Space Container

The willow leaf mixed with a strong Wind Element passed through Andrew's neck. He made a few vague grunts, as if to say some final cruel words, but Li Jiye's Falling Leaves Deadly Knives didn't give him this opportunity.

Watching Andrew gradually go limp on the ground, the girl who had been chased by the Taurens was a little shocked.

From her perspective, she naturally understood that the martial arts displayed by Li Jiye were not simple and were probably above B-level. But how old was this boy? Where did he learn such B-level martial arts?

Li Jiye wasn't in a hurry to talk to her. He glanced at the Tauren and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he saw the slightly messy cloth bag hanging from Andrew's waist.

On the surface, it looked like the leader of the Taurens had been chasing the young girl. Li Jiye thought he would obtain numerous things after slaughtering him, but he didn't expect to only obtain a cloth bag.

He quickly approached Andrew, who had already lost his vitality. Reaching out, he fumbled around on the opponent's body but only found the rag bag on him.

"Tsk… Forget it. It's better than nothing…"

Thinking of this, he untied the bag from Andrew's waist and grabbed it.

But just as he touched the rag bag, he keenly caught a slight fluctuation in space that was almost imperceptible.

"Could this be a space container?"

He had once heard from the instructors at Polar Star Academy that a spacecraft mage with considerable strength could use his own magic combined with a precious magic core to create a container violating the laws of space. Although this type of container appeared small, it could hold objects ranging from several square meters to tens of square meters.

He reached inside the dirty bag that lay softly on his palm and dug deep; his eyes instantly lit up.

It was as he predicted!

This seemingly ordinary rag bag was really a space storage bag!

However, instead of carefully examining it at this time, he only roughly looked through it and found that besides the magic cores of varying tiers, there were a few glass containers mixed with a pungent liquid that he didn't recognize.

This thing must be some kind of secret medicine brewed by the Tauren clan.

At this moment, the flare in the sky had just disappeared. He frowned and realized that the light of the flare must have been exhausted, The Taurens he had just met were only a small team, and these Orcs were well-trained. It probably wouldn't take the backups long to gather after seeing the flare.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly tied the rag bag to his waist and turned to the young lost girl.

"I don't advise you to stay here for too long. You should quickly withdraw!"

The young girl also noticed that the signal that was overflowing with a crimson halo had tapered off. The penetrating power of this light was so strong it could be clearly seen even from far away.

Pulling on the young girl's sleeves, he ran towards Glimmer City for a long while. Eventually, he reached a secluded dense forest with a winding road.

The trees here were a natural hiding place, and it wasn't too far away from Glimmer City. The two of them had fled for a few hours and took this opportunity to rest for a while.

"Thank… Thank you!"

The girl had yet to say thank you to Li Jiye before this. She kept staring at him with her pair of beautiful eyes, seemingly curious about him.

"The martial art you used to attack the head Tauren was clearly one used by Taurens. This is an innate skill belonging only to them. How did you manage to use it?"

Taken aback, Li Jiye just rubbed his nose and changed the topic.

"The Taurens belong to a tribe that claims to be a subset of the Orcs. Although they have an unabated hatred toward humans, they won't hunt you without reason. What did you do to provoke them?"

Having used the Shadow Wind Steps all this way, he was glad to have a moment to rest. While interrogating the girl, he poured himself a bottle of energy-replenishing potion.

The girl hesitated for a moment, as if wondering if she should tell him the truth. After a long while, she bit her vermilion lips and slowly explained.

"I'm Adele from Yaoyang City. I came on this trip to Demonic Beast Mountain Range to obtain a potion for my father, but it seems to also be the target of the Tauren tribe. I only brought along two guards with me. Both of whom had been brutally murdered by the Taurens. The potion is with me now, which was why they were chasing after me… But thanks to your help, I can now escape safely."

She stood up and bowed deeply to him.

Watching her graceful movements, he quickly realized that her manners were very in line with a noble's, and she seemed to be the daughter of a prestigious family.

They exchanged a few more words and walked slowly into the dense forest.

The effect of the energy-replenishing potion was very powerful. As long as it wasn't a serious injury, it could repair superficial wounds in the blink of an eye. Adele's injury was only a skin graze and was completely healed by the energy-replenishing potion.

She chatted with Li Jiye for a while and bid farewell to him after Glimmer City became visible to the naked eye.

Glancing up at the sky, Li Jiye realized the sun was already setting. A few rays of reddish sunlight fell on the ground through the gaps in the foliage, covering everything with a faint halo.

The purpose of his trip was to use the replication system to copy some high-level skills, but a freak combination of factors resulted in him rescuing Adele. At this time, the replication was one week away from its next use. Now that it had come to this, Li Jiye pondered for a moment and finally decided to wait for the next replication and also use it at the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.

The dry food and water he carried were still abundant. As a Tier 2 warrior, he now had the confidence to hunt down some of the demonic beasts that were slightly deep inside the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.

A few days later, in a remote area of the Demonic Beast Mountain Range, he was stuffing the magic core of a green snake into his bag when a few heavy sniffles came from behind him.

"You came as expected…" Li Jiye wasn't surprised by the appearance of the Tauren behind him. He had discovered the trail of a Tauren several times in the past few days. He had specially traveled to a relatively empty area in the Demonic Beast Mountain Range just to take this opportunity to lure them out and finish them.

"Human! Where did you get that storage bag in your hands? Did my brother Andrew die in your hands?"

He watched as a few big Orcs with huge bull-heads slowly emerged from the forest. The Tauren taking the lead had a blood-red cloth tied to one of his horns. At this time, the Tauren was staring intensely at the storage bag tied around Li Jiye's waist, puffing out hot sniffles nonstop.