Too strong

Now everyone is confused as fuck about what happend.The camp consular walks up to me and asked what happened.Then I said I killed them.After that he asked how did I do that.Don't worry about that is what I said.Then we go back to our dorms and I get a shower and clean up.Then me and elle take a nap.After we wake up I ask her if she wants to go on a date.She said yes then some asshole walks up to us and says to elle do you want to go out with me.Then in elle's mind he's fucked!!Then I let out some blood lust and he falls to the ground but I accidentally let out to much and a small crater in the ground under me starts to form.Then the asshole is like I'm not scared of your bloodlust(bluffing).Then I say thats only about 5% of my bloodlust.Now he's scarred shitless and runs away.Elle starts laughing and I ask why she is laughing.Then she says you just kicked his ass without touching him.Then we go to a Cafe because COFFEE IS AMAZING.I get an Irish coffee and elle says aren't you underage then I say that I don't really care(DON'T DO THIS IRL TURN 21 BEFORE YOU START DRINKING). Cliffhanger!!!! 😋