Ability Registration

Ava walked into the Public Safety Bureau headquarters to pitch her idea about upgrading the Education system to accommodate Supers and match the dawn of a new Era of Superhuman society. 

Of course, she didn't say it like that but she may as well have. Her real motivations were so her brother and her can finally get a job. Colleges rejected them the moment they saw their horns. It has made life for them very difficult.

Colour bands will play a very large role in grading and ranking Supers in the workplace.

Those with Red colour bands and higher rank will automatically be deemed Ready which means that they can skip the entire college process and go straight to the workplace after taking a compatibility test.

Where someone's ability will be put through a series of test to see if it suits the job required which is the equivalent of a job interview for Supers. The other colours will decide a different grade and how many years of college they are required to do.

She gets in the car and faces her brother before she faces the front with an all new sign of hope, confidence and dignity with a proud smile plastered on her face, "I did it, they liked my idea and they're going to work on it ASAP" She giggles excited for herself and her brother.

"You will finally be able to get a job and with your red code you're bound to get a job before others and it's really amazing what that means for us." Her enthusiasm makes her brother smile and hopeful.

They have been rejected time and time again because of the way they look and their abilities being a problem.

"You know I applied for a job at the Tachibana Palace and they called me in for an interview, I got cold feet worried I was going to get rejected for my looks and I was in no position to deal with that at the time so I agreed, but never showed.

"They've been consistently calling me in for an interview and I finally gave in and went there I got the job without an interview.

"I was going to tell you that I've been working there for a while now and I tagged along for this because it will benefit so many other people.

"I am proud of you sis, but I enjoy my job there it's a crazy fun environment and the boss is friendly the food is great and the pay is just too much for the things I get up to when I'm there, it's like getting paid to have fun and I enjoy it a lot."

Ava looks at her brother and sighs, "Don't let anyone take advantage of your ability brother, don't get blinded by the kind hospitality they could just be faking to get close to you."

"That's the thing Sister, that place is different they are warm and the entire staff is like family they wouldn't play tricks on me for me to want to use my ability to help I enjoy volunteering and it's wonderful.

"Everyone there is just like us and you heard about the recent violent attacks on Supers that have been going on out here I feel safer knowing that I'm in a building full of people just like me ready to defend ourselves, and want to protect each other it's amazing." Ian smiles.

Ava gives him a tight hug, "All I want is for you to be happy and if that place makes you happy I am happy for you."


Yuno wakes up showering before heading down grabbing a bowl of cereal and walking out to the garden to enjoy her breakfast.

She turns and finds Ken sleeping on the still wet floor with Tori and Xavier in his arms it's very clear he is using his body heat to keep them warm.

"They were up all night playing around waking the rest of us." Kai rubs his tired eyes and sits next Yuno snatching her bowl away and munching on an over full spoon of cereal.

"Wow, I wish I could've seen that, did you see anything?"

Kai nods and shows Yuno the video he knew she'd want to see it for herself.

Ken was chasing them around and showing them how to get along as well as teaching Xavier how to use his ability to melt Tori's ice if he accidentally freezes him.

Tori's ability is dangerous because when he freezes someone he doesn't just cover the surface his ice starts from within freezing everything inside out until it turns to ash.

Lucky for Xavier he has a fire type ability still yet to be registered they were supposed to go today, but they have to wait on Bino who works at the Abilities Registration Centre. Anti-Supers are always lurking around there.

"I want to go with him later if Bino calls, do you think he'll let me?"

"Only if Ian or Roku tag along but both of them are M.I.A so I think you're out of luck sis."

Yuno smiles and shakes her head, "Ian will be on time I don't doubt it, his ability is all time manipulation after all.

"Did you know that his three horns on his head represent a different facet of time; past, present and future. It's so crazy powerful his band is coloured deep red and sometimes turns black that means his ability is an S ranked ability

"It's level of destruction is unimaginable, my band is white meaning my ability is super powerful, but it's level of destructiveness is in the negative range not even 0." Yuno huffs.

Kai laughs and shows Yuno his wrist band it's light red, "Apparently, all the training with Roman high made my ability stronger we have a class at the school that is made specifically for training and improving our abilities.

"I've seen so many peoples bands change colour every now and then, it was actually because of our school that the band colour chart was upgraded and there are so many new colours out there and the meaning is different.

"People don't even bother listening to the stats the colour says it all."

Yuno turns her head and smiles at Kai he looks so proud it's adorable.

"Well, I need to get myself something to eat since you already hi-jacked my meal."

Ken wakes up to the sound of Yuno and Kai having their usual arguments and this time it was Kai who ate Yuno's food. He lightly shifts but that is enough to wake Tori up who accidentally wakes Xavier and all three are now awake.

They walk back into the Palace after waiting for a few minutes for Yuno and Kai to leave.

"Morning boss." Ackerman pats Ken on the back and walks into the kitchen sweeping Yuno off her feet swinging on the balls of his feet, "Morning boss lady."

Yuno smiles, "I'm all good, what's got you in a good mood?"

"I'm always in a good mood."

Ken grabs Ackerman by the back of his shirt and he puts Yuno down gulping.

"Ken quit acting weird you're being a bad influence to the boys."

He turns around to find Setsuno and Kai holding Xavier and Tori like jousting sticks lightly bumping their heads together, "You two are just idiots put them down right this instant."

Rex punches Kai and Setsuno unconscious, "Please excuse us." Rex drags his two friends away

Ackerman looks worried about the two unconscious boys, "Aren't you worried he hit them too hard? His band has black strips."

Yuno shrugs her shoulders and casually enjoys her meal getting a call from Bino that the coast is clear for them to bring the boys. At the same time Ken got a call from Ake about a meeting so he can't tag along with the boys.

"Drop me off and I'll ask Ian to meet me there besides it won't take a while we'll be back in no time." Yuno crosses her fingers he'll say yes. She feels like she's under house arrest.

Ken nods and kisses Yuno before going up stairs Xavier and Tori hot on his trail following his every move. "Yuno, mind handling this for me?"

She walks up the stares and asks the boys to come with her bathing them going to the ARC building to find only a few people in a cue.

Bino notices Yuno and walks towards them standing next to her, "Hey there, you and Tachibana must be really happy with your two sons and nice life huh!"

Yuno shakes her head at the Bino she knows she's in trouble because she's about to be hit by his foot in mouth syndrome. "Bino, don't start with me please."

He guides her to his office Yuno holding a sleeping Tori cuddling Snow and Xavier on her one hand walking side by side. She sits down watching Xavier being a ball of energy skipping around with his wide bright smile on his face.

"So, how serious are you with Tachibana anyway? You do know what he is and I'm not sure if you've noticed, but you're plane jane Yuno Lin who will grow old and become wrinkly while he will look like the freshest thing on earth since the prince of Bel Air."

Yuno laughs and they laugh together she gives him a gentle smile resting her hand on his shoulder, "This is why no one likes you,"

She turns to Xavier and follows Bino to the exam room watching him conduct tests and record the data before taking a picture of him and issuing him his ID card, "You don't like immortals do you?"

Bino shrugs his shoulders he doesn't know what to say because Xavier is also an immortal and he was born this way he still isn't sure how to take that, "All I know is that you're making a big mistake being with Tachibana it'll end awfully for you."

Yuno turns to him for clarification.

"I mean you can't seriously think that all your problems are over, you and I both know it is only the beginning there is no way immortals who have been around for millenniums suddenly get taken out so easily.

"If it was so easy why wasn't it done before? I know you like the guy, but far away from him is where I'd suggest you be."

Yuno nods and walks away before the conversation goes deeper she is not in the mood for any of his long-winded conspiracy theories.

They do shopping first before returning to the car and Yuno stops in her tracks when she sees Ken leaning against her car, "Ken? What are you doing here?"

"I don't trust Ake and I wanted to see if Ian is here or not if he isn't I'm going to ring his neck."

"Then it's a good thing I already did."

Yuno and Ken face Maria who smiles at them. Xavier runs into her arms and smiles, "Grammy, I missed you."

She hugs him tight and pecks his cheek, "I missed you too, you have no idea how long it's been."

Yuno smiles and turns to Ken who is caught in a trance watching Maria and Xavier. She gets in the car and puts Tori down in his seat before walking to the other side to open the driver seat door, but it's slammed shut with a strong body pressing against Yuno's.

A low cackle escapes the lips of Candice Ake, "The minute she showed up you lost him cut your losses and save yourself the pain just accept that you're dreaming when you think you and him will actually last."

Ken turns his head and looks surprised to see Tori in the car and Yuno pinned by Candice,.

"Man, you went and fucked it all up Ken it's such a shame I was hoping I'd see you two on billboards and magazines as the super couple, but Maria is here for just a split second and you're off in wonderland," 

Ken groans this is why he doesn't like the Ake's they are just always ready for drama.