
Goren stepped into the terrace with his hand gripping his stomach. He groaned. 'What is this ominous feeling?' He felt like it was something related to his new powers. So he took out his phone and called his father.

"Father?" Goren asked into the phone. At the same time, he also looked around to see if there was anyone waiting on the terrace. No one till now.

"Goren?" his dad said from the other side. His voice was strained too.

"Father, what's happening?" Goren groaned again, resting against a wall to gain balance. The pain in his stomach only spiked. "My stomach hurts…"

"It's where… the Core of our Qi is," his father tried to explain. He was sitting on the edge of his bed trying to cope with the pain. "Something has happened to the veil that separates the dimensions, we are all connected by that Qi and we feel the pain of the world within us," he explained with heavy breaths."

Goren shook his head. "No… father, are there guards around you?"

"I don't know, I dare not step outside my room in this condition. It will pass in a few minutes."

"Then I'm coming there right now!" Goren said and stuffed the bluetooth back in his pocket before stepping down the stairs again. Mitchell and Hazel peeked out from behind the opposite wall. Mitchell's eyes were white in fear. 'So it's actually Goren himself…'

"Should we follow him?" Hazel asked.

Mitchell nodded and they both got out of their hiding positions to follow a tensed Goren back from where Mitchell had come from, the Royal Suite. Mitchell laet out a small laugh, "He led us right back to our target."

The corridor was empty by now, all the people had vacated to the lower floors where there was much more light. The electricity outage seemed like a blessing to Mitchell now, it kept them both in the dark.

Goren stepped forward and the room door opened to reveal a weak looking Mr.Cheng.

Hazel turned to look at Mitchell in surprise, "Is it just me, or do they both look really weak right now?" She whispered.

Mitchell frowned, "Yeah, you're right… maybe they have the flu…"

"Are you okay, father?" was the last thing Mitchell and Hazel heard clearly before Goren got inside and pushed the door close. Mitchell immediately rushed out of his hiding place and held back the door handle softly so that the door wouldn't fully close.

Now there was a small space through the room entrance which he could spy on the father and son.

The father's face was pale and he looked up at Goren in despair. "Son, I think it's time for a refill…"

"What, now?!" Goren looked around. "But we can't just… oh wait we have packets of it right?" He stumbled across the floor and pulled the drawer open to take out empty plastic packets that were dripping with a red liquid. "You finished them all!?" he whined, looking at his father in disappointment.

Mr. Cheng tried to laugh, "It helped with the pain, now I need more…"

"Father, no," Goren frowned. They'd have to commit murder if they needed more blood.

Mitchell didn't get it. He ran his tongue along the sides of his cheek in confusion. "Hazel, you have any idea what they're talking about?" Mitchell looked down at Hazel to see that her eyes were fixated on something. "Hazel?"

"Those are…" she gulped. She had been much too familiar with blood to know if it was fake or real. "...empty packets which once had blood in them."

"Huh? Blood?" Mitchell looked closely at the packets that had dropped from the drawer. "How can that be blood?"

"Son," Mr. Cheng held Goren's coat, "Kill someone for me, now. Please."

Mitchell covered his mouth. "Holy shit-" Hazel had the same look in her eyes. "It can't be…"

"I can't kill a human for you just because you suddenly have a craving, father!" Goren tried to make him understand. Sure, he can do some nasty things and torture souls to get what he wants, but killing someone was crossing the line.

"I'll… give the entire Country Y branch of your company to you," his father finally said.

Goren's hand clenched. "You're kidding. Father, it'll pass in a few minutes right?"

"You have my word. Get me some blood right now and I'll hand it all over to you."

Mitchell and Hazel narrowed their eyes through the slit through the door. "Are they vampires…?" Hazel asked as a guess.

"That's stupid," the other one replied.

"Didn't you think immortality and cultivation was also stupid?"

Mitchell thought for a while and slowly nodded his head, "Shit, so they're really vampires? Hazel we came here for something… and now I have no idea what to do."

"Same," she sighed. How are they going to get more information out of those two if they were ready to eat them? "Should we run.. Take V and Miwen and just get out of here for now?"

"What, no, we need to hear this…"

Hazel tugged at Mitchell's sleeve, "Mitchell, they are looking for blood right now. And we are their closest target. Let's just go before we die."

"You take V and Miwen and return to the van then, if I don't return in half an hour, drive away without me."

"What, no!" She tried not to raise her voice much.

"Hazel, it's fine. I have a defense, remember?" Mitchell smirked, touching the hidden gun inside his coat. Hazel's eyes dropped to the inconspicuous bump on his coat pocket. Her heart was pounding, but before her mind was set she found her body slowly standing up to back away.

"Please be safe…" her voice hitched. She was worried for V and Miwen as much as she was worried for the man in front of him. If anything, Mitchell had ammo with him.

Mitchell smiled and waved her off. Hazel ran as fast as she could without looking back. "V, Miwen, please be alive," she muttered under her breath.

Mitchel's smile dropped the moment Hazel was out of sight. He held his gun tightly as if it was a source of life. He stood up and backed away and hid behind a pillar when he saw Goren about to open the door to find a human to kill.

Mitchell's entire body was shielded from the other man. He tried to keep his breathing even so as to not attract any attention. His eyes opened slightly to see Goren opening the room doors and checking if anyone was still inside those rooms. From behind he looked like a serial killer checking for witnesses.

'Well that's what he is… almost,' Mitchell said to himself. Then he remembered something. 'Shit, is my phone on silent?' He rummaged through his jeans for the phone and finally he found it buried inside his back pockets with other useless stuff like tissues and clips.

One of the clips skittered onto the floor.

Goren halted and he frowned. He turned around to see where the foreign echo came from. He walked back towards the room and looked left and right. Then he stepped to the side and checked behind the pillar next to the room.