
Kai wakes up and he's trapped in a bottle. He looks around and he's being pulled down by chains. He falls under and wakes up as his younger self in the infirmary.

"Lin, I have no idea what to call what is happening to you, but you're perfectly okay." The nurse says walking past Kai going to check on Sharon still unconscious.

Kai changes his clothes and leaves the room to check on his friends. He joins the others and takes a seat next to Saito sulking.

Kaneko pecks his cheek, "You're so cute, I don't get why you never had a girlfriend."

Kai forms a water ball, "This was a deal breaker." He tries to cast a spell and fails. He tries again and fails again. He can still feel chains attached to him, "Tachibana's dying."


Ken enters the Palace and sits in his office waiting for Mitsuko, Ackerman, and Sensen who is still talking to her mother about world war 3.