Assassination and Engagement

Ye Feng looked at the two of them who were being quite intimate as he smiled faintly.

"It seems that their relationship improved a lot after this incident…" Ye Feng thought to himself.

Come to speak of it, Rae was quite unlucky. When they first met, she had encountered danger, and in just a short time, she met some kidnappers again.

Regardless, it was true that she was saved by Ye Feng and Rasputin on both occasions, so it could also be said that her luck was quite good.

"Alright, let's go back first." Ye Feng smiled as he said that, but he still scolded Rasputin: "But seriously, we are not criminals, why didn't you shout for help earlier? With your strength, your voice should be able to travel very far."

"I was too anxious, I did not think about it." Rasputin chuckled sheepishly.

Back then, he was focused on saving Rae, because it was an intense moment, he could not think clearly.