The Last Memory

"Is that you, my boy?" the doctor looked at the camera menacingly, "I hope you don't see this. But if you do, don't worry! I'm in a better life! Hopefully no more sleepless nights, haha. Okay, okay, I'll get to the point."

The nurse looked away from the video and only heard the audio. She couldn't bear to see the doctor in front of her again. How could she have let him die…

"Mitchell Keeser. You must know by now about Project Dream System and how it has the potential to help a modern human cultivate…do you know why I made the system?" The doctor's tone went serious.

"Listen to me carefully, my boy. It's a long story for now but know this, there is a group of people who call themselves the Lightning Dragon Sect going around and controlling humans as they wish and taking their lives to become stronger. This might sound funny to you, but yes, it's happening. The number of good people in this world are decreasing drastically and the rest of the members of my own Sect, the Eternal Golden Phoenix Sect are captured by the Dragon Sect."

Mitchell frowned and wondered if that was why the doctor mostly spent a lot of time on his own. Once he had caught him doing strange martial arts moves in his office and it creeped him out back then but now, it all started to fall into place.

"I trust you Mitchell, and I know you'll handle my legacy well. The other leaders in this Project Dream System are a bunch of gold diggers. Once I'm gone, if I'm gone, do take my place as Senior researcher of the Project and make sure it is completed till the end. Your sister and another boy I have my eyes on are the only hope. Make sure they learn cultivation using this gift of mine and stop the Dragon Sect from wiping out mankind forever.

"This will be hard, I agree but if anything wrong happens, remember! Look within yourself to find out what's wrong and until and unless you do," the doctor smiled sadly, "Well, you can't talk to me anyway. I'm placing this in your hands now. As a last measure, only if everything seems to be tumbling down, go to my hometown to my old house. You'll find something that can guide you. Remember, do this only when the whole plan is in grave danger, otherwise, keep away," the doctor gasped in surprise then and leaned forward towards the camera, "Ooh, is the battery dea—" and the video cut short and all three of them understood that this was it.

The last remaining memory of Zha Huang.

After a minute of silence, the nurse coughed and bent forward to take a box from her office bag, "No time to waste then. Here keep this in your care, Senior researcher."

Mitchell shook his head, "I'm not…" but she placed the box into his hands and he slowly opened it. It was filled with those one time use syringes filled with the red fire like liquid.

Percy leaned forward to look, "What's this?"

"It's the injection you take to Dream into Dimension Zero."

Percy raised his eyebrows. Before he could ask anything, Mitchell turned toward the nurse, "Hazel, who is leading this Dragon Sect? We'll just take him out first."

Nurse Hazel put a hand to her head, "It's not that easy as you think."

"Why not?"

She looked up at him and winced at the memory when the man said their leader's name. "Their leader…is Goren Cheng."

Mitchell coughed on his tea and covered his mouth before regaining himself, "What?! But he is only the founder of Heiwer Tech, the most powerful company in the world." He didn't hint to any of them that Goren had been his school mate too. That jerk…

"He is secretly the leader of this Sect. That's why he gets away with taking so many lives…he has the money and power to do so. Defeating him won't be easy."

Mitchell gritted his teeth in anger and unconsciously, tightened his knuckles too, forming cracks on his tea cup. The same person who taunted his sister so much and made her live a miserable life. The same person who led to her being in bed for 8, whole, years.

"I'm going to kill him," Mitchell decided and cracked his tea cup in anger.

"Mitchell, please, be rational," the nurse tried to reason. She wasn't surprised why Zha Huang liked Mitchell so much. Keeping the temper aside, they both were quiet the same, determined and ready to protect the ones they loved even if it meant crossing over any logic.

Percy turned around to look at the room Tiara was in, "How special could you be, Tiara, to make your brother be this way?" he wondered and looked back at Mitchell who was raging.

"It looks like you guys have some history," Percy finally said.

Nurse widened her eyes and signalled Percy to shut up, but he ignored her, "Is that right, Mitchell?"

Before Mitchell could answer, they heard a tiny cough from the room. All three of them turned around and saw Tiara shaking on the bed frivolously. They rushed to see what was happening.

"She's having seizures!" The nurse screamed. Mitchell tried to breath and looked for solutions to control this. How could this happen? He then remembered what Zha Huang had once explained to him.

The injections…they make your body fall calm and completely transport into Dimension Zero. He ran outside and scrambled for two syringes. Grabbing them, he gave one to a surprised Percy and stabbed the other into Tiara's artery.

"Quick, take the shot!" the nurse urged Percy and hesitating a bit, he injected it. His legs went weak as he fell. The nurse caught him and laid him down next to Tiara who had also calmed down now.

"Contact, Hazel. They need to make contact!" Mitchell ordered and Hazel leaned forward and wrapped Percy's and Tiara's hands around each other and stepped back to stand next to Mitchell and waited.

They both took in deep breaths as they waited for a sign to show them that they had successfully Connected or not.

They both sat down on the floor in front of the bed and waited to see if they would last longer for 15 minutes in the game…