
Ryujin glares at Ake as he moves into his new office building using a bit of Ken's side since they decided to work together for the new tech company Ake is officially starting.

With Supers getting licenses to work in the office and fields demand for safety gear will be high, with some of Saito's scales they've already made some safety pads for none Supers working around Supers.

"Sir, it is time to go." The twins open the door for Ryujin as he is driving to the Public Safety office who have been spearheading the re-election of party members and the grieving period for the Empress.

Hitoshi arrives at the same time as Ryujin walking into the building with a colour band that's green meaning he's completely human. He groans considering he was forced to nominate himself for the role of Prime Minister.

Aiko had a theory that if he tells the council he's Ken Tachibana's father he will have the win in the bag and Izumi being the one who will make the final decision will obviously choose him especially if he has the people's approval.

The room is full of people in formal attire and looking as presentable as can be.

Negai stands before the crowd and announces the candidates who qualify for Prime Minister first. "Roku Hiroshima, Hitoshi Tachibana and Riko Sato."

Ryujin looks surprised that he is not a candidate but claps his hands regardless keeping his cool. Age might be the reason.

People have not forgotten that he once was ill it nearly killed him so he's a risk in they're eyes.

"The nominees for the Royal council will be listed shortly out of these people only 3 to 5 will be selected as this is a very fluid time in our country things are constantly in motion and anything can trigger an uproar.

"We just need a temporary united front between the government and the Royal household to avoid any civil unrest, none of the selected have a guaranteed seat anything can happen and these are the people we've selected based on public favour.

"No one among these people had a say in the matter of being nominated and honestly choice will be stripped away in the case of accepting the position.

"You all must remember that this is bigger than ourselves it's bigger than personal feelings and bigger than families at home because one mishap and it all goes to shit, uproars, wars, carnage and mayhem are inevitable."

He holds up the list of names and clears his throat, he's only the face of this event he too does not know about this to avoid him being used to rig the process entirely.

"Ken Tachibana, Roku Hiroshima, Ciel Ake, Keiko Kaito, Mike Conor, R. Roman, Koji Manase, Nyiko Sanmaru, and Kenji Hijiki." Negai leaves the rest to his assistant and they discuss prefectures and the diets as well as military matters.

Ryujin notices that neither Ken nor Ciel are here instead it's Candice and Sensen here as proxies.

"If you're here, what's up with Yuno?" Candice asks Sensen who keeps checking her phone for any word from Ackerman.

"She's just a bit under the weather I'm sure she's fine."

A phone call comes in and Ackerman asks her to check on the boys at Roman high they called saying something is up and Ken's phone is off his attention is on Yuno who's groaning and aching all over, but Kim can't figure out what's wrong with her.

"Ken I swear I don't see anything, where's the ring Roku gave her?"

Ken is staring off into space watching her like he's in a trance. "She's okay, I don't sense anything wrong. I think she's okay."

Kim chucks it off as denial and a potential mental break or episode.

Ken approaches Yuno and pecks her cheek. "Don't do anything stupid she'll be fine. How's that water tank coming along?"

Kim gives him a thumbs up and he picks her up laying her in the tank so she can let the water soothe the aching but it makes things worse for Yuno intensifying the burning sensation almost like every vein in her body is being burnt at an intense rate.

Ken takes her out holding her close.

"Ken, I've checked over and over again I don't know what's going on here, what the hell do we call this? An allergy to her own ability?."

Kim is beyond frustrated she's not the type to be easily defeated by science and she is still in denial that magic cannot be deciphered Scientifically as far as she's concerned it's a different kind if science and she will stop at nothing to break it down and know the solution to every problem.

Maria runs into the building and Ken looks at his sister.

"You called her?"

Kim smirks and he smiles holding Yuno close.

Maria checks her temperature and asks Yuno some questions, but all Yuno says is that she doesn't know it's easier than having to think.

"Looks like a concealment spell to me I think someone is trying to hide the stones presence in her body the pain will only last a few hours so don't worry so much she'll be fine this is for her own good."

Maria was also under a concealment spell when pregnant with the two in the room her being human didn't make it a joy ride in any way shape or form it's rare for hybrid immortals to survive pregnancy and she was under more pressure with two and somehow she found a way.

Kim slow claps for her brother since she was convinced he was having a mental breakdown from watching his beloved suffer.

"Great, so Ken you leave and I stay with her while you check on Xavier in case his new friend has burnt down your entire Palace already."

Ken shakes his head and holds Yuno tighter. "My boys are in safe hands and she's safer in mine. We will leave together."

Maria smiles and purses her lips, "About the boys."

Setsuno dumped them on her door step and went to the Palace falling asleep first chance he got.

Ackerman and Mitsuko were taking care of the remodeling.

Tensho dropped Tori off because of work and Bino is also stuck at work leaving Maria as the only person to watch the boys. Xavier brushes his purring friend who woke up a few minutes ago.

Tori brushes the top of his head and accidentally freezes him.

The dragon combusts and Tori's eyes widen with amazement while Snow is turned off by the heat and wonders off.

Xavier and Tori sit with their new friend watching him navigate his surroundings and search the room for the biggest source of heat. Ken groans when the dragon rests on the top of his head.

He turns around and glares at the boys Hitori shakes his head saying it wasn't me while Xavier is glaring at his father for taking his pet away.

"Get it off me before it hurts Yuno." The dragon jumps down and nestles between Yuno's arms absorbing the heat from her stomach.

Yuno's expression softens and Ken glares at the pet.

"First chance I get, I'm making a dragon meat burger and you're on the menu."

Kim laughs at her brother's ridiculous behaviour he hated Snow at first, now he doesn't kick him off the bed as often and eventually he will warm up to the dragon if it makes his son happy he too will be happy.

"Yuno." Xavier calls out behind his father.

Ken cocks a brow and his face falls when he realises that he's talking to the dragon, "You're not serious about that name."

Xavier follows behind Ken laying Yuno on the bed watching the phoenix like bird curl up into a ball resting on Yuno's stomach.

Ken watches Yuno sleep and get's up to leave asking the boys to tag along.

Xavier takes his new pet and Yuno wakes up taking it back.

"We're sleeping."

Xavier blinks confused and Ken picks him up.

"Is it okay if I say you'll understand when you're older? I promise you when Yuno feels better she'll bring your Yuno to you."

Xavier looks Ken in the eyes, "Promise?"

Ken nods as he picks up Tori carrying him in his other arm. Snow falls asleep and Tori leaves him behind.

They stop at Ken's construction firm and he sits in his chair sighing. Tori shakes his head taking his dinosaur and sitting on the floor while Xavier falls asleep in his father's arms.

Jet opens the door and picks up Tori leaving for a drive around the city stopping by the mall to get something to eat. "You don't want your fries buddy?"

Tori shakes his head, "I eat with brother."

Jet nods and they get back to the car Jet letting Tori walk ahead of him holding his new backpack that he's sure Ken will have his head for getting him one.

"Snowy." Tori jumps up as he senses that Snow is close sprinting towards Tori's location to blow off some steam.

Jet waits outside the car with Tori holding a very excited look on his face on lookers smiling at his overly excitement that is semi contagious Snow jumps Tori who falls back in a fit of giggles.

"Run, he likes to run." Tori smiles and picks him up.

Jet takes them to the ice rink so Snow can run around all he wants he also needs to make a call to make sure everything at the second Palace is in check Ken will be coming to check on the place any day this week or the next.

It's a pretty relaxed place that lowkey is making more money than the initial Palace, but that's because the second Palace is a lot closer to the airport as well as under less strict management than the first.

Guests have more fun there always guaranteed value for their money.

Ken wakes up to find Tori left his dinosaur on the floor. "Tired of it already." He finds Xavier sleeping in the infirmary with his new pet and Ken looks around the building for Yuno. "Where is she?" Ken asks the secretary and he points him towards Roman high.

Yuno walks into the building and bumps into Izumi. "Sorry." She runs past him rushing into the nurse's office.

The boys are all okay just knocked out and recovering.

"From the scans it seems like a brain wave attack, but they will recover just fine." The doctor tells the principle and Roman.

Their attention is drawn to Yuno with Izumi behind her.


She turns around and coughs looking up at Izumi. "Uhh hi."

Izumi introduces himself and Yuno nods Immediately turning her attention back to the boys, "This is my fault." She mutters lowly to herself slowly walking into the room worry etched on her face.

"I don't know if you're deaf or just dramatic, but I do recall over hearing that they are okay." Setsuno comments leaning against the door and Yuno runs into his arms giving him a tight hug.

"Are you alright?" Yuno asks and he chuckles lightly poking her stomach.

"I'm worried about you, are you alright?" Yuno nods but Setsuno pokes her forehead. "I'm not talking to you."

Yuno chuckles playfully shoving him out of the room, "Don't be ridiculous, I'm not having kids until I'm 25."

Setsuno cocks a brow earlier when he talked about this with Roku his head started ringing and he woke up acting like it's a silly joke unlike the others Setsuno remembers everything that happened out there and he can't figure out why the others won't remember.

Izumi overheard the conversation and is using a spell he learnt from a Negai to resist the affects of a Negai's spell.

"We need to talk." Izumi doesn't give Setsuno much of a choice and drags him away.

"What the hell? Who the fuck are you and what do you want?"

Izumi turns to Setsuno pinning him against the wall Setsuno feeling invisible chains keeping him glued to the wall.

"What you know you cannot share with anyone, not only will it cause them agonising pain, but you will be betraying that child's safety." Izumi groans as he is failing to keep the spell from affecting him.

"I will soon forget like the others but I will find a way to remember and when I do if I find out you told anyone or put that child in danger you will be silenced for good, do I make myself clear?"

Setsuno stares Izumi down, "She's my friend in case you haven't noticed my intentions are only to keep her safe don't patronise me."

Izumi let's go of Setsuno being dragged to his knees by the agonising pain.

Setsuno takes him to the infirmary and the doctor is now puzzled, "It's a Palace bug, I think just leaving them in here on their own will be sufficient. Everyone out and that includes you boss lady if you catch this bug my life is over."

Setsuno throws Izumi on the floor 'accidentally' tripping and stepping on him.

Yuno stands outside with Setsuno looking very worried.

"Ey, quit stressing out it's not healthy."

"Shut up Setsuno I'm perfectly healthy."

"I'll make it my duty it stays that way."

Yuno gives him a hug, "You're so odd sometimes."

Ken finds Yuno waiting outside and picks her up kissing her. "You're supposed to call me first Yuno."

She takes her phone and shows him the call logs, "Your phone's off."

Ken takes out his phone and pecks her forward. "You called the wrong one."

She lightly giggles and enjoys the comfort of being held in his embrace while waiting for the boys to wake up.

Saito opens his eyes when his stomach growls and Rex smiles.

"You too huh!"

Kai snorts.

"Who's dumb idea was it for us to leave on an empty stomach anyway?" Rex asks and they all give each other knowing looks an image of the one and only Setsuno flashing in their minds.

"Aww, you sick wittle babies miss me already?" Setsuno teases standing by the door frame with his arms crossed.

"Who voted you the leader anyway? You're terrible at it." Saito comments and they all laugh before sitting up avoiding Ken and the teachers.

"Kai?" Yuno cocks a brow worried about her brother's mental health seeing him walk fully naked in the hall waysis  a far cry from sanity.

Setsuno snorts and throws them each a towel.

"W. Whaat? Why the fuck are we naked? What the hell were you doing to us?" Kai asks and Yuno purses her lips trying not to laugh.

The boys give her a warm group hug and she stands there shocked.

"Back off before I set you boys on fire." Ken threatens narrowing his eyes at them.

Rex shoves the others away before his arm circles Yuno's waist, "What do you say I take you to my room and we can lay down."

Setsuno knocks him out before Ken kills him Yuno smiles with a grateful look she checks the time realising it's late.

Everyone gives her an odd look as she gives herself a round of applause for surviving hours of Setsuno's constant teasing plus Maria called about the boys being hard to handle so she has to leave sooner than expected.

"I have to check on the boys sorry I have to leave. You boys just woke up I really wanted to spend more time with you guys, but it's pretty late, so call me, okay!"

Kai nods and gives her one last hug pecking her forward.

Yuno looks up and gasps. "Are you taller than me now? When did that happen?"

Kai chuckles he did not notice he got taller. "How are you feeling?"


Ken glares at Kai and he glares back hugging Yuno again.

"You drive, I don't trust him to not kidnap you and hold you prisoner somewhere where we can't find you all in the name of keeping you safe from the world that's a cruel cruel place, it's no secret he's a little unhinged."

Saito scratches the back of his neck giving Yuno a hug walking to his room.

The others follow falling asleep in their rooms meeting in the first class of the next morning for Rex's favourite class.

"I hate math." Kai whines flopping in his seat after the rude awakening he and Rex had in the morning because of Saito who even had the energy to drag them to the showers and come back to make sure they were ready for class.

Rex glares at how chirpy Saito is like he's never been exhausted a day in his life. "Do you even sleep?"

"Duh, I'm part human so if I want to I can sleep."

"If?" Kai asks looking confused and semi sleep deprived.

"Morning." Rou walks past the three waving at Kai who waves back.

Rex nudges him and gives him a dirty look, "She's totally into you dude."

Kai rolls his eyes leaning back into his seat, "Yeah, I know I'm not dense but my family needs me right now and considering that we almost died I doubt my life has any romance in the forecast.

"The only one of us who can guarantee a girlfriends safety is Saito who's hiding the fact that Roku made him a Lux ring for that very reason."

Kai punches him in the face out of jealousy and smirks, "I'm so jealous you can bet your ass that's why I did it."

Saito chuckles and brags some more only further infuriating his friend.

Rex on the other hand is more interested in snatching Saito's book without him noticing and he has better luck snatching dried paint off a wall and putting it back in the container it came in.

"Rex I will kill you, what the hell are you doing?" Saito grabs Rex's hand only to have Kai's foot in his face.

Rou chuckles watching how care free they are and the class laughs when Rex mentions homework none of them did and that means that they are in deep shit with their teacher.

Kai takes out his phone and the other two cross their fingers while sending Roku texts who's having a bubble bath talking to his rubber duck about a premonition he had.

He met Lynx and on the 31st of December they were performing a spell for Izumi but they failed to complete the spell using 5 of the 6 sacrifices and thousands of people died.

There was chaos everywhere but the cause and why is still unknown.

He holds up the pendent. He's been experiencing dreams and nightmares because of it. He assumes the premonition was also because of the pendent Luxars don't get premonitions.

He jumps out of the tub super excited to get a text from the boys because it means they need him to perform a spell and there's nothing he loves more than magic.

Kai sighs in relief when class starts and his book is complete with notes he never knew the class went through, "I love how he always goes overboard and never wastes time." Kai comments.

Rex nods and Saito is surprised, "Does he do the same for your tests and exams too?"

"If I told you I'd have to kill you." Rex points his blade at Saito who already knows the answer to the question he asked.

"Of course you guys would call him even for that."

The teacher clears his throat standing behind the boys sure they didn't do their homework. Kai happily opens his notebook with a smile on his face.

"Didn't they say they didn't do their homework?" Chinami asks his twin who has been closely watching the three boys he knows for a fact Kai last wrote notes for this class 3 months ago because that is when they sat together.

They stopped sitting according to the class list and those three started being class buddies and homework is not on their list of priorities.

Saito groans since his hearing is still super sensitive and he can't concentrate.

"Pop quiz! Good luck to you all." The teacher passes the papers with an evil grin on his face. His girlfriend cancelled on their date and he had free time and decided a pop quiz would be healthy for his students.

Kai groans and Rex chuckles, "You're screwed man." Rex comments before keeping a straight face and stretching for his pop quiz he never gets anything less than a total score for maths and he's prepared to ace the test.

When the class is done doing revision Rex cocks a brow surprised Kai actually passed, "How did that happen?"

Kai points to Saito who finally admits he passes math because Rex mutters his answers to himself and he uses his hearing to his advantage, whereas Kai could see Saito's paper.

At lunch the boys sit by their usual spot having lunch in silence enjoying the cold breeze.

"Hey, you guys want to join us for a game?" Chinami asks the three boys who simultaneously shake their heads.

"I'm not in the mood, he's not doing so good, and he's hiding from his girlfriend." Rex teases Kai who's sitting on the tree avoiding Rou by any means necessary.

"So? Where did you boys sneak off to the other day? You have a factory for Super animals you guard while the rest of us sleep?" Chinami squats down in front of Rex.

All Saito is thinking is that he's one brave guy to be so close to the worlds biggest ticking time bomb that can pop off in a second.

"Guard? Huh! I wish those fricking things tried to eat us, have you ever seen a giant spider? I have and they don't smell good either if I ever come across any thing along those lines again I'm shipping it back to its maker I don't know who it is, but they'll find it in the afterlife."

Chinami is left confused when the other two laugh at Rex's comment. "You Palace boys an exclusive club or what?"

"Palace boys?" All three ask in unison.

Chinami nods, "That's what everyone is calling you guys around here, I mean your sister is dating Ken Tachibana, and you always seem to disappear off to the Palace not to mention that you've been secretive lately, I want to know what that's about."

"I doubt Setsuno would be happy about us telling you." Saito comments and the others nod in agreement sitting back and relaxing.

Roku sends the boys a text to meet after school because Setsuno set a meeting and Izumi will be there.

Izumi watches Lynx pace up and down.

"Where the hell is Aiko? The 5 people are not being cooperative each of them are giving me excuses that they can't make it. What are we going to do?"

Izumi shrugs his shoulders going through old Negai books looking more absorbed in that than what should be his main concern.


He snaps out of it turning his attention back to Lynx, "Sorry, I just can't remember something and I believe it is vital and crucial that I remember.

"What I know is that we're running out of time tomorrow I'll be at the Palace mind going with Hitoshi to the election party, you know politicians and their senseless parties."

"Negai's have one way to break their spells Izumi and it's through a blood sacrifice that's why Negai's are so feared."

"Fine, that's what we'll do. I just need to remember what the hell I'm trying to remember to permanently break the hold it has on me.

"I marked my body with three clues, the words Setsuno, Yuno and Negai with the symbol of an infant taken from Negai books I just need to piece it together it makes no sense now, but I listed it in order of importance and Setsuno is the one to go to."

Ryu walks into the room flopping on the couch with a picture in her hands, "You guys won't believe what the Jet guy from the Palace did for me.

"He let me spend the day with Tori behind Tachibana's back and we even took a picture together. I think even his pet wolf likes me I learned a lot from Jet about him.

"Apparently something happened months ago and since then Hitori's DNA has been changing and merging with that of the wolf in a way.

"Kim killed her brother and he woke up after 3 hours meaning that his bite is so lethal it can put an immortal out of commission for a very long time."

Izumi turns his head very interested, "His bite or his secreted toxin?"

Ryu shrugs her shoulders and he groans finally getting how Lynx felt when all his attention was on his books when the other party was trying to have a decent conversation.

"Lynx needs help rounding up the sacrifices and you're helping, make their disappearance believable we tried to do it the nice way, but I guess we always have to result to the bloody and butchery methods to get things done."

Ryu stands up smirking, "Anything to go out and find out what more I can do. I swear I love being so powerful."

Lynx stands up taking his jacket before throwing a book Izumi asked him to find. "Negai sacrificial novellas, I hope this book has answers I hate reading."