
As soon as he finished his statement, he stood and prepared to leave. He opened the door only to see the chivalry knights in line, ready to escort the youngin. At the end of the corridor, the twelve history escorts had gathered all the things of Lawrence. Lillian was upfront with the twelve ladies, looking down on Lawrence with her piercing, judgemental eyes.

But unbothered with this atmosphere, each one of them served no purpose in Lawrence's mind. None of them had resembled someone Lawrence once knew. The long period of time where he had isolated himself out of had caused him to forget people. Even the Twelve Escorts and those who were near him had now faded from his memory. Leaving behind all the joyous moments in his mind, he had set a new goal to find the assassin who tried to take his life.

Unpurposely he glared in a random gaze with a deathly aura, leaving the escorts and chivalry knights afraid. Such ominous, sinister complexion and atmosphere- as if a parhelion of the grim reaper took out his scythe ready to slash. Shivering in fear, some drew their swords. Gavin Pierson stepped in and drew his sword for me, shielding me from the fearful knights.

"Step back, that's an order," he stated. His glaring red ruby eyes made the other knights shiver.

"I'm sorry, Sir. They lack respect." Gavin added, representing Lawrence, who didn't even give a budge to meet the Chivalry Knight Captain's eyes. "Forgive their impudence," yielding, he said.

Lawrence continued to walk towards the exit. Stepping into the carriage with an empty soul as he stares at the window. His mind filled with emptiness, he rode the carriage that felt like years it had set. Finally, arriving at the gate before the Apple Mansion. The lychgate of Mt. Apple, or the lychgate of Pearl. The massive structure that was hard to create was definitely, noble-like. Perhaps the elites of Magicians had not understood the importance of this place, did they not?

The coachman stepped down from the carriage to meet the gatekeeper, the only person assigned in the territory of Mount Apple after the large incident. This gatekeeper, however, was known to have something messed up in his mind. He emits a terrifying aura and choice of words.

"State your purpose." the gatekeeper asked.

"I have arrived with sir Lawrence Sage. The rightful inheritor of this land."

"If you are seeking death, dare not lie to this old man's face. This gatekeeper had heard no news of any sort from the landlord for several months, nor was I informed by the press."

"Tsk! How dare you spout nonsense in the presence of his excellency!" the coachman argued.

The man drew a long sword as if it was nothing, preparing to launch an attack towards the coachman.

"Enough." Gavin interrupted the slash of the gatekeeper with his sword.

The gatekeeper recognized the chivalry knight and smiled, withdrawing his blade. "Gavin Pierson. I see this man had not lied to me. I will prepare the gate." he answered gladly.

The gate opens as the coachman spew before the gatekeeper's foot. The carriage enters the serpentine road filled with random trees and scenery of the city. It was indeed like a high mountain but definitely smaller than that. But this place looked sacred and old. Moreover, the mansion was surrounded by vines and bushes of sort, making it look garden-like/greenhouse.

The carriage stopped at the roundabout and had met the welcoming fountain with magnificent designs on each side. It was a noble household that was classified as poor-like noble.

Gavin Pierson and the other knights from behind had set down from their carriages and prepared to escort Lawrence inside. Greeting the landlord back to his estate, they said: "Welcome Back Your Excellency!"

Lillian - as the head - maid half-heartedly opened the carriage for Lawrence. Lawrence stood and went down from where he was at, putting on a heavy aura. He looked up with his hand before his head to stare from above at the mansion. The moss spread like wildfire all over the house. The trees and bushes were uncut, and the dust was all over the place.

This time. Everything will have to change.