
Ryujin signs the contract and leaves the office about to go to the commissioner's office. During the 3 months Tachibana was gone, Killuhua Kaminari was unnounced missing and after searching they declared him dead.

Ryujin during that time was working hard to secure majority of Kaminari's businesses as his own buying out the companies he saw he could exploit and made a name for himself, especially with Kaminari's tech company that is about to flourish under his name.

"Sir, the car is ready for you." He gets in the car and the doors automatically lock.

The car leaving the drive way transporting him to the airport to attend a conference at his main company building in Tokyo.

Tachibana walks into the building after rushing over by plane. Ryujin made it sound like it was an emergency and instead it's more senseless crap throwing his packed schedule out of proportion.

He left when Yuno was yelling at Ackerman for telling Tachibana they broke into his house only to find out Tachibana was lying and tricked her into confessing that they did.

The fight between Yuno and Ackerman was getting pretty interesting and it made the morning drive much smoother considering they were taking Tori back to Kim, and he is not sure that Tori and his pet wolf are a good combination it's just too freaky.

"Ken Tachibana, are you working with Ryujin on his colour band project?" Ken gets startled by a reporter suddenly shoving a mic into his face.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Ryujin's grand daughter spots Tachibana and walks towards him, "Hello, please come with me." Tachibana follows her and finds Ryujin in his office with his wife looking upset.

"Why am I here? I thought it was something serious."

"It is, you're going to be the first one to take the blood test and receive a colour band."

"About that, what is a colour band and why me?"

Ryujin rolls his eyes and spells out Yuno on a piece of paper. Tachibana is still confused, but his blood boils assuming Ryujin is threatening Yuno.

"I haven't had time to test out the machines so I know if anything happens to you Yuno will clean up the mess, and I'll have ample time to try and try again. I would've asked Yuno to take the test first, but it's too risky."

Tachibana takes a deep breath to stay level headed. Ryujin might be an old bag of bones, but he always has a plan B Yuno could be on the way as they speak, "Alright, I'll do it."

Ryujin adjusts his tie and walks past Tachibana going to make the big announcement, "I did not doubt that."

He stands before the crowd and makes a few jokes warming the people up for the big news, "Ladies and Gentlemen, as we all know the rise of Supers has come with many trials and uncertainty.

"The Ryujin Corp has taken a path that will embrace this big change in our society introducing the colour band system made possible through extensive research on Supers, now able to identify a Super and their power with just a drop of blood."

The machine looks more like an ATM on wheels with a tall man in black pushing it to the centre stage, calling Tachibana who gets his finger pricked by a nurse occasionally stealing a glance.

He presses his hand on the hand panel that immediately attaches certain veins that take more blood from Tachibana, the process lasts 30 seconds and the veins release his hand automatically pressing thin pads that stop the bleeding.

The machine processes the information up to 5 minutes and hands over a red wrist band, "If you push the button there it will project the stats of what your ability is and what the colour red means."

Tachibana pushes the button and a projected screen is on display, "Ken Tachibana. Code? Red. Ability type: elemental. Heart seed sized 3cm maximum temperature 3000 degrees. Strength. 2 out of 5. Speed. 4 out of 5. Rank: B" A female voice reads out his stats and explains what everything means.

Code basically means how powerful your ability is depending on the size of the egg located in your heart. Tachibana's is 3cm when he's relaxed meaning it can grow bigger and therefore his ability is strong and he should be monitored.

Ability type is self-explanatory and heart seed size refers to the size of the egg, maximum temperature refers to body temperature that is considered normal for each individual and the watch will alert the people around you if your temperature drops too low or is too high.

The room went quiet and Tachibana was just as shocked to find out he can burn up to that point, ranking is based on accumulated stats and if Tachibana is considered B rank it means that there are people with far more destructive abilities and are A ranked.

"This is not a way to segregate each other it is a way to ensure that the Supers in our towns are safe and free. Sometimes a person will be right next to you and they, like Tachibana, will have a body temperature that is just too high and it will be considered normal.

"This confuses doctors and the people around us, the Ryujin Corp just wants to ensure that young children do not harm each other and to further expand our knowledge about abilities and where they come from."

Tachibana takes a seat and takes off the band, "I have a choice to not wear this when I don't want to correct?"

Ryujin shakes his head, "Unfortunately, no, they will work as a pass card you cannot enter certain places without swiping your band."

Tachibana shakes his head in disapproval, but he doesn't have the power to do anything about this. He'll watch it fall apart on it's own there is no way people will want to feel like they are being watched at every turn these bands are invasive and it's going to cause more chaos.

Yuno turns off the TV and turns to Kim, "Ken doesn't look too happy about this and I don't know what to think either. Ryujin changed, it's like he's a different person."

Kim shakes her head and gives Tori a lollipop, "Ryujin has always been an asshole he was nice to you because he needed your help he doesn't anymore and just like the rest of us you're about to see him for the power hungry scum bag he is."

"That's just a sad existence money can't be a passion, but it is for some people."

"I never thought of that, but now that I think about what passion is and what it does to you I can somehow understand the reason they do what they do for money.

"Passion is an obsession, you love something to the point where it consumes you, your entire existence revolves around it. The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you think changes so that you can keep your passion going.

"For some people getting the message that the contract is sealed is what they live for, watching the numbers in the bank account get bigger is the highlight of their existence. It sounds like fun to me."

"They don't care who gets hurt in the process."

"Exactly, they don't care and that's why they are at the top and the empathetic ones like you grovel in the dirt waiting to get hired.

"The top isn't a friendly place and kind hearted people like you are just easy pawns, why do you think Ken hangs around you so much?"

Yuno's eyes widen, "Woah, that's just shady." She comments and Kim narrows her eyes.

"Did you really think Ken likes you? Don't get your hopes up he'll get bored of you eventually I think he's just been lonely and you're a pretty young thing so he's having fun with it."

"Are you going to tell me what's going on with Tori?"

"No, because I'll have to repeat myself when Ken is here. You can make yourself useful and grab a mop you don't want to be out of practise now do you? You'll be back to sweeping floors eventually."

Yuno slaps Kim across the face and exits the room leaving Kim confused as to why Yuno just hit her

Tachibana walks into Kim's lab and finds Yuno sitting outside with Tori, "Hey."

Tori runs for a hug and Yuno just stays silent standing up and going back inside. She hasn't stepped foot in the building since earlier and honestly would much rather like to burn it all down.

Tachibana notices Yuno is upset and asks Kim what's going.

"I don't know, ask her."

"Will Hitori be okay?"

"Oh yeah, totally, nothing is wrong or off, but we'll get accurate answers with time. Are you serious about this whole playing dad thing? You said you don't want any kids."

"Hitori is special he's the one I'm planning to leave everything to."

Kim snorts, "You're just saying that because she's in the room, aren't you? There is no way you're serious about that."

"As a heart attack, right Hitori? You're going to be just like your father."

Tori nods and Yuno rolls her eyes leaving.

Tachibana glares at Kim and she gives him a confused look.

"What are you looking at me like that for?"

"You're a bitch."

Ken grabs Tori's bag and walks to the car before Yuno drives away with it, "Hey, whatever my sister said to offend you please don't pay any mind to it she just gets a kick out of rubbing people the wrong way."

"Well, it works because the bitch sure as hell knows where to hit you where it hurts, can we just leave?"

Tachibana was planning on dropping them off and going to the Palace but Yuno upset just spoils his mood and he doesn't have the motivation to get any work done anymore.

Yuno goes straight to bed after tucking Tori in.

"I know you're not sleeping Yuno, can we talk?"

"I don't want to talk about it Ken."

"Okay, I talk you listen," He climbs under the covers with her lightly grazing her cheek.

"I know you're worried about how serious I am about you but I am serious.

"I care about you and I was serious about what I said about Hitori as well. I don't know what Kim said, but whatever doubt she planted just know that I will make it a point to prove to you that I want to be with you."

Yuno looks him in the eyes, "I trust you Ken."

He smirks cupping her cheek, "Good." His lips take hers in kissing her.


Ryu walks into the dark room and rolls her eyes, "You know, for the man who claims he started world war one and three you sure as hell are a needy nuisance, what do you want this time?"

The male stands up and Ryu looks confused he wasn't so sickly looking yesterday.

"I need you to find out where Kaminari hid the files about the secret council, you're good at that so find them and bring them to me."

"What is the secret council?"

"You'll know once you have the files and I need to know how to fix my mortality I am the most powerful Aztec to have ever walked on this earth being reduced to a mere human is an insult and only further fuels my need for chaos."

"Where do I start?"

"Bubai Ryujin, he took over most of Kaminari's companies, so he may know something. "I give you a month at best, I need to know who the enemy is, my memory is a bit foggy I can't remember much about myself."

"Sure, I'll see what I can do one month sounds like enough time."

"Thank you."

"I'm not doing this to be nice, you promised me immortality and eternal youth."

"And you will get that after you help me get my memories back now get moving you're not getting any younger."