
"Huff… huff…" Ye Feng supported himself with the Wind Spirit Demon Sword as he breathed roughly in a half-kneeling position, in front of him was the demon beast that sprawled on the ground weakly.

Right now, the demon beast was already covered in injuries, it was hanging onto its last breath.

Honestly speaking, Ye Feng had not thought of attacking it, there was a possibility that it was related to Weakling after all.

Furthermore, this demon beast was very strong, Ye Feng and Rasputin would not want to provoke a demon beast of such a level.

At this moment, the demon beast raised its head with difficulty, the insanity in its eyes was gone, its blue crystal-like eyes exerted all of its effort to look into Ye Feng's pocket.

After noticing that, Ye Feng took out Weakling after a momentary hesitation, it seemed like Weakling was really related to this demon beast.