Name: Tiara Keeser | Race: Beggar

"What are you going to do to us?" Tiara asked the dramon who was moving towards them now. It was like the dramon knew that they had nowhere to run to. The more time he put them both under his gaze, the more nervous they became. He understood all of this, and took advantage of it. 

Tiara's head throbbed as a vision was forced into her head. It showed a tall hooded person, not the Obsidian Lord this time… this person was a bit more slender. The person ordered the Dramon to kill all humans he saw. Tiara frowned and looked at Percy whose swords were out and ready to strike. He was planning to dual-wield two swords at the same time. 

He smiled at her in assurance and winked. "My new skill," he whispered. He looked so proud that Tiara couldn't help but want to hug him right then. 

Skills… Tiara's eyes shone. Percy gets to achieve skills that come with his race: Swordsman. So there might be a possibility that…