First Kiss.

Tachibana tries to ignore Yuno and focus on something else but the curiosity got the better of him. He chases after her and stops her before she reaches the front gate, "What are you hiding from me?" He asks blocking her way.

"What are you not hiding from me?" Yuno asks back trying to walk around the tall male. Tachibana stands in her way crossing his arms. A neighbour cat whistles getting the two's attention.

Yuno rolls her eyes and tries to walk around Tachibana. He stretches out his right arm blocking her way.

"We'll trade information but what I know isn't something I can share out in public, so I'll drive you to school, how about that?"

"Fine, hurry up I have a test today."

Tachibana smiles running back into the house throwing on sweatpants, a tank top, grabbing Tori who just woke up, and the car keys.

In the car Yuno gives Tachibana a look so he starts talking first.

"Fine, I've been working on finding the people who had their abilities stolen figuring out how it affects them, and why they would give them up?

"I found out that after a few months their abilities came back while the individuals whose abilities did not come back died. Aiko tricked someone by putting up a miracle cure add online and the first person who took the bate she took their ability."

"That's not what Ryujin said, he said she had no choice because of Kaminari."

"That lying bastard will say anything to convince you to start healing all the people dying because of them. They want to clean this mess up nicely and he doesn't care how it affects you, after Aiko it will be his granddaughter that I can guarantee."

"Do you trust anyone? It sounds to me like you're just incriminating everyone."

"You've lived in an umbrella world sheltered from harsh truths like this. People use people to get to the top, being kind is a death sentence, trying to be a hero will only make matters worse for you and everyone else involved.

"To answer your question, yes, I do trust someone, I trust you."

"Honestly, what I know is nothing valuable, all Aiko hinted was that Kaminari will be 6 feet underground pretty soon."

"I doubt it. Aiko has been lying to Kaminari for a while now, how else do you think he would be in this situation with his business deals going to shit, his reputation, his life, all of it.

"He always managed to stay one step ahead of everyone no matter what, though on the plus side we learned that Kaminari trusts Aiko because despite all that she's still alive, which got me thinking that things might be deeper then we think between them."

Yuno looks at Tori through the rear-view mirror, "Think there's a kid involved?" Yuno asks Tachibana and he shrugs his shoulders.

"Look Yuno, if you want to help these people I'm okay with that, I mean, why else would I put you in the best medical school out there? I just want you to do it the right way.

"They're about to put up some rules restricting usage of abilities you'll hear the announcement pretty soon."

The car stops outside the campus and Yuno runs to the back to pick up Tori showering him with hugs and kisses before she goes.

"What about me?"

She turns around and Tachibana is only 2 feet away, "Kisses on the cheek and forehead are for Hitori exclusively." He adds with a sly look on his face.

Yuno looks at Tachibana and shakes her head pecking Tori on the cheek one last time putting him back in the car and turning around pecking Tachibana on the cheek spinning on her heels to march on up to class.

Tachibana takes a single step forward reaching for Yuno picking her up with ease, "If you don't want to kiss me don't kiss back."

They lock eyes. Tachibana breaking eye contact by capturing her lips into his feeling an electric surge passing from her body to his, the feeling is a foreign one he's never felt before.

Ken pecks her forehead after pulling away from the kiss he knew she wouldn't kiss him back, not yet at least. "Call me when you're done here." He puts her down Yuno walking into the classroom taking her usual seat.

"Yuno right?" She faces the female and nods, "We have a group project coming up, I was wondering if you were interested in joining our group? We need one more member."

"Sure." Yuno faces the front she hates group projects her last one was almost a disaster with everyone only taking it seriously at the last second.

After class she meets the rest of her group members exchanging contact info, "Can we meet this Saturday and get this over and done with? I don't want to do it last minute." Yuno asks the other members.

"Sorry, I have plans already made for this weekend, maybe next week?"


She walks to the cafeteria and Setsuno slings an arm over her shoulder smirking, "Sleeping with the boss now are we?" He jokes and she jabs him on the side. He laughs it off teasing her for a solid 30 minutes. "Have fun with your next class."

"I have a test actually".

"Ehh, I know you'll nail it."

She notices Aiko with a group of boys just outside the cafeteria entrance. When Yuno walks past them they all stare their eyes following her every move, she cocks a brow at them and everyone looks away.

Aiko walks her to her next class, "You and Tachibana are fairly cosy."

Yuno rolls her eyes, as far as she's concerned only a handful of people saw what happened and misinterpreted the whole thing. "Please don't start acting like we're friends. You forgot to mention how cosy you've been with Kaminari."

Aiko goes to her room and writes down what her prediction showed her it's all a matter of timing to see Kaminari dead. Ackerman has to die or it will all go to shit and it has to be within the next 2 weeks in order to get closer to Ackerman she has to earn Yuno's trust.

After classes Yuno goes to Aiko's room and the tub is already filled with water. Aiko goes under holding her breath.

Yuno said for her ability to work the person must be fully submerged under water, if just a tip of the toe sticks out it won't work.

Aiko tries to get up for air but the water is pushing her down. Yuno counts 10 seconds of her drowning and pulls her out of the tub.

"Lie to me again and I'll finish you off myself. I don't have to do shit for you. You need me."

Yuno grabs her things and calls Tachibana leaving Aiko in her room stunned. Winning Yuno over might as well be titled mission impossible.

"You okay? You barely lasted 5 minutes in there." Setsuno throws the car keys at her.

"I'm done healing her I was just checking if I missed anything." She throws the keys back and smiles, "You know my ride is almost here and deserting is not an option."

He nods keeping her company until Tachibana arrives taking Yuno shopping for the big event he's been working on.

"You're wearing that for our first date?"

"It's not a date Tachibana."

"Okay, will you go out on a date with me?"


Tachibana looks her in the eyes, "Why?" He asks completely clueless about why she wouldn't want to go out with him.

"In the long term you and I want different things. I'd like to settle down, have kids, and grow old living long enough to meet my grand kids and great grandchildren, as long as I'm with you I can't be sure that when I wake up I'll be alive,.

"I constantly have to walk on egg shells making sure I'm ready to dodge a bullet at a moments notice." Yuno rolls her eyes.

"I said I'd protect you."

"You've been doing a marvellous job at that." *note the sarcasm. Yuno grabs a simple backless summer dress with purple flame embroidery and a low-cut lace pattern.

Ken looks surprised that's all she wants, "Shoes?"

Yuno waves Tachibana off going to pay for the dress she already has matching sandals at home so that's all for her shopping.


Tachibana turns around and instantly regrets it, "Hello Fume."

She's a reporter who will do anything for a story Yuno recognises her instantly walking away from Tachibana holding Tori, but Tori is not okay with it. He starts crying clutching onto Yuno's hand tighter.

Yuno stops in her tracks feeling a sharp sting run up her arm.

Tachibana takes Tori from Yuno examining her hand, "You okay?"

She nods but she can't stop her hand from shaking the cold rush is moving slower but it's still climbing up her arm.

Tachibana hurries to the car getting Yuno alone. "Take your shirt off I need to melt the ice and it might catch fire."

She throws it off and he grabs her shoulder doing his best to melt the ice without causing too much pain to Yuno she's doing a good job holding it in, but this happened to Ackerman and Sensen they both cried like total babies towards the end.

Tori accidentally freezes everything he touches and lately not even gloves work. His ability is too strong for his own good.

Yuno whimpers when the heat reaches her wrist, "This only lasts 60 seconds you're almost there."

Clearly, he doesn't know how 60 seconds can feel like forever, especially when you're in pain. She purses her lips clenching her teeth tight. The 60 seconds ends.

Yuno clutches onto Ken's shirt hiding her face in his chest she doesn't want to cry in front Tori.

"You're okay Yuno, You're okay."

He pulls her in for a hug comforting her as best he can his hand caressing her own running up and down her arm in a soothing manner.

"Is Tori okay?" Yuno asks extremely worried about the baby.

Tachibana chuckles, "How about you worry about yourself?" He hugs her tighter holding her hand kissing the top of her head waiting for her to give in and finally fall asleep.

When she wakes up she can heal her burns.