Defend, Attack, Recover (2)

At this moment, the voice boomed once more. "Your next task is to stay standing for the next hour until the light completely dimmed."

"Only standing?" One youth couldn't help but ask.

The voice didn't answer but at this moment, several shadows came out from the light pillar. The number of the shadow was similar to the number of the arrays and each of them came to each of them.


The pillar around Lin Xiao helped to attack but the shadow was moving fast. Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed as he took out his sword and put it in front of him with defensive position. The pillar below him was only enough for him to ready his stance but not wide enough for him to do anything fancy.

It meant that their task would be to defend the other party.


Thrusting forward, Lin Xiao probed the shadow's strength. Thanks to the pillar already helped him to attack, Lin Xiao noticed that the shadow's movement was limited as it tried to evade the attack.