
Chinami looks around his room for the laptop charger he's still blurring the hospital footage but if he doesn't stop it will be traced back to him.

He looks out the window and notices that Kilua is the one supplying the school with electricity since he destroyed everything first chance he got and he's glad Saito is getting blamed.

Akali and Tori sit and watch Snow play around the pool jumping in and out of the pool she notices Tori looking very sleepy she picks him up taking him to her room Snow follows suit waiting outside for Akali to dry him off before he can enter.

"Are you watching this? Is that Saito?"

Akali shooshes Rou and turns her attention to the screen watching the news.

Saito and Melody found the job already done for them so Izumi sent Saito back to the hospital while Melody went back to Kudesai who's now standing in front of the hospital with a smirk on his face watching Saito in front of the door.

"You're of no interest to me boy, now get out of my way unless I have to go through you."

Saito knows things won't play out like last time he will die out here but he believes it's fine if he's dying for his friends.

Kim swoops in flying kicking Kudesai in the face, "You stay the hell away from my brother's girlfriend."

Kudesai flicks her backwards Saito lands a round house kick slamming Kudesai into the ground leaving a dent on the floor.

Kudesai groans breaking the spell holding the water in the hospital the force throwing Kim and Saito off giving Kudesai an opening for an attack.

He grabs Saito by the throat burning him from the inside out since he has no use for him anymore he doesn't need to be delicate with the procedure of burning the scales off his body he means to kill him this time not weaken him.

A gun shot goes off seconds before Kudesai rings Saito's neck.

Kai propels himself forward and stabs Kudesai with his blade before grabbing Saito and surfing away, but Setsuno uses vines to pull him back, "We stick together Kai."

Roku glares at Kudesai holding the stones in both hands.

Yuno puts her hand over Saito's chest and quickly retracts it away.

"He's dead Yuno, for good only a witch can kill a dragon."

Kai looks at Ken and back to Saito shaking his head, "No, that's not true. He can't die he'll wake up."

Ken holds back Rex and Setsuno while Yuno stands behind Roku his height overshadowing her. "Roku we still have to cover for Connor and Xavier please just stay calm."

"I'm going to calmly rip his head off. You hear me you bastard I'm going to kill you!"

Ken covers Rex's mouth pulling him back into the hospital Yuno takes Roku's hand snapping him out of his day dream.

"I swear to you Kudesai, I will find you and the garden will be the least of your worries by the time I'm done with you."

The door to the hospital entrance closes shutting him out Kim finally has an opening and stands up but Melody steps in knocking her out by shoving a herb in her mouth throwing her back.

Kudesai is pondering Roku's choice of words, the so called garden mentioned is only something that two people in the whole world know about. He stands in front of the hospital entrance glaring at it so hard it shook the entire building.


Roku glares at the door walking away taking Yuno to the underground entrance.

"Yes, did I hear someone mention my name?"

Kudesai turns around and comes face to face with the one thing in the entire Immortal world that will scare even the oldest of Immortals.

Melody takes Kudesai's hand to escape but instead she is swiped up and her entrails spew out with the flick of the wrist by the new player on the board.

"I do hate that I cannot actually kill you but I do look forward to doing it again," he stands in front of the door and pushes it open breathing in the air and smirking sensing that they are leaving the building, "I hate annoying chases."

"It's a good thing we don't run and we don't listen, bring him back I will kill himself." Rex and Setsuno stand ready behind Hiroshima who turns and waves them off.

"Run along children, you do not interest me."

Yuno stands on the roof, "Maybe I might interest you I've been reading Roku's books behind his back for a while now and I know the others want me dead out of fear, but you need me alive."

Ken and Roku groan waking up. "Did she kill us?" Roku asks Ken who stands up scratching the back of his head.

"She tried to she'll wish she did when I find her." Ken kicks the front window off swimming to the surface flying back to the bridge. "What kind of pregnant lady drives a car over the bridge?" Ken asks himself and Roku stretches.

"One who left her human brother to fight off an Immortal who killed their friend in a matter of seconds and one who is basically Immortal under water.

"Too bad we can't say the same for the actual Immortals who can drown and die and still come back yes, but we died long enough for her to go back on foot."

Ken shifts wrapping Roku in his tail flying back to the hospital.

"Yuno! What the hell are you thinking? Our plan is to stall not fight the guy." Kai comments hiding at her feet with his blade in hand.

"Look, in order for the other immortals to leave us alone we need someone who needs me alive to take care of them now get up and help me run." Yuno runs back into the hospital followed by Kai.

She turns the corner aiming for the elevator. A vampire pins her against the wall slowly twisting her arm.

Roku's eyes widen as he lays eyes on the man kicking the roof entrance open racing to Yuno's aid as she screams out in pain.

"That's my father, Ken hurry up before he locks us out of there."

Kai grazes Hiroshima's hand taking his sister and surfing away.

"We have three more up ahead, don't cut him deeper than that." She turns around to see how far behind he is they bump into him in the next room with the three Immortals out on the floor.

Ken stumbles upon the pile of bodies being left behind leading a trail to Yuno's whereabouts

"She's a smart schemer but a crazy girl if she thinks my father has the patients for such games it will make her death all the more excruciating."

Ken can hear Yuno on the ground floor running for the exit Hiroshima hot on her trail since there are no more distractions left.

"Are you done yet?"

Yuno shakes her head holding Kai's blade, "I have one last plan in mind and I am willing to live with the guilt just try me."

Hiroshima smirks, "I'll have to call your bluff."

She smirks and closes her eyes holding her hand up aiming the dagger at her womb, "I'm so sorry." She mutters Hiroshima's confidence falters and he takes the dagger from her hand.

Kai slides in and takes it from him stabbing him in the chest buying Yuno enough time to make it outside.

Hiroshima flicks Kai away and walks out of the Hospital trapping Ken and Roku inside. He pulls Yuno forward his eyes landing on Rex and Setsuno with just a single smile the two boys are caught in poison ivy roots sucking the life out of them growing bigger and tighter.

"Do anything and your brother loses two more friends today."

Rex coughs out blood so Setsuno uses his ability to free him instead but he's not strong enough to free himself.

Hiroshima slits his thumb and marks Yuno's forehead, "I hope you don't mind, it could've been any other mother in your position because I just need an unborn Immortal you though are all everyone will talk about and I saw that as a sign that you are the one I should use for this spell.

"I will correct this error in which we made and the era of Immortals will end."

Rex's head is throbbing and his vision is blurry he's the only one in the position to save Yuno but all he's got is strength the others have the long ranged abilities to pull her out of there he doesn't

All he's got is a shuriken and he knows he's in no position to play hero but he'd be damned if he didn't try. Rex stands up and throws the shuriken aiming for Yuno it hits Hiroshima in the left eye breaking his concentration.

Roku takes Kai's blade and throws it out. Kai is unconscious and bleeding from the side of his head all Roku is grateful for is that everyone else is asleep in the hospital.

Rex cuts Setsuno free before passing out. Setsuno uses vines to grab Yuno's arms and legs to pull her away from Hiroshima.

"Roku do something." Ken orders turning around taking Kai and checking him up, "He doesn't have much time that was a pretty hard hit."

"Well, you're putting me in a complicated position Ken because right now you're forcing me to choose between us and them.

"Kai and the three outside with my murderous father I wish I never had and I think it's pretty simple which choice I'm making." Roku holds out the stones and concentrates on Yuno.

"Run dammit!" Roku bleeds from his nose and ears casting a forbidden spell with a rather heavy price his father holds up the dagger he brought with him.

Setsuno barely gets away with Yuno because the mark on her forehead acts as a beacon Hiroshima will always know where she is no matter what and it also acts as metal to a magnet. He can pull her back in as long as she is in range.

Hiroshima pulls them both back grabbing Setsuno by the throat Setsuno smirks taking out a second Shuriken stabbing him in the eye again just like Rex.

Hiroshima takes Setsuno's hand so Setsuno takes Yuno's hand.

"I'll kill her myself before I lose to you."

Hiroshima pushes Setsuno back and crushes his heart by throwing his fingers in a fist Setsuno turns to Yuno and snaps his finger before he collapses.

Hiroshima heals Yuno before stabbing her in the stomach.

"No!" Ken puts his hand on the barrier the timer on Setsuno's phone goes off Chinami's work is done the camera's in the hospital are working again.

Hiroshima completes his ritual the blood from his eye landing on Yuno's open wound he can't heal himself and the pain keeps distracting him, but he powers through sacrificing Yuno's child to complete the one spell he was stopped from completing centuries ago.

All the immortals are collapsing one by one worldwide.

"The era of Immortals will end." He pulls the dagger out healing Yuno and leaving.

"Yuno, I need Yuno's blood hurry up you annoying Imbecile." Roku mutters and Kai runs out of the hospital painfully dragging her on the floor on purpose Roku collects the bit of blood he can get and rests the stones on her stomach.

"You can bring the child back to life?"

Roku smirks, "You can't resurrect someone who isn't dead. Izumi completed the spell on my behalf earlier he knew this was inevitable."

Ken turns over and purposely slaps Roku, "I think I know how everyone else feels when they talk about me making plans on my own and leaving it to the last second, what's the catch?"

Roku sits up. "The spell I cast is drawn from dark magic and that kind of magic requires a blood sacrifice when the child is born someone else will have to die. In order for this story to sell her grief must be real" Roku collapses on top of Ken.

"Any other day I'd ring your neck, but right now I just want to go home and spend time with my boys and hopefully by the new year everything will be over."

"I doubt it, I really doubt that."

Tori wakes up sleeping next to Akali who's waiting to hear from the others what happened, no one saw what happened inside, but everything that happened outside they saw it.

Yuno was stabbed and she lost her child all her little brother and friends could do in the end was just watch.

Tori straddles Aiko freezing her tear before giving it back to her. "Good morning." He pecks her forehead and she turns around giving him a hug grieving the loss of his little sibling that he will never know.

Tori brushes her hair she chuckles, "I really wish I had a mother like yours."

Rou looks at Tori with a sad look in her eyes, "Maybe this is all a silly little joke." The door swings open and Xavier runs in holding Tori's dinosaur.

"Uncle Mike brought this for you Tori we went to the movies."

Tori turns around whimpering sad they left him behind Ackerman knocks first and Xavier swings the door open pulling him in.

"No pop corn for Hitori?" Tori's soft voice questions, Ackerman takes the bag full of pop corn and snacks he brought with him and gives it to Tori he knows he won't finish any of it, but he just doesn't want to feel left out.

"Xavier was sick and now he's not, right buddy?" Xavier nods sharing with Tori on the bedroom floor.

"Akali Neon, I'm Rex Ackerman thank you for watching him for us, do you know where I can find a Chinami Hinode?"

Rou gets up and offers to take him to Chinami's room. Ackerman opens the door and finds Chinami trying to delete the recorded footage of what happened outside the hospital he can't even trace the source.

"Hey, the feed isn't your problem, come with me."

Akali and Chinami are taken to the hospital. Kim is with Izumi turning her lab into a prison.

Roku and Ken are on the roof Roku's feet dangling over the edge.

"What now? Saito and Setsuno's bodies were taken by Izumi. Kai has a bad concussion. Yuno won't wake up and you're now telling me you're not sure your spell worked." Ken turns his head to Roku.

"When she wakes up she'll confirm it, let's worry about cleaning this mess up, you watch the video?"

Akali and Chinami walk into Rex's room he was the first to wake up and they wanted his friends to be the ones to tell him about Setsuno, "Don't bother, I saw it all. Kai awake yet?"

"No, if his sister doesn't wake up and do something about it he'll slip into a coma it's bad." Rex climbs out of bed and walks into Yuno's room he covers her nose and mouth.

"Tell me why I haven't killed this bastard yet?" Ken asks waiting by the entrance. An electric jolt courses through Yuno and she wakes up.

"That's why." Roku comments.

Rex carries her out of bed taking her to Kai's room, "I'm not losing him too." Rex comments before collapsing again Ken carries him back to his room letting him rest.

Akali and Chinami have been in the hospital for 2 hours no one has said a word to them except for Tori and Xavier that is.

"You kids with those boys?"

Ake walks in and rests his hand on the woman's shoulder, "Back off sweetheart, all these kids have to say is no comment." The woman walks away, "You guys move further in, too many reporters are lurking around here."

Tori looks around the place and wiggles out of Akali's arms running into Yuno's room. "Mommy."

Ken picks him up, "She's still sleeping buddy let's wait for her to wake up okay?"

Ken notices that Xavier's attention is somewhere else and he's most likely to wonder off if he's not watched, "Xavier." Ken picks him up too he will keep him as close as can be.

"Kai's awake." Akali and Chinami walk into the room but Kai just found out about Setsuno and he does not look very happy about it.

"No, at least tell me they didn't die in vein tell me my sister still has her baby."

Roku shakes his head his heart breaks watching the two boys break down Akali gives them a hug.

"A deals a deal, but if you change your mind about joining us I don't blame you." Roku offers Chinami a book about Immortals, "No one but you must read this, in fact only you can read it so be careful where you open this book. That's the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

Kim groans sitting in the car outside her lab.

"I smell your guilt and it's annoying me." Izumi comments starting the car driving to the hospital to fetch everyone.

Kim looks out the window sniffling wiping away a tear, "I just got a call from Ken a minute ago Roku's spell failed the exchange for him in the place of Yuno's child didn't work.

"The boys lost two of their friends they are devastated the only thing we're grateful for is that Chinami kept the camera's inside off Roku put everyone including the staff to sleep so there are no witnesses, but what happened outside was all out there for people to see.

"You know all day I kept getting in the way because Ken was stuck to Yuno's side.

"I wanted to keep them away from the hospital because I thought they were hiding something about what happened at Musha Cay every time they took a step forward I pulled them back and now my nosey curiosity got people killed."

"Why would Roku bargain himself? He's an idiot."

"The child is an immortal it has to be an immortal for an immortal."

Izumi sighs, "I have a whole lot of candidates that come to mind but it's too late for that now let's just keep our heads up and move forward."