Chapter 3

Yuno wakes up and Kai is in the kitchen with Yu and Ryu making calls to get the money their parents left them.

She joins everyone still in the dark about what is happening.

She kept having nightmare after nightmare when she went back to sleep, "Morning." She grabs a bowl and milk to make breakfast.

Ryu crosses her arms, "Why didn't you tell us about this? Mom and Dad left us with so much money and you didn't tell us. Kai could be at Roman high by now."

Yuno scowls, "Ryu go to hell, you suddenly act like you give a crap because Yu is here, what happened to mom and dad went to that school?"

Yu rolls her eyes Yuno and Ryu are at it again, "Hey, I have to leave soon. Thank you for helping me with the case and I'm sorry for your loss. We'll find whoever is beyond Kamikaze's murder."