No School

Yuno wakes up and Tachibana is already awake. She looks into his eyes and it's pretty obvious he barely slept that's if he slept at all. "Tachibana, did you even sleep?"

"I would've, but a late-night call kept me on edge."

"It's not healthy depraving yourself of quality sleep like that, I'll run you a bath before I leave."

She baths slowly using her ability to refresh her mind, and body. When Yuno is about to leave she bumps into something that feels like a metal door. She looks up at Tachibana blocking the exit.

"I know I was the one nagging you about school, but I'm perfectly happy letting you complete the course through online learning."

"Tachibana move or I'll move you. I'll be careful."


He steps out of the way allowing her to leave before he changes his mind. He lifts Tori off to enjoy a refreshing bath. They are about to leave and see the new Tachibana Palace.

Upon entry Tori looks around the second Palace in Sensen's arms. Walking side by side with Tachibana, "Did you take care of her?"

"Yes, what will you tell Yuno?"

"I'll worry about that when I get there for now I have bigger fish to fry, have any idea who the vigilantes are?"

"We're barely scratching the surface when it comes to that. I'm beyond clueless. They know how to cover their tracks well."

Tachibana was about to call Ackerman who he sent out on a wild goose chase to find whoever has been prolonging Kaminari's life but he changes his mind. They want to find out who or what is keeping Kaminari alive while he waits for a permanent fix for whatever ails him.

Eliminating that individual might give Tachibana the field advantage because he knows Kaminari has many tricks up his sleeve. Whatever war is going on between Tachibana and Kaminari, Tachibana has been on a loosing streak and it's been that way since day one.

After Tachibana reviews the buildings design and has seen every room in the entire building he hits the road rushing back to the house. Tachibana gives Yuno a hug when he walks into the living room and finds Yuno in a rotten mood. 

"What happened?" Tachibana embraces her a tad tighter while keeping his eyes on Tori walking to his favourite stuffed animal that he dropped this morning, but Tachibana wouldn't go back and pick it up.

Tachibana's attention returns to Yuno slowly rubbing her back patiently waiting to hear what ruined her day today.

"It's about Ryu, I received a call early afternoon from the police station asked to come and ID her body."

Yuno shivers thinking about the awful things Ryu's murderer could have done to her, the corpse looks like it was shredded by a rabid animal in a fit of rage. She tears up wiping the tears away even though more are flooding down

"What scared me is that when I was thinking about the person who may have been the cause of death I couldn't pick one specific person instead the list kept getting longer and longer, and I realised I can't trust anyone."

"That's not true, you can trust me." He pecks Yuno's forehead comforting her as she cries in his arms, "I know she was messed up, crazy, but she was still your sister and it still hurts. Remember that I won't allow you to lose anyone else, not Kai and definitely not Hitori."

Tori accidentally freezes all the toys around him crying when his stuffed bunny now looks like a rabbit in a crystal. Tachibana lifts Yuno up tucking her in so she sleeps away her worries.

He grabs the gloves Hitori is expected to wear to keep his ability in check, however Tori absolutely screams when his eyes land on them. He hates wearing the gloves and always finds a way to take them off, "Yuno needs some sleep keep it down."


Tachibana stops in his tracks and Tori yells no crying, "Okay!" Tachibana yells back throwing the gloves away, "Don't wake Yuno up."

Tori calms down innocently walking behind Tachibana whose expression softens when his eyes lock with Tori's bright blue ones.

Tachibana cannot remember a time he was as innocent or vulnerable as Hitori is at this current moment, he wonders if everyone else forgets too.

He squats down stretching out his hand watching Tori run into his arms. Tachibana stands up with a single push up, "I can't believe you said no to me."

Yuno wakes up feeling strong hands holding her tight. She turns her head to find Tachibana fast asleep.

Yuno realises she's not in the mood for school so she decides to stay cuddle up in bed with Tachibana and she can blame it all on him later.

"Don't, even think about it." Tachibana's morning voice shakes her to life and she turns around looking him in the eyes.

"It's not safe outside."

"It's not safe anywhere Yuno."

"What happened to the online idea?"

Tachibana chuckles and shakes his head, "I know what I said, but I thought it over and I think school could be your escape from all this chaos, give it a chance."

She groans and puts a pillow between the two of them closing her eyes and brushing him off.

Tachibana wakes up and throws the blankets off slinging Yuno over his shoulder.

Tori wakes up and stands in his crib looking through the bars like a prisoner.

"Tachibana I don't want to go to school."

"You're setting a bad example for Hitori."

"Bobo will love school, it will be less chaotic, less judgy, and he won't feel like everyone looking at him is plotting to get him after class."

Tachibana puts her down looking at her, "Is that how you feel?"

Yuno looks away feeling guilty for complaining so much. "It's how I felt yesterday."

He pulls her in for a hug she closes her eyes wrapping her arms around him, "You're still going to school by the way."

Yuno pinches his back and he flinches, hugging her tighter, she retaliates by biting him and he winces.

"You don't want to bite off more than you can chew Miss Lin, I'm a mouthful."

"Shut up, and quit squeezing the life out of me."

Hitori stares completely clueless about what he's looking at.

Tachibana shuts the door and Tori's eyes widen, the bright blue in them brightening the presents of his white curls, His red cheeks adding on to the cuteness factor.

Hitori receives the cutest face in the whole wide world award.

Tachibana loosens his grip and Yuno stays quiet waiting for him to turn the faucet and she is going to get even. Tachibana turns the faucet and the minute Yuno has ammo she death grips him in a water lock. He gives her a bored look and evaporates the water.

She pushes him back with a water ball and he sighs.

"You know what I like about this Miss Lin? I can burn you all I want and you will heal, so don't think I won't get even."

"That's abuse."

"It's called self defence sweetheart look it up."

"You tried to make me go to school I'm only defending myself from you".

"Uh huh, think that statement would stand in a court?"

"Tch, I'll kill the judge and the jury before I go to school."

"Consider yourself a fugitive because I will drag you there if I must "

Yuno snorts thinking of a very creative idea but she needs Tori and in order to get to Tori she must go through Tachibana, or she stays in here all day and Tachibana won't notice that time flew by.

Tori freezes his bars and creates an opening. He rolls down an ice path he made for himself standing up and walking to the bathroom door freezing it.

Hitori staggers on the spot watching the door slowly begin to turn to dust.

He stares at the pile of frozen door ash looking up to see Tachibana pinned on the floor Yuno's lips on his.

"You know, with our height difference your lips on my lips should be physically impossible, if you want to kiss me that badly all you have to do is ask."

"Shut up, I was about to attack but ..." Yuno freezes in her tracks when she notices Tori staring she smiles at Tori forgetting what she's doing at the moment.

When she sees his face it brightens up her day.

Tachibana flips them over pinning Yuno on the ground looking up to smile at Tori too, "Hey, you have a goodnights rest?" Tori walks away and Tachibana could swear he saw him roll his eyes. "You're a bad influence." Tachibana says to Yuno blaming her for his attitude.

Yuno glares at the male for even thinking such foul thoughts, "How did he get out of his crib?" Yuno tries to use small talk as a distraction to get out from underneath Ken.

"Oh, he can make an ice slide that he uses to roll out of bed it gets annoying honestly, anyway, please go to school."

"Get off me then."

"I'm not on top of you."

"Technically you are."

"I'm not having this conversation with you." He pulls her up glad she finally gave up, "I have a Super baby to deal with, excuse me." Tachibana winks at Yuno leaving her to shower.

She wears a long flowing dress with sandals when she's ready to leave Yuno walks to Tachibana's room since she did not see him or Tori in her room, she wants to say goodbye before leaving the house.

Yuno swings Tachibana's bedroom door open and immediately closes it shut standing outside Tachibana's door muttering

"What the fuck."

Tachibana opens the door still naked and Yuno blushes shutting her eyes close, "What? It's not like you're seeing anything you've never seen before."

Yuno nods in agreement, he's absolutely right in his statement, however, "You weren't kidding when you said you're a mouth full." Yuno's thoughts escape her lips and she continues to keep her eyes closed. 

Tachibana's eyes widen before he blurts out laughing, "I did not mean it in that way." 

Tachibana walks towards his wardrobe to get something to wear, "You look amazing by the way." He exaggerates compliment after compliment until Yuno throws the first thing she finds at Tachibana.

"I'm embarrassed enough as it is, please don't make it worse."

"Made you look." Tachibana smirks when she looks away feeling even more embarrassed, grabbing her bag and double checking her timetable.

She turns around looking for the car keys, "Hey, where are the car keys?"

"I have them."

"Are you dressed?"


She pokes her head through the door and he chuckles throwing the keys in her face on purpose.

"Oh, my bad."

She groans and throws one of Tori's toys at his chest but the toy broke instead. Tachibana is just smirking infuriating her more so she walks away pissed off.

Tachibana rubs his chest wincing it hurts but he doesn't want to show it, "Your Mom's an asshole Hitori."

Yuno stops on her way out walking into the room stepping on Tachibana's foot. "Don't you poison him." Yuno walks in pecking Tori's forehead.

"Don't I get one?" Tachibana asks Yuno stomping out of the room.

"Screw you."

"I'm still a mouth full."

Yuno walks towards him just to step on his foot, smiling at Tori on the bed whose grinning like a tooth fairy with not a care in the world. Yuno pecks Tachibana's cheek before leaving and he mimics Tori's wide smile.

"She saved the best for last." He brags to Tori who throws the deodorant at him, "Jealousy makes you nasty."


Tachibana's whole world stops and he steps away from Tori thinking about abandoning ship. He's not ready for the dad responsibilities, so he keeps telling himself.