
Rex nags Rin to bring Violet to the park until he agrees.

Rin walks to the garden to find her stacking cups with Xavier, "Hey, we're leaving." Xavier jumps up ready to go and Rin scratches the back of his neck, "Give me a minute, I need to run this by the boss for a minute."

He knocks on Ken's door entering without waiting for a reply. "So, Rex asked me to take Violet to a water park and Xavier wants to tag along, is it cool?"

Ken nods his head, "Close my damn door when you leave."

Rin waits for Rex to meet him and personally take Violet and Xavier with him before he leaves so they can finally run around and explore the park.

Xavier smiles when he sees Tori who looks around expecting to see Ken but he doesn't.

Yuno looks surprised to find Tori a crying mess when she walks into the water park, "Did he fall or something?"

The female shakes her head.
