You know me too well

From the author:
I welcome you, dear readers. I wrote this mini-fanfiction after I translated one of the bonus chapters of the novel "Hemp Rope" in my native Russian language. Usually, I don't write mini-fanfiction. But I was so captured by emotions, that I just could not resist.
English is not my native language, and I have never written texts in English before. Therefore, I apologize for the possible errors.
I hope, you like this text as much, as I like a couple of WinTeam.
Special thanks to my translator and colleague. Thank you for inspiration.
Enjoy reading.


Team continued to talk on the phone with his best friend, comfortably resting his head on Win's lap, burying his face in his stomach. From a recent kiss, senior felt excitement, growing somewhere in the very depths of the abdomen, but it immediately receded as soon, as he saw this naughty child in a businesslike way fell apart on his bed, his nose buried in it. Win grinned, thrusting his hand through Team's hair, stroking gently and slowly, and pulled out a telephone to at least somehow distract himself, while his junior continued to chat about this and that.
After some time, Win suddenly started, because the playful fingers of his junior climbed under his spacious T-shirt and began to touch easily the elastic muscles of the abdomen. Win looked up from the phone and lowered his head below, looking at Nong, who, it seemed, did not himself understand, what he was doing now. Recent excitement returned again, while fingers of his junior continued to caress the delicate skin. Win took a deep breath and tried again to concentrate on the game, which he left a couple of moments ago, but from this little came of. As soon as he cast a glance at the screen, the picture before his eyes blurred into many pixels, and the senior could not control it at all. The sweet feeling flared up more and more, sending discharges of electricity throughout the body. Win had no idea, why he got excited so fast just from the light touch of the fingertips of his Nong. Damn, this kid was driving him crazy! Each time, when he looked at him, Win felt, like all rational thoughts literally fly out of his head, the body heats up, as if in a fever, his hands tremble with the desire to touch, his lips sore, and his cock is filled with blood. Senior was excited, as an inexperienced teenager. Shit! Win had never felt anything like this with anyone else. Only with Team. This foul-headed guy occupied all his thoughts and fantasies. Whenever Win felt a new surge of desire, and this happened quite often, he jerked off frenzied at every opportunity, fantasizing about, how Team's hands to stroke his body, how his lips touch Win's lips, how junior covers his eyes from desire, how his body trembles in the hands of senior, how Team begs him for more than simple and harmless affection.
Win had already experienced intimacy with Nong and still could not forget them for the first time. Team was so excited, that he could not control himself. His mouth cast curses in the direction of Hia over and over again, but his body betrayed him with every new touch. Team was inexperienced and even slightly awkward but turned out to be so malleable, responsive, and sensual in Win's hands, that all senior's barriers went to hell. He caressed him, kissed, whispered all sorts of nonsense on the reddened ear of his junior, and loved, loved, loved until the first reddish-red rays of the sun appeared on the horizon. Win could not call this act of intimacy banal fuck. He didn't even want to call it sex. He wanted to love Team, give him everything, that was possible and even more, take care of him, protect and make Nong the happiest man on this fucking planet. But Team didn't give in easily to Hia. Each time Win tried to express his tenderness and care, junior released his claws and covered himself with thorns, like a rampant wild animal, ready to escape at any second. Therefore, Win acted carefully, did not put pressure on Nong, and tried to bring him as delicately, as possible to a new moment of intimacy.
But Hia Win did not expect, that his junior, albeit unconsciously, would take the first step himself. He will allow himself such liberty, relax so much, that he forgets about caution and succumbs to a fleeting fit of tenderness. And it was this gesture, that excited Win so much, that he was ready to grab the ill-fated phone from Nong's hands, bend him under himself, and completely subordinate Team to his will.
The body of senior betrayed him: his breathing quickened, his chest heaving up and down so chaotically as if he had just swum at least a thousand meters, his hands were trembling, and his cock continued to throb, threatening to break out of the captivity of his pajama pants.
Team still continued to caress Hia's stomach with his fingers, but suddenly his hand froze sharply in place. Win didn't even realize, that all this time his eyes were closed, while he scrolled the desired images of Nong in his head. Senior opened his eyes and lowered his head, meeting Team's gaze. Junior still has not removed his palm, and the heat, that it gave to the already heated skin of Win, spread throughout his body, threatening to burn to the ground. Team cast a misunderstood look at Hia, after which he raised himself slightly and bowed his head, and his eyes widened in fright. He suddenly realized, what he was doing and what it led to. Team did not notice, how he began to touch the senior's stomach, just trying to show his gratitude for Hia's care. Senior, indeed, knew Team well and could always guess his every desire. Hia Win was always kind, attentive, and careful. Despite his stupid teases and vulgar hints, which, frankly, sometimes just drove Team crazy, this man was the closest, that Team had ever had. Junior often scolded him, showered him with dirty and obscene words, disband his hands, throwing senior off the bed, which made him not stop whining for the rest of the night, but Team was infinitely grateful to Hia for all, that he did for him. It was Hia, who helped him cope with his nightmares, only with Hia Team could calmly fall asleep, without fear jumping up in the middle of the night in sweat from another bad dream or memory, only Hia knew, what Team really was, and accepted him, without trying to change.
Team was not a master at expressing his feelings. All these love words and confessions, that the girls loved so much, seemed to him stupid and meaningless. He is a guy, damn it, not some kind of young lady, which is scattered by sentiment about own feelings.
But with Hia it was different. Sometimes Team could not restrain himself from wanting to confess to Phi Win, how much senior means to him, how Team is grateful to him, that he feels a deep warm feeling somewhere in his chest, but does not know, how to say this. As soon as Team allowed the idea of a serious conversation with Hia, his heart fell in the very heels, his hands were covered with sweat, and not a word could slip from his mouth. This embarrassed Team so madly, that junior was ready to fall into the deepest abyss from shame and anger at himself. He felt his cheeks blush and his pulse increased, as Win watched him carefully. One glance of senior was enough, to embarrass Team to unconsciousness. Therefore, all that remained – was to remain silent.
But what was happening now, right in front of Nong's eyes, knocked the soil from under his feet. At some point, Team felt a solid bulge under the senior's pants and at first thought, that he was simply about Phi's phone. But then Team remembered, that he had seen the device in Win's hands. And as soon as Nong understood, what exactly prevented him from calmly continuing to lie on the lap of his Phi, trembling swept through his whole body. Team stared stupidly at the tubercle of pajama pants and almost did not hear, what Pham was telling him at the other end of the line. Senior was excited, and Team clearly saw this with his own eyes. As soon as Nong realized, what was happening, he immediately felt, how hot is Hia's skin under his arm, how often did senior begin to breathe, how Phi fidgeting on the bed, although he was trying to hide it while continuing to sit upright. The body was filled with a pleasant weight, and Team could not understand, what the hell was going on? Such a reaction from Phi was supposed to outrage junior, but Team did not feel indignation or anger. On the contrary, his cock jerked in his pants with interest at the realization of, how much he excited Hia with just the touch of his fingers.
When Team raised his head again, he saw a guilty expression on the senior's face. He bit his lip, in an attempt to restrain his own impulse and whisper a quiet "Sorry," intending to sit away from Nong. Something clicked loudly in head as if someone had switched the toggle switch, and Team grabbed Phi by the leg with his free hand, forcing him to stay in place. Surprise slipped into the senior's eyes. He waited for anything: accusations, curses, a blow, or, at least, a panic from Nong. But the fleeting fear in Team's gaze disappeared, leaving only interest and a slight grin. Junior laughed at Win. This damn naughty provocateur laughed at his Phi.
Win remained seated, watching with interest, what Team was up to. Senior's cock demanded attention, already completely excited, and Win even felt through the tissue, how a drop of natural lubricant stood out on the head of the cock, immediately absorbed into the pants, tightly pressed to the delicate skin. He wanted, madly wanted Team now. And junior only more teased him, seated him back, not allowing him to relieve tension in the bathroom, as Win used to do this recently.
Team unconsciously almost automatically answered Pham, but his eyes were completely focused on Phi's face. Senior's eyes closed, providing a view of the thick black eyelashes, which so beautifully cast a shadow on the lower eyelid. Win seductively bit his lower lip, exhaling noisily through his nose, still trying to restrain the impulse of his own desire. Such a seemingly simple picture sent a sharp, almost painful wave of hot excitement right in Team's groin. Junior could not say, where such confidence came from, but his hand slowly slipped from Hia's belly below and sank directly onto senior's member. As soon as Team touched Phi with his palm through the fabric of his trousers, Win sighed in a stifled breath and did not hold back a deaf moan. This sound broke all the fuses in Team's head, and he began to slowly and slightly hesitantly massage senior's member, as he would with his own.
"Hey, Ai Team, are you still here? Lord, what are you doing there? It seems, that your tachycardia has begun. Why do you breathe so often?" Pham's voice sobered Team slightly, and he realized, that a friend was still hanging on the other end of the line.
"Y… yes, buddy, everything is fine. It's just, that the room is very hot. I forgot to turn on the air conditioning," every word was given with such difficulty, that Team felt as if he was ready to die from suffocation. His hand was still stroking senior's member, starting to move faster, clearly and clearly feeling, how big and solid Hia was under his touch. The brain tried to reason with the guy, to make him stop, but somewhere deep, on the periphery of his own consciousness, Team realized, that he had long wanted to do this with Hia. He wanted to control the process himself, to feel, how a foreign member swells in the palm of his hand, trickle grease, and pulsates from the heat of touch. He wanted to hear, how Hia groans with pleasure, fidgets on the bed, wriggles in his, Team, hands, and calls his name. Team wanted Hia. Very much! And this thought scattered in small flashes of light inside, burned him with a wild flame, sending lava flows directly through the veins, dispersing blood, forcing it to flow to only one organ – between the legs. But Team was so stubborn, that he would never admit to this to Phi. So, all, he could do now, was just keep acting, caressing Hia's cock with his hand.
Win swam through the waves of pleasure, trying not to choke. Team's hand stimulated his cock, sending streams of fire, giving such pleasure, that senior had not experienced for a very long time. Win did not understand, what exactly made the junior show such confidence and desire, but now he did not care. He simply enjoyed the sudden impulse of Nong's passion, not daring to even think about stopping him.
With difficulty opening his eyes and bowing his head, Win saw, that Team was still holding the phone by his ear. Senior grinned. He had an idea to tease junior. Perhaps, Nong will kill him for this after, but Team himself started this game, provoking the already excited Hia, so now let him pay in full.
Win in one jerk turned Team's body and threw him on his back, hovering from above.
"What the hell… Woooy, it's not for you, Pham," Team cursed, almost dropping the phone from his hands, but senior did not think to retreat.
He leaned toward Team's free ear and whispered hoarsely seductively, "Keep talking, so doesn't happen."
Team looked at the senior indignantly but accepted the challenge. He tried to relax and lay comfortably on the bed, grabbing the phone with his other hand, not taking his eyes off Hia.
"Yes, yes, Pham. Everything is good. I'm here. Speak."
Hia grinned again and slowly pressed hot lips to Team's neck. Junior immediately tensed, clutching the apparatus in his hand with force. Senior's flaming mouth began to caress his neck, bite and suck with such zeal, leaving the wet paths of saliva with his skillful tongue.
Team with an effort restrained a moan, ready to break from his lips, so, that his best friend would not understand, what his comrade was actually doing. Hia continued to torment junior, kissing the paths on sensual swarthy skin, and suddenly grabbed Nong's earlobe with his teeth.
"Mmmh…" Team still could not restrain a strangled moan, immediately recovering and once again explaining to his friend, that everything was fine with him. Phi Win gently sucked Team's earlobe, moaning a little audibly, which sent a bunch of goosebumps all over the body of junior. The hand loosened, and the phone threatened to fall straight onto the bed, but Team squeezed it harder again, recalling the agreement.
Win sank lower, pushing the edge of Team's T-shirt, exposing his skin, and clung his lips at the place next to the collarbones. Team's body picks up on the bed, when senior's hand unexpectedly quickly lays down on his cock, clutching it tightly with long fingers.
"Mmm, you are already so hard, na. Nong is so excited. Phi likes it," a soft whisper sounded somewhere below, and Team could have sworn, that, if they were in a normal situation, he would have weighed a kick to Hia without hesitation. But now this low and at the same time gentle baritone sent waves of excitement all over his body, and Team simply could not resist it. He bit his lip so hard, that he tasted blood in his mouth.
Win pulled Team's sleeping T-shirt to the very neck, exposing a trained torso, and closed his lips on one of the junior's nipples. Team arched towards weasel, out of place answering Pham something, although all of his minds was now occupied by the cursed Hia, who performed insanity with his body right on his, Team, bed.
Biting Team's nipple with his teeth, Win squeezed the other with his fingers, gently twisting, until the sensitive pea blushed. Going even lower, Hia's tongue immediately penetrated Nong's navel, while gentle hands stroked his sides, sending sparks of pleasure to the groin itself. A member throbbed painfully in his pants, demanding release. The head of his cock rested unpleasantly against the fabric, stained with emitting grease.
Team arched again, strongly abutting the back of his head on the bed, trying to hear at least a word from, what Pham was saying.
Win lowered Nong's pants, exposing skin, slightly lighter in contrast to the whole body, but Team's lusting cock still remained inside, clearly distinguishing himself from his form on the fabric of his trousers. Senior stroked it with his hand, periodically squeezing roughly, while running his tongue near the very edge of his pajama pants, teasing and warming up.
"Damn… shit," Team cursed again, looking down sharply to see, what Hia was doing. He desperately wanted to feel senior's lips on his cock, to feel the heat of his mouth, the moisture, and the softness of his tongue, running through the trunk, but the damn Hia hesitated. He teased and pushed toward madness, which made Team angry. He would never, for anything ask Hia to give him a blow job. Just thinking about it made Team blush with embarrassment from the roots of the hair to the heels. But a wild flaming excitement overshadowed all the arguments of reason, and Team was ready to give up and beg, that Hia immediately put him into his mouth. He wanted that. Wanted now!
"Hia … damn it," Team covered the speaker with his free hand and with all his strength called senior. He raised his head and met his gaze with Nong. Win's eyes clearly showed a veil of lust and desire, but his face remained innocent, like a baby.
"Please…" Team whispered, biting his lip.
"I told you, keep saying, whatever happens," Hia grinned, shaking his head, trying to remove the long blonde bangs from his eyes. Team looked carefully at his senior. He was incredibly beautiful: blond hair, with dark roots overgrown, several piercings in his ear, which gave senior's image brutality and steepness, tattoos so correctly enveloping the contours of his body, as if it were with the one with him, but most important… these damn eyes. Dark brown eyes, in the abyss of which one could drown and never return to the surface. Now Win's pupils were so dilated, that it filled almost the entire iris. This could seem intimidating. But inside Team something skipped a beat, when he realized, that it was he, who caused such crazy passion and desire on the part of senior. It is Team, who evokes such emotions and feelings in Hia. It is his image, that is now reflected in Phi's eyes. This captured Team so much, that he could not restrain himself and moaned deafly, covering his eyes and breathing more often, in an attempt to cope with the surging sensations.
"Pha… Pham, I'll call you back," Team, without waiting for a friend's answer, dropped the call and threw the phone back on the bed.
"You broke the agreement," Win played his eyebrows, grinning maliciously. "As a senior, I have every right to punish you, na. You do not keep your word, Ai Team."
"Shut up and just do something already, you, damn Hia!" the words burst out before Team had time to think them over. The whole body was shaking with a small trembling from one glance at this impeccable body in front of him. A member eager for freedom, demanding touches, inside everything bounced, waiting for proximity.
"What exactly should I do?" Win carefully looked at Team, again returning his hand to his cock, barely stroking, but even this light gesture made junior close his eyes and take a deep breath, holding back another groan.
"Damn it, Hia, you know wthat," Team could not afford to say it out loud. He held back with all his might, so as not to ask senior to do, what he so desperately wanted right now.
"I don't know, Ai Team. I do not know, how to read other people's thoughts, na. And yours even more so. So, tell me exactly, what I have to do with you, la?" Hia continued to tease junior, who desperately struggling with himself. Win wanted, madly wanted to hear, how Nong asks him, begs him about it.
"Hia… please. I beg you," Team continued to persist, and Win squeezed his cock with force, still hidden in the now not so spacious pants, from which junior twitched his whole body and moaned loudly.
Hia rose to junior's ear and whispered barely audibly, "Just say it, Ai Team."
The hand moved faster and tougher, and Team was afraid, that he could shamefully cum in his pants only from the touch of Hia's palm. But he did not want this. Team wanted to feel the senior's mouth on his cock.
"Tell me that," whispered Win, alternately kissing the earlobe of junior's ear, reddened by embarrassment, jerking his cock through the fabric. His own boner painfully rested in trousers, the head of the cock was almost peering out, but Win tried not to pay attention to it, forcing junior to submit to his will.
"Tell me, what you want, Ai Team, and I will do anything for you, na."
Team screwed up his eyes and clenched his hands into fists. Each time, his pride receded farther and farther, leaving lust and desire in the forefront. And finally, Nong could not stand it.
"Suck me, Hia…"
Win grinned in the ear of junior and in an instant turned out to be opposite his standing stake member. The pants were hastily taken off and thrown to the side just like a T-shirt. Team's member expired grease abundantly. The skin tightened tight, exposing a crimson moist such enticing head of cock, and Win immediately fell to it with his lips, immediately immersing it in the hot inside of his wet greedy mouth.
"Fuck! Damn it, god…" curses fell from Team's lips as soon, as senior took him in his mouth. Nong ran his fingers through his blond soft hair. He was not going to push Hia or set his own rhythm. He just wanted to feel him as close and tight, as possible.
Phi's lips tightly encircled junior's member, sliding up and down along the entire length. Win took a member deeply and eagerly, almost not choking on the pretty decent size of his Nong. The heaviness of the strange member pleasantly settled on the tongue, and Win continued with excessive pleasure to move his head at a fairly fast pace, sucking to junior, as he did not seem to suck anyone before him. The soft and wet tongue of Hia caressed him even in the tight grip of his lips.
Team was suffocated by the sensations, which Phi had given him. He arched towards to every touch, broke into loud moans, clutched the coverlet in his hands, completely unashamed of his behavior. Win absorbed every sigh and groan of junior, from which his own member twitched and literally drenched himself in his pants. This is, how Hia wanted to see his Nong. This is the image, which he imagined every time when jerked off in the evenings in his room.
"Hia, damn it… Hia," Team did not stop moaning, and Win, not looking up from his occupation, raised his head slightly, to capture a pleasant picture in his memory. But as soon, as his eyes rose higher, Win met with junior's look of lust. His mouth parted in a silent moan, his cheeks were flushed, his chest heaved and fell with a heavy sigh. Win was ready to cum only from such a depraved but at the same time cute appearance of his junior.
But suddenly Team grabbed Win by the forearms and pulled on himself. Hia was taken aback by such a sudden change of mood of his Nong and was even a little scared. Team's mood changed every second, and now he could realize, what he had done, be embarrassed, angry, and sent senior to the fuck off.
"Team, what's the matter, la?" Win hung over Team's body, and his eyes shone with fright. "Did Phi do something wrong?"
Team stared at Hia in surprise. This damn senior made him acknowledge his desires and speak them out loud. That damn Hia just gave him the most awesome blowjob of his life. Team was afraid, that he might cum soon, so he stopped Hia. Junior wanted to give Phi as much pleasure, as he received himself. And Phi's question took Team by surprise. In truth, Team felt like a bastard. Is he so often angry with Hia, curses him, chases him away, and offends, that senior is so scared now?
"No…" the voice sounded barely audible, but there was a rumble in the silence of the room. "I want to…" Team hesitated, embarrassed. He really wanted that. He has been thinking about this for a long time. He has long imagined this. And now is the right moment.
'Ai Team, you are a man, damn it! So, act like a man.'
Team took a deep breath and closed his eyes, unable to look at his Phi. Despite a burning desire, embarrassment did not leave him.
"Just tell me exactly, what you want. I am ready to do anything for you, na."
Win gently and lightly touched junior's hair, and then fell to his pink lips in a sweet soft kiss. The tongue of senior did not try to force or conquer now. Win wanted to prove, that junior could trust him, wanted to express his concern and sincerity with this sensual kiss, he wanted to show, how much Team was dear to him.
"I want you…" the words flew quickly, but confidently from junior's lips right into the kiss, and Win thought, he had misheard. He came off from Nong's lips and looked in surprise at him.
"Do you understand, what you are asking?" firecracker exploded inside Win. Even in the most desperate fantasies, he could not assume, that Nong would utter such words. Win's mind crumbled into a thousand pieces, with no way to recover. The still excited cock jerked invitingly, prompting the owner to action. Hia really wanted to be inside Nong right now. Recall, how sweet and hot it was inside. How pleasant it was, to move in Team, how tightly grasped the walls of junior inside his heated trunk. But Win could not yield to his desires, not making sure, whether Nong really understood, what he was asking. Does Nong really want him like that…
"Woooy, Hia, damn it! Don't make me repeat this twice," Nong shyly covered himself with his hands in an attempt to hide his flaming cheeks. Hia grinned and pushed junior's palms off his face.
"You needn't be embarrassed with me, na. I am ready to give you everything, that you would not ask."
Win again pulled Team into the kiss, already more persistent and hotter, than before. The excitement, slightly weakened by embarrassment, returned, when Team again saw Win's blond head between his legs.
"Just relax. I will not hurt you, na."
Win twisted his tongue a couple of times around the junior's hard, hot member, pressed to his stomach, and went down… lower.
"Hia, what the hell are you… Ahhh … Shit! Fuck!" Team did not have time to find out, what the hell Hia was doing, how he felt a wet and hot touch right in the area of the anus. A moment later junior realized, that it was Hia's tongue, that touched his intimate place, and the paint of embarrassment poured him again from his cheeks to his neck.
Catching the groan of junior, Hia smiled and realized, that he was on the right track. He held his tongue widely across the cleft, abundantly moistening with saliva. Win bent the junior's knees and slightly lifted his hips higher, spreading the buttocks with long fingers, thereby completely revealing junior. Hia began to actively work with his tongue, wetting the wrinkled ring with his saliva, squeezing the blond buttocks with force, leaving red finger marks on the delicate skin. The tongue changed direction and began to push inward, trying to open and relax Nong's entrance.
Team felt his knees tremble. Hia continued to lick him right there, between the buttocks, shamelessly holding his ass with strong hands. Team wanted to stop this madness, but as soon, as he felt the tip of Phi Win's tongue ramming his anus, junior surrendered and fell onto the bed, his head thrown back, and a depraved moan burst deep from his throat. Hia's tongue burst inside, sending hot piercing discharges across all limbs, and Team grabbed his own cock, pinching it at the base, so as not to shamefully cum just from such a depraved and dirty weasel of senior.
"You're just awesome, Ai Team. So sensual, so open to me. You can't imagine, how depraved you look now," Win raised his head and teased junior, from which he immediately hid his face in his hands.
"Shut up, Hia! Just shut up and keep doing, so you don't planed, otherwise, I'll lose my mind," Team sounded a little annoyed.
"I don't want to hurt you, Ai Team. What I have done is not enough. You're still too narrow for me."
Each word burned Team inside out with embarrassment and desire at the same time.
"In the closet," Team said breathlessly, nodding toward the bedside table. Win reached out and opened the drawer, immediately finding a tube of lubricant. He examined it carefully and looked at Team.
Junior suppressed the wild desire to hide again, to avoid Hia's piercing, lustful gaze.
"What are you staring at? Did you ask for this? So, what are you waiting for now?"
"You used it," not a question, a statement. The tube of lubricant was not new: the lid was opened, the contents were partially used.
"What the hell is your business? Yes, I used it. I'm a guy too, you know? Do you never jerk off or what?"
"Why?" Win playfully turned the tube in front of Team's face and opened it, spreading the contents between his fingers. Team watched him closely, devouring his eyes. Inside everything was burning with the desire to feel the alien member inside of itself, although Team's mouth spewed out another curse and insolence.
"I very often satisfy myself, thinking about you," Win touched Team's entrance with wet fingers, and junior flinched. "How do you lie in front of me like that, open and impudent," the finger slowly began to tease Team's anus, which caused the guy to groan. "How you beg me to enter you, completely filling. As you groan under my arms, asking for more. As you shout my name from another orgasm," the first finger on the trial pushed into a tight and hot anus, and Team hissed from unusual sensations. "So, you jerked off, thinking of me, la?" Win twisted his finger inside, carefully watching Nong's reaction. After a moment, Team's face relaxed, and Win touched the entrance with the pad of his second finger.
"Damn it, no!" junior bristled right away as soon, he realized the question, and the walls of his gut tightly squeezed Win's finger in tension. Win grinned and adding more lubricant, pushed his second finger inside. Penetration was more difficult, and the senior began to stroke Team's member, running his hand along the entire length and significantly pushing on the hole on the head. As soon as a moan flew from the lips of junior, Win entered a finger deeper.
"You jerking off, thinking of me? You wanted, that my hands to caress your cock. You wanted, that my lips to slide along your trunk, clutching it as tight, as possible. You wanted to cum in my mouth, holding my hair tightly," with each phrase Win pushed with two fingers inside Team, gently developing him, and with his other hand continued to caress the erect cock.
"N… no," the junior's next answer was no longer so confident, and Win launched his third finger, having preliminarily greased it with a lubricant. Team's body flinched and flipped up. Junior bit his lip and closed his eyes. Win was gentle and careful, like the first time. He prepared him with his tongue, used a huge amount of lubricant, moved his fingers inside so slowly and sweetly, that he wanted to scream with delight. Team almost did not feel pain, despite the fact, that three fingers literally rammed him from the inside, rushing mercilessly and moving, destroying the world of junior.
"Confess to me," Win's whisper somehow found himself next to his ear, and Team winced and groaned. He felt too many sensations at once: Phi Win's seductive voice sent a pleasant, viscous stream to his mind, while the words themselves drove him crazy with embarrassment, his fingers continued to move inside, mercilessly striking in the prostate, from which Nong let out a loud moan for groaning, unable to restrain himself, Hia's second hand fluttered around his cock, squeezing it with force and rudeness, bringing unreal pleasure.
"You had fun with yourself, thinking of me?" the tongue hastily walked over the earlobe, and Team, spitting on everything, answered.
"You wanted, that my hands caress you instead of yours?"
"How exactly did you do it? Like that?" senior's thumb roughly pressed on the head of Team's cock, smearing the grease around. "Or like that?" a palm covered the entire trunk, slowly moving towards the base.
"Damn… damn… damn! Hia, please, stop it. Just… come in. I can't do that anymore…"
"I want," long fingers left the designed passage, and Team, surprised by himself, whined with a feeling of emptiness inside, "so, that every time you jerk off," Win hurriedly pulled off his pants with a T-shirt and took a condom, which he pulled out together with lubricant earlier, "you thought about me only," senior tore the bag with his teeth and put the rubber on his long-heated cock, groaning from touch. "About me and not about anyone else…"
As soon as the large head touched the anus, Team took a deep breath and clutched his hands on the senior's shoulders. He spread his legs as wide, as possible, so, that Hia could fully settle between them. The cock touched senior's wet and hot skin, and Team groaned again with excitement. He wanted Hia to enter him as quickly, as possible, otherwise, his pulsating trunk would simply explode to hell.
"Hia…" Team wrapped his legs around Phi Win's waist and pushed towards him.
"Wait… aah… not so fast, hell!" Win cursed as soon, as the head of his cock penetrated a little deeper into the anus of junior. But Team, apparently, did not want to wait. He pressed the heels against Phi with force, urging him to push further. Junior felt a thick, slippery lubricant member fit tightly into his anus, but did not experience severe pain, only a slight burning sensation. Hia was very attentive and well prepared him. In addition, if Team has to wait for another second, then he, damn it, will just kill Hia on the spot.
After, it seemed, an eternity, Win plunged into Team completely, frozen in place. Senior closed his eyes and breathed heavily from surging sensations. The walls tightly grabbed his cock inside, pleasantly warming. The body beneath him trembled and fidgeted impatiently.
Win felt a touch of fingers on his face. Team lifted him by the chin, forcing him to open his eyes.
"If you don't start moving right now, I swear, I will die from overexcitation. And then I am come back from the dead and kill you! Move, damn you!"
Win grinned, but the fun disappeared with the first push in junior's hot cramped space.
"God damn it!.."
Win moved slowly and carefully, afraid to hurt junior, but Team nudged him with every push, urging him to be faster, to enter deeper and sharper, coarser squeeze him in his arms. Win let out a throaty growl and pursed his lips into Nong's neck, increasing his pace. Slightly changing the angle of penetration, Win began to hit the prostate clearly, thereby causing junior to make frequent convulsive moans.
Team could not restrain himself. He did not care, that the dormitory neighbors could hear him now. All, he was thinking about, was, how sweet and pleasant Hia's member stretches him under him, how he pushes in and out, how freely he enters into him, each time hitting a sensitive lump of nerves.
"Yes… Hia… damn… More… like that! Here… here…" Nong moaned without embarrassment, while Phi continued to enter in him, as he requested: quickly, powerfully, deeply. Win dug into Team's reddened lips with a kiss, wheezing and moaning, clutching someone else's thigh painfully, pushing deeper and deeper.
Flip-flops of skin on the skin with a vulgar sound filled the entire room. The smell of sweat and sex pervaded every corner of the room. Two bodies heated, wet, excited intertwined on the bed, moving in unison, pushing each other to the peak of pleasure.
Nong crumbled to pieces under hot kisses, sensual touches, and powerful shocks of senior. Win continued to move, sweating profusely, giving junior such pleasure, that only man is capable of. His tattoos moved smoothly along with the muscles on his body, beautifully fitting the skin, so, that Team couldn't hold on and stroked contours of drawings in his own palms and then put hands on Phi's back, digging his short nails directly into the lower back. Win hissed and pushed harder, causing another loud moan of his junior.
"Hia… I'm close… I'm right now…"
"I am too. Cum, Team. Cum with me," Win whispered in a tearing voice from many moans and clasped his hand around the swollen member of junior. Enough for a couple of movements, and Nong released whitish sperm directly into Phi's fist, dirtying his palm, his own stomach, and even his chest. Win could not stand the sight of such a depraved and beautiful sight, left Nong, took off his condom, and began to jerk off frantically, watching, how junior slowly and lazily caress his own cock, following Phi's movements.
Senior closed his eyes and cum on Nong's body, covering him with his white sticky sperm, mixing with traces of junior's pleasure.
Win fell exhaustedly on Team's chest, and for some time they both came to their senses after a stormy orgasm.

"Hia, you're heavy," Team tried to shift Win's body to one side, but the senior grinned and looked up into junior's eyes.
"A couple of minutes ago you didn't think so. When you groaned beneath me, begging to move faster and deeper."
"Damn you, Hia. Shut up now!" Team tried to hit Win, but the senior grabbed his hands and led behind his head. The sperm on the body dried out and unpleasantly tightened the skin, but Win did not care about it now.
"Did you feel good with me?" senior asked seriously. He looked into Nong's eyes and saw a shadow of a doubt. This sent unpleasant sparks to the brain, relaxed until recently, forcing it to concentrate.
"Hia, stop it," Team tried to break free, but Hia held tight, leaning his whole body on junior, continuing to hold his wrists with strong athletic hands. "I want to go to the shower."
"Answer me," the dark brown eyes flashed, and Win moved closer to junior's face. "Please, na."
The paint of embarrassment flooded Nong's cheeks again, and he turned away. Team understood that it was unfair, to keep silent like that, after what had happened between them. Damn it, it was Team himself, who became the instigator of all this. And he would have lied, if he said, that Hia had treated him badly. Fuck! Phi was the best thing, that had happened to him in his entire life. And it was not just about sex.
"Okay, forget it," Phi suddenly abruptly let Team's hands go and tried to pull away, but junior immediately grabbed his forearms, again returning him to his place.
"Yes," shame devoured him from the inside, but Team told the truth. "I felt good with you. You are very kind, caring, and attentive. Hia is always there when I need him, and I thank you for that. I don't want Hia to leave, na."
As soon as one word fell off his lips, Team could not stop himself.
"I won't go anywhere, until you yourself want it, na," Phi Win gently ran a hand through junior's hair and kissed him gently on the forehead. "Only in the shower."
Team grunted and let go of Hia's hands.
"Go first."
"Would you like to join, la?" Win played with his eyebrows, returning a playful mood. He was madly warm and pleasant inside from the words of junior. Even if Team had never said, what he said, Win would still have not given up trying to win his heart. As his older brother said, if Win was interested in someone, it was always serious. And the senior was very interested in Team. Even more, than just being interested. Nevertheless, sincerely pronounced Nong's words warmed Phi's heart, and he breathed a sigh of relief.
"But still, I will insist on my request," putting on his pants, Win decided to finally tease junior. Once again.
"Which one?" Team raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"So, that you represent my image only when you will meet with your 'nong chai'."
"Damn it, Hia Win! Go to hell from here!" Team threw a pillow at Win, but the senior had already disappeared, heading for the bathroom.
Still, will have to work a little more, that to tame this naughty boy, who sometimes took possession of his Nong.
Having taken a shower in turn, the guys went to bed in Team's room. Junior had already begun to fall asleep, covering his eyes, when through a pleasant nap, he heard Hia say, "You are a special person to me, Khun Teerayu. And I will do whatever it takes, to prove it. Sweet Dreams."
Once again, Team calmly fell asleep in the arms of his Phi. But today, among other things, a satisfied smile played on his lips.


The same text in Russian was writing 01/12/20



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