be fun. I haven't gotten into action for a while now. I entered the wasroom, checking if anyone is here. I wouldn't like any random person to be mixed up in this, I was made to be an assassin not a murder who kills innocent people.

When I made sure there was no one I ran faster to the wall near the door so that when he opens the door, I would be able to be blocked from his view and have enough time before he notices am behind it. Just in time the door burst opened and immeditely swiped my legs under his making sure to support myself on the ground with my hands and immediately tuckled him to the ground when he turned around.

Wow he's quite strong and big its a bit hard keeping him down with my legs wrapped around his waist, I don't even care that my skirt as rode a little higher on my thighs. I removed my pocket knife from my belt and pressed it to his neck as I heard him groan lowly. I flip my hair from my face to be able to see him clearly and immediately my mind stops function when I met his eyes.

Those deep blue eyes that have been dreaming to see in years. The ones that immediately made my stomach flip in excitment just like right now. I feel like someone has just knocked away my air and all that his replaced is him. I see a small smile tug on his face as he immediately caressed my cheeks locking some hair away behind my ear.

I lean into his touch, my body immediately coming alive for once in these three years. His the only man that have always wanted to caress me, kiss me, love me and now his here right under me with my knife stuck up to his neck. I immediately take every single detail of his features, his dark brown hair that is now a little longer from how its covering his eyes a little, his mesmerzing blue eyes, straight nose, kissable lips, strong jawline and I can see a tattoe on his neck, I wonder what it is.

I see his lips part when am about to brush off some of his hair but I immediately hear the door clip being opened again and I see the man's reflection on the mirror.


I was just waiting for you. I removed my knife from Quinn's neck and threw it backwards to the man a few feet behind us. The knife hits his chest which he immediately groans clutching the place and I fished out Quinn's gun from his waistband and in one swift motion, I turned back facing the man and shot him twice before he could remove his gun.

The gun shoots are being swallowed by the loud music from the gun and the man immediately falls down. I made sure to shot his head you never know if he was wearing bullet proof jacket. I looked back at Quinn and find his face all twisted up with confusion. I immediately got up from him noticing the position we were still in and I feel my cheeks heat up a little.

Just great, it has been three years since I saw him and now this is were fate made us meet. In a fucking washroom, its true fate is a bitch sometimes.

I looked at the dead man trying to conceal my blush and I kick away his gun before he comes back to life. Killing someone has always left a scar behind, its like am killing for the first time, like how I stabbed someone for the first time so I could run away from Eros.

'This is your life now. This is how its always going to be.'

I took deep breathes repeating Roman's words to myself looking at the blood that is now flowing from the body. I squat down to the dead man pressing harder the knife inside and twisting it a little before remove it and wiped the blood on his shirt. That's who have became a cold blooded killer, I will kill anyone who tries to come in my way or is my threat and this guy just picked the wrong woman.

I see Quinn get up from the ground dusting himself up and I looked at the man moving his head a little with my knife to see if have ever seen anywhere. I give up seeing am not getting anywhere and stand to face Quinn finding him already leaning on the wall, his arms crossed as he looked at me. Gosh his more mascular than before.

I pointed his gun to his head holding his gaze. He looks at the gun then me but only leans on the wall comfortably. I know he can attack me anytime but his acting all casual as if he doesn't care that I might shot him and that, that makes me more angry. Does he really think I can't shot him?

I should really kill him for getting engaged to Mia Black but I guess I have no say for that because I left him three years ago and Roman told me they all think am dead, so I think he was supposed to forget about me and move on with his life.

Well, that's what any sane person would do even if it hurts that he doesn't have feelings for me anymore and that I was dead to him until now. I know I don't have the courage to kill him let alone hurt him because my heart still calls out for him but this time his already someone else. His not mine and am not his.

"Thanks, for the gun" I flip over the gun handling the butt to him and immediately our fingers brush lightly against each other and I feel the burning sensation that he used to leave on my skin every time touched. That burning sensation that I craved for more when I felt it. We locked eyes for a short moment that felt like eternity and I immediately turn my back to him facing the dead man.

He has continued with his life and so did I.

I walked over the dead body looking at it disgustingly before I took a photo of him. I want to know who he is and if his one of Ero's men. Before I could leave, Quinn catches my arm stopping me and I clenched my jaw not liking that he still affects me like the past.

"Kater, please don't leave." His sooth voice rings in my ears as I heard him call out my name. It rolls perfectly from his tongue when he says it. I pinched my eyes closed fighting back the tears that want spill and the urge to run into his arms right now but instead I said the least word that he would expect, "am not your Kater anymore nor anything to you anymore. The Kater you knew died the day you buried her."

I didn't have the courage to look at him anymore so I forced his hands away from mine and bolted faster away from him. I don't want him near me. He will just open the old wounds from the past, he will make my guard go down. He can even crash through the walls have built for years and I don't want to drag him into all of my problems.

His engaged, he will be married soon and will start a family. He has a future which I don't because my only goal is to bring down Eros nothing else. Am not looking for a love story anymore only vegance, am filled with hatred not happiness.

I ran faster knowing all the routes of this club before I managed to slip out. I look around confirming his still not following me before I threw my phone to the ground and crashed it with my foot. If they where tracking me with this damn phone they won't be able anymore. I'll just get a new phone then update anything that was important in that phone. It seems like today I won't be meeting the Costello after all.