I didn't do my math homework

"Hey… we'll go find Dramons somewhere else… we have till today evening right and as of now, and…" she checked her inventory, then nudged Percy to open his. They both counted the Cores they had and it all totalled up to 57, including the rare liquid cores.

"And we are literally overflowing with Dramon drops," Tiara pointed out, "Imagine how much money we would make if we sold them all. Oh oh, and we could combine the Dramon fangs and sell them to the weaponry. We are literally the richest people right now, you know that?" 

Percy wasn't convinced. "We are not here to get rich. How many levels do you think 57 cores would get us? We both will get around 28 cores each then." 

She thought about it and checked the system manual. "Weird, they don't really mention here how many exp one core gives. But we both need to reach 2000 exp to reach level 3."