Chapter 10

Ken glares at Candice. He doesn't find her statement funny or anything worth that cheeky grin on her face.

The Ake family farm is land and space he has plans for yes, but he's not lying to anyone to get it. It definitely won't be a fake pregnancy either.

Things with his ex-girlfriend were so bad Ken's mother got involved. He knew from the start it wasn't his child but she was adamant with faking documents and had everything perfectly set up proving, by law and science, it's Ken Tachibana's child but he knew it wasn't his child.

"I don't appreciate your sense of humour right now and I also don't appreciate you opening your big mouth back there. If you let me handle it like we planned I would've had the deal by tonight.

"Don't blame me when I don't play along when your little lie is an inconvenience, and you know there is no child so don't you dare start entertaining the media with this story."