Year-end festival night

In the western region of Whitackrest land. Where the Zeath tribe is located.

A year-end festival was held with a great fanfare. With colourful lanterns were hanged along the trees of roadside. And the night market was very different from usual.

Special for a night of year-end festival. Some traders were much more attractive than usual. Where some of them showed their interesting performance to attract the buyers.

Like this one of the sword trader. He was generously performed his sword dance which succeeded in attracting many visitors came up to his stand.

He was energetically spun his sword to back. Then swung it forward and threw it to the air.

That sword spun around in a while and beautifully blocking the silver moonlight that touched on its tip. At last, it landed perfectly on the ground with its tip stuck to the earth.

Very perfect!

All the visitors gave a big applause for his performance. Including Cecile who also enjoyed it from a distance. She clapped her hands while her eyes still staring at the sword.

The show was so dazzling and it almost caught her consciousness for a moment.


Someone hit her on the shoulder. Cecile was snapped out and turned to the girl who had just come beside her.

"What do you see?"

It was her precious female cousin Anne.

Cecile was very grateful for her beloved cousin, who had tried so hard to persuade her father for letting her out tonight. Therefore she could join this festival.

"Ah, have you finished buying snacks?"

Cecile saw some bags of snacks were carried by Anne's hands.

"Yes, do you want some?" Anne raised her snack bags to offer Cecile.

"Later, let's go there first!" Cecile grabbed Anne's wrist immediately and dragged her to the stand where she just saw the sword dance.

Anne who was dragged by Cecile just according to where that girl took her.

Arriving at the stand, many people who had just watched the previous performance now was disbanded. Only a few people remained surrounding the stand. Most of them intended to buy a sword.

"What are we here for?" Asked Anne.

"Just a moment!" Replied Cecile.

"Don't be long! The show of small coconut fiber boat will begin in a while. l want to see it"

"Em!" Cecile nodded and walked away to the stand.

The man who had just performed the sword dance. Now he was busy in serving a few customers with a friendly smile on his face.

Cecile found that man was extremely handsome. He had a sharp contour of his face which was almost perfect. With the couple thick brow lines, charming nose bridge, crystal blue eyes and a sturdy facial jaw.

It was really a good looking man.

If earlier Cecile was bewitched by his sword dance performance. Now she was really enchanted by his handsome face.

That man just finished his last trade with a buyer. Then he focused on tidying up his wares. When he raised his head up, accidentally their eyes met.

Realising that Cecile bowed her head in shame. While her hand awkwardly scratching the back of her neck which was not itchy.

After all buyers had disbanded, that stand began to be quiet.

Cecile raised her face up again. She saw that man had finished tidying up his wares and was about to close his stand.

"Excuse me!" Cecile walked closer to the stand and tried to be brave for saying a word.

"Ah you also want to buy a sword?" Said the man when he caught her face.

"No" Answered Cecile embarrassedly.

"Then what can l do for you?" Asked that man again. One of his brow was lifted while his eyes staring straight to the girl in front of him.

"Nothing. I just want to say your sword dance is very great. I really impressed"

Hearing that praise, the man was silent for a moment. He was confused about what to respond. Just as his mouth were half opened to say something.

Anne suddenly came taking Cecile's hand. She insisted her to go with her soon.

Seeing that, the man close his mouth again.

"Come on Cecile! The show is about to start" Said Anne was insistent.

Cecile was in a daze, taking a quick glance at Anne and the man. There was still something she wanted to say to the man. But Anne kept urging her to leave.

"All right come on!" Finally Cecile agreed to leave.

Before leaving, Cecile turned to the man and they smiled at each other.

Then they went to the lake. Which was the top of the most beautiful and the most awaited festival found over there.

Where they would put a small boat made of coconut fiber to the lakeside. Then they would also put a small candle and a piece of dream paper which they had written on it.

Thereafter they would let the blast of wind sail it into the middle of lake. It would bring the thousand dreams of many people.

"How about the trade?"

After two girls leaving. The man with the dark brown skin came to that man.

"Made a lot of silver coins," He replied and raised a bag full of silver coins.

Seeing that, the dark brown man smiled with a great satisfaction.

"Your majesty" The dark brown man said respectfully.

"Thanks for your help!"


Cecile and Anne ran quickly to the lake. They were nimbly split through the crowd to hurry come to the lakeside.

The lake was already very beautiful with the thousands of candlelight on those small coconut fiber boats which were sailing on the surface of it.

Small coconut fiber boat is also known as a small dream boat. that's because we can put our dreams on it through the paper we write.

It's the most special thing to do at the year-end night festival.

Many young people, families and couples come to enjoy the beautiful view of the lake tonight.

The most beautiful top is when the whole of small boat made of coconut fiber are gathered and already sailing onto the lake.

Where we can see the candlelights on the small coconut fiber boats will reflect a lovely yellow light on the surface of the lake water.

So the night with the moonlight was more sparkling with those all yellow lights. Which made a beautiful reflection and very charmingly view on the lake.

It looked like the thousand stars be scattered on the surface of water lake. Created a warm atmosphere around and a calm ambiance in everybody looking it.

"Need a coconut fiber boat? "Bargained a grandfather, who was produced a lot of small coconut fiber boats which were getting very in demand.

"Give us two" said Anne excitedly.

That girl just fell in love a few days ago. There was a famous myth in the night of the year-end festival. It was said that if you write someone that you love on the paper, then put it on the small coconut fiber boat. Then that person will love you back.

"Do you believe in that famous myth?" Cecile also wrote down her dream paper. But it was just for fun.

"l do" Answered Anne while her hands receiving two coconut fiber boats that were ready with candles on them. Anne also took out some silver coins to pay.

Afterwards she pulled Cecile closer to the lakeside.

"Take one for you. "Anne gave one of her coconut fiber boats to Cecile. Then she was enthusiastically put her dream paper on hers.

So she crouched to the lakeside and put her coconut fiber boat on it.

And the small boat made of coconut fiber sailed by the wind. Carrying the name of man that she loved so.

Anne looked at that voyage expectantly. Hopefully that famous myth was true and she would find her love requited.

Cecile also just put down hers. Seeing that, Anne impatiently asked.

"What did you write?"

Anne was very curious about what her cousin dreamed about. As she knew, Cecile looked like have no dreams. So far her life was like a dry leaf that flied just following where the wind blew it away.

"Nothing serious." Cecile replied straightforwardly and shrugged.

"What is that?" Anne's black pupils sparkled, still expressing her curiosity.

"Just for fun" Cecile replied casually.

"Yes, what is it?" Anne kept asking still with a curious expression on her face.

"I want to meet a werewolf"

"What?" Anne's eyes opened widely. With her mouth half opened. She asked by herself, 'Is this female cousin still sane?'

"Why are you overreacting like that. It's just for fun" Cecile explained herself. And slowly her golden brown eyes were sudden glazed over.

"Besides, I really don't have anything serious to dream" Paused for a moment, took a deep breath and exhaled. She continued.

"Shouldn't that be?"

Unlike Anne, as a daughter of the chieftain. Almost all the things in her life in arrangement. All because to keep the honour of his father.

Therefore she was very afraid to dream anything. What if her father said no to her dream? She also was doubt to make any hopes. How about she couldn't reach them. She could imagine how painful that would be.

Anne understood Cecile's feelings. They grew up together since childhood.

Of course she really knows how monotonous her ife is. Which have always been arranged since childhood.

"But why suddenly a werewolf? Where did you hear that joke?"
