Chapter 1

Ken ties Ayumi's hair up hugging her tight and turns to Sharon holding onto the pictures he took with Yuno at the hospital.

Ken smiles at Sharon. He made Yuno smile with a single quote after everyone tried so hard.

"Hey, I'll teach you better this time around and don't you ever let anyone ever let you feel guilty for your privilege. You're my son. That means you're Royalty. I promise you I won't make it so lonely at the top.

"Be proud. You're a Tachibana. You're a dragon. Don't you forget that."

Sharon smiles standing in front of his father looking up at him with Ayumi holding his hand at his side, "I love you dad." They both say at the same time.

"I love you too. Don't come back any time soon." Ken flicks his forehead and Sharon laughs.

"When we go back we'll be erased from existence. You might name your next son Sharon but it doesn't make them me I hope you understand that."