The Royal Family.

Heels click with every step she takes, looking like a model, hair swaying and her suit dashing. She opens the door to the main hall and finds the rest of the guests are here, "Pardon me for the lateness"

The Empress nods excusing the late comer before she stands, "Elections are upon us and before we handle the lesser riff raff such as the Ministers and Diets we have more pressing matters at hand.

"The representative for the Kaminari Clan hasn't been very cooperative with this Secret council as of late, he nearly leaked our secret and there have been reports of discord in other territories that humans are not allowed to enter."

Kaminari opens the door and the Empress turns toward him. Anger flashes in her eyes. In an instant Kaminari is a pile of ash.

"Well, we now need a new representative for the Humans council."

She turns to everyone else in the room. "I know you all have a competent candidate that you believe is capable of solving Kaminari's mishaps and keep the Council a Secret, as far as anyone is concerned the Royal family and it's branch families are only there for ceremonial duties and it is imperative we keep things that way."

She walks to the centre and points at the Lycans, "The Okami Clan will spearhead the new Military Rule that we have taken back.

"It's coming and our purpose is to protect the innocent from the past mistakes our ancestors made. I want the S.S to be put apart and rebuilt with members who know what they are risking, humans will not be part of this war."

The room is filled with murmurs and the Empress takes a seat on her throne a cold look in her eyes.

"If you wish to speak take centre stage you're all free to voice out your opinions. I promise I won't kill anyone who does."

The Chi clan goes first. The head of the house standing up from his seat.

The Chi clan is known to wear white robes with gold embroidery and born with black finger nails, naturally Bold with not a single hair on their bodies, and silky smooth skin, "Why does it seem like you always favour the humans?"

"Because it is our fault that this world is a mess you can't blame me for giving humans equal ground to all of us. I do not favour them I just want to sit back a while longer and let them figure this out on their own we can't give them all the answers.

"Now can each clan please put forth their candidate for a human representative."

It's a rule that a clan cannot choose a representative two times in a row, the last one was chosen by the Lyre clan distinguished by their slim features, pale skin and bright eyes with hair that always curls itself no matter what you do, there's a rumour that their hair curls a straightener.

They operate with time related events which is why every second election they select a candidate, and why no one stopped or questioned Kaminari and his corruption.

Things were playing out the way they should for the humans to adapt to the concept of super humans and adapt to the changes happening to their biological features.

"Amaya representing the Lyre clan, I would like us to please overrule the 2 year rule and make choosing clan heads and representatives a Lyre exclusive duty, with that we will step down from any other council departments.

"Her Majesty will have the final say to avoid giving the Lyre clan too much power.

"We are willing to cooperate in any way we can just as long as the changes are made because we cannot stop it from affecting the humans, and having an incompetent head will only lead to our demise."

Amaya sits down and the room is quiet. A warning from a Lyre should not be taken lightly not even the Empress has power over it.

"Fine, who do you suggest we add to the council to represent the humans?"

"Mike Conor, he is from America we can trust him with our secrets and no one will suspect him. It is foolish to keep letting the Secret council work so closely with the Japanese government, from now on the Empress will work alone with the humans for her Imperial duties and the secret council will be a completely separate branch.

"If we are ever exposed the Empress cannot be known nor seen as the figure head of the council. What we do here is to protect the people in secret then let's start keeping it a secret, all who know too much must be dealt with immediately."

The Empress sits at her throne pursing her lips, "I need more details, how will this affect all of us in the future?"

The whole room turns to the Lyres and they talk it over.

"The future is not set in stone, but Mike Conor will build a foundation that will breed a long line of representatives who will put their lives on the line to keep our secret as well as protect the humans.

"It is not coming it is here and the death toll of this century will be far worse then we've ever known. We only managed to turn it mortal in this life time if we cannot kill it this time we prepare for the end of the world."

"So, it's human then?"

"Yes, hence why the humans suddenly started manifesting strange abilities and her majesty made the right call to let them keep their power and breed a new generation of superhumans.

"We will eventually be able to trust humans and have them fight their own battles and the barrier can be put up. We all will be nothing but myth and folklore once again."

Heels click and the room turns to the Princess, Aphina, who walks to the centre of the circle and turns to her mother, "I'd like to know if the Vampires did their job trying to ID who this big IT that has all you old geezers so scared is?

"I'd also like to remind you that we are not all a 1000 years old when the Lyres mentioned death tolls worse than before, according to your stories whole clans were completely wiped out.

"Now we have a band of superhumans struggling to make due in a society that is in transition. What makes you all so sure he'll do his own dirty work?"

"Aphina has a point, every step forward has been 2 steps back. We made it mortal but there's a catch, if it dies of natural causes it will be able to reincarnate as the demon we can only stop by trapping.

"He comes back smarter each time. He could be living a normal human life laying low, I mean, he's a pretty patient guy, this time he might come for the Lyres first they are the reason why we were prepared for him before."

The Empress rolls her eyes she knows her daughter is too lost in her human life to bother with this. She is waiting to hear what she has to say because it's clear she is in a rush, "Sensen, speak and leave. Thank you for your helpful input we will consider your words."

"Uhm, I'm inviting you to the Kagawa Festival it will be an official holiday from tomorrow, also the second Tachibana Palace is up and running. I wanted to tell you that the other clans are welcome to bring any of their daughters and sons to apply for work there, also I'm pregnant."

The Empress watches her kick off the heels and run past a magic door back to the hotel she still hasn't told Ackerman.

The Empress drops her Queen of the Nation act and huffs like a mother, "I'm going to kill that little witch."

She takes a deep breath and sits back in her seat glaring at everyone else in the room. She wishes this meeting would end, but there are more things they need to discuss, "Can we discuss the gate keeping, as well as how we will keep our clans from being completely wiped out."

The Empress is lowkey happy about Aphina's pregnancy her daughter is not up for the whole Empress duty and as an only child everyone was sceptic that things would turn on their heads if she was forced to take the seat.

The Alpha vampire stands up and lists the names of the people they suspect as the destroyer.

Miyoko Karasu

Abe Oseen

Oyama Jin

Kimiko Kazumi

Fahashi Rose

Tensho Karma

"Investigations will begin effective and immediately the ones showing promise are Tensho Karma and Oyama Jin, please do note that these might just be ordinary people or they might just be henchman of sorts.

"Lucky for us they will be at the festival we believe that is where he will make his first move."

The Empress nods, "The Negai will be there they are our strongest clan. We will need them all to be working round the clock, can we discuss the gate keeping now?"

A male with devil like features stands up, "The Cryptids will be working at the gate since we can travel between both sides without triggering breaches and having to actually open the gate,

"As for the clan preservation we should move to the human cities and learn to adapt and learn. The Princess is doing just fine she can show them the ropes."

The Empress stands up ready to leave but this is her house everyone else still wants some refreshments while mingling and talking.

"That concludes our meeting." She mutters disappointed. She hates guests