"Tachibana you're hopeless."

Yuno gets her order to go ignoring the waitress that's looking at Tori constantly simply infuriating her with every breath she takes.

"The ride is here, let's go." Aiko reports leading the way.

Yuno follows Aiko expecting it to be an uber but instead it's a black BMW X5 with tinted windows. Aiko dismisses the suspicious look Yuno gives her.

They ride back to campus with Aiko helping carry all her things to her room. Tori is already fast asleep.

"So? Uhm, is he Tachibana's kid or what?"

Yuno snorts, "Tachibana hates kids with every fibre of his being if he ever gets a child he will hang himself."

Aiko chuckles, she did not expect that at all, at least it's still valuable information to pass on to Kaminari, "What do you think he's doing right now?"

"Ken Tachibana? Probably something stupid."

The man in question sighs and hits the shower. His schedule has been thrown all out of whack with all these crazy meetings making his gym sessions a luxury rather than a part of his daily routine.

He gets in the car driving to Kaminari Corp, if he keeps chewing away at Kaminari's side deals the truth about his dirty deals will be revealed and the Kaminari Corp building will have to be sold.

It's the biggest and tallest building in Japan worth 7.2 Billion Euro's convert that to Yen and the man will still be rich when his career is over, but 20 to 30% of that will be used to make up for the damage he has caused.

The building itself can be converted into a school and that's exactly what he plans to do.

Kaminari smirks as Tachibana sits in his office.

"You fell off a treadmill? Goodness, I hope that treadmill is alright."

Kaminari isn't even bothered by Tachibana, he's not a man to joke around and he never fails to remind Kaminari how much he dislikes him.

"Let's get to business Kenny. I want the girl in my office by tonight."

Tachibana looks up from his phone, "I'm sorry, could you repeat that." He was sending Ackerman a text to find Yuno and keep her away from Kaminari not everyone knows this, but he's at deaths door.

Ken didn't know it until he asked Ryujin why he would tell Kaminari of all people about Yuno.

"Give-me-the girl." Kaminari enunciates every word very slowly narrowing his eyes at Ken who casually shrugs his shoulders in response.

"Sure, she's not my pet that I keep her on a leash it's really up to her. She's kind and studying to be a doctor, so I think you already know the answer you're going to get."

"I don't trust you Tachibana. Your little goodie goodie act isn't going to sway with me. You might think you've got everybody fooled and maybe you do, but you won't fool me."

Tachibana sends a text to Yuno asking where she is. He knows she's not busy so her not answering is lowkey putting him in a panic.

"You're a clever man Tachibana, you've been playing me and everyone like this is a game, but I'm sure you're aware that I've been at the top since the beginning and you're just a boy that got lucky, but you're still clueless as to how this world really works."

Kaminari glares at Tachibana who is on a call with Tori and completely ignoring him. Tachibana knows Kaminari is stalling, what he doesn't know is that Kaminari has an even more twisted plan in mind.

Yuno hangs up by accident and Tori cries, "It's not my fault Ackerman drives with a TV license. Do you think this is a movie where you cross red lights and shit? You're going to get us killed if you don't slow down."

Ackerman shakes his head, "You don't see them do you?"

"See who?" She turns around and looks out the window, "I see nothing."

"I don't care what you see. Don't let go of Tori no matter what, and try to keep him calm I can't focus." He is driving way past the speed limit and the usual goofy Ackerman is now replaced by a serious and intimidating man.

"I think you watch too much fast and the furious. Take a left here there's a dead end up ahead." Yuno comments in a monotone voice sarcastically.

Ackerman snorts and Yuno sighs in relief. The intimidating Ackerman made her uncomfortable.

He ignores her request and drives straight ahead, "You seriously can't tell that we're being followed can you?"

Yuno looks again and she sees nothing. She calls Tachibana so she can keep Tori busy because his crying fit isn't getting any better.

Ackerman looks to the side than the review mirror, "Yuno, remember what I said?"

"Hold on to Tori."


The car drifts at the next turn and Tori's face looks Mortified. Yuno holds him and keeps him calm as the car swerves out of control. She catches a glimpse of the road blocked by 3 cars.

"Now you see them!" Ackerman drives the same way they came.

He was a street racer before Tachibana came to him and gave him this job. His ability is Energy shield, he can turn kinetic energy into a force field.

This whole time Yuno didn't notice anything because he was using the energy generated by the car to block the number of bullets that came their way, and whatever other attack being hurled at them.

He takes the left Yuno mentioned earlier when she yells at him to turn when she sees it again, he slowls down when he sees the dead end, "Please, don't tell me you expect me to jump over a cliff." Ackerman says.

Yuno smirks, "Step on it Ackerman."

His eyes widen. He did not expect that from Yuno she's usually quiet and calculative even if she keeps her thoughts to herself.

The car drives over the cliff and Yuno controls the water below them forming a water bridge of sorts.

She can manipulate water like her brother, though unlike him the water is incapable of inflicting damaging unless the force is strong enough, which is also another one of her weaknesses, her power lacks the force needed to inflict damage.

The car makes it to the other side and the water bridge disappears.

Ackerman drives to the Palace.

"Shouldn't we be going somewhere else?" Yuno asks patting Tori on the back pecking the top of his head to ease his fit.

"They would've come for you there instead of planning an ambush in the middle of the road. The fact that they didn't means that they won't dare mess with you if you are anywhere near the Palace."

"Me? Why?"

"We pissed off a lot of people and if a hard ass like Tachibana has a kid it means he has a special lady friend, and if he has a special lady friend he has a weakness, and if he has a weakness they can put him down.

"Everyone is convinced it's you, and if they don't get rid of Tachibana they are screwed." Ackerman watches as Yuno pats Tori to sleep her eyes glued on him the whole time.

"We won't let anything happen to him Miss Lin, I promise you that."

Yuno nods lightly staying quiet as they get closer to the Palace.

When they arrive she walks into the building and nearly drops Tori, "Woah, sorry buddy."

Ackerman takes him from her hands, "What's wrong? Should I call a medic?"

"No, I'm fine. It's just that controlling a large body of water for an extended amount of time takes a toll. I didn't think it would take us 2 minutes to go from one side to the next."

"Actually, it was 17 minutes, but it's not like anyone is counting." He wiggles his brows and she shakes her head going straight to bed.

Ackerman calms Tori down before letting him sleep next to Yuno. 'That was the first of many attempts' he thinks to himself.

Tachibana hears about the assassination attempt and he knows Kaminari needs her alive so it wasn't him, but not knowing is worse, "I want her under constant watch send in the twins for this one, is she okay?"

"I don't know, but Tori has been restless all night if she finds out the answer is no."

"I'll handle Tori the real problem though is Kai. I think we should let him join the S.S"

"Don't be an idiot that's delivering him on a silver platter to the enemy. We can't start making assumptions on who we can and can't trust yet. I'll talk to him myself you just need to focus on yourself. You're not off their shit list whoever they are."

"Then I think that's what we should do."


"Let's get me off their shit list."

"The only way you're getting off that list is if you're dead." Ackerman listens to Tachibana's silence for a minute and it finally hits him. Tachibana has been planning to fake his death this whole time.

"Why do you always make me find out like this? It's seriously annoying."

"I think it's funny, We'll talk about this matter a little later though for now let's make it believable."

"Who will you leave it all too?"

"I was thinking you, but you don't want it."

"Who the hell wants to be busy all the time? I get paid to do what I love and I'm happy with that."

"We'll talk about that later as well."

"How sure are you that once you're dead they'll stop coming after her?"

"They won't, they'll just stop coming after me."

"Tachibana you're hopeless."

"You're just jealous I'm a genius."

Ackerman groans in frustration Tachibana is leaving him out of the loop as usual.