
The rain just stopped. Left a characteristic moist in the air. It was damp scent on the ground and around it.

The moon was still drowning in a swarm of black clouds that didn't want to leave. And the wind of night was howling gently, carrying away the sounds of some little animals.

A little girl which was half hiding under a blanket. The cold night crept in between the windows. Right on the edge of the bed where she lied down, a beautiful woman was telling a story to her.

In her curled up sleeping position, the little girl had been lost in the world of story that she heard solemnly.

"But unfortunately this love story is not destined. One is a human and the other is the incarnation of a wolf. They should not have met from the start." Paused for a moment, the woman sighed and half glanced at her daughter who was still not sleeping.

"And in the end, they decided to separate and thus their love story ended"

"Why did it end like that? I don't like this sad ending story" The little girl complained as she tugged on the blanket.

"Then Cecile is free to change what kind of ending from this story" Said the mother while her hand was stroking her daughter's hair affectionately.

"Really? But how do I change it, it's a fairy tale made by mom, of course you have to change it"

Hearing that the woman smiled. Half getting up she kissed her daughter's head and said softly.

"Then this fairy tale now belongs to Cecile. You are free to decide what kind of ending!"
