Meeting part 2

Sonya glares at Bella when the meeting ends her friend is no longer being coaxed to tell the truth or say anything she doesn't want to yet she's still rambling on and on about Saito and the others.

Sonya checks the time and leaves to meet up at the spot Saito arranged for them to meet after the meeting.

She enters the little café and takes a seat by herself at the very back looking around and her eyes widen when the red-tailed fox she was promised walks towards her and jumps onto her lap relaxing.


*S.K: Done

She stares in disbelief at the text and fox part of her slightly doubted that Saito was telling the truth about the fox, now she has questions about their little group.

When Saito approached her about the matter he came off as if he was the one in charge of the animals and if that's true she's curious about where the other animals are now more than ever. Bella was told there's plenty where the fox came from.