
Rogue and Tiyo wait quietly with the other exorcists assigned by rank wearing their different colour uniforms.

"Did you hear? The High Priestess is a Dark Immortal the ritual for the hell flower turned them into Dark Immortals. Do you think they'll do the same with us?" A blonde male next to Tiyo asks his friend very hopeful.

"Well, exorcists are the only things that can kill them it would make sense she'd want to sway us joining her so we don't turn against her, if we don't agree we all know we're dying for sure." The blondes friend responds thinking very deeply about it.

Rogue crosses his arms.

"I think they might be right." Tiyo pops up from out of nowhere filling Rogue in on what he heard.

"If that's true we need to make up our mind where we stand now, how will this affect the others and if it really worked, what does this mean for Yuno?"

Tiyo shrugs his shoulders, "With Dasai still around she might be safe."