Chapter 38

A red bus with green lines and a logo of a silhouette of a person holding a flag on each side of the body of the bus stops in the schools parking lot.

Kai's mood shifts seeing Kanko be the first person of the bus. He wanted to be as far away from him and somehow he finds a way to follow him around.

Osamu hugs Kai from behind, "I know that face you're making. I've seen you pull that face all week when you missed a spike, what's up?"

Ya glares at Osamu looking up at Kai when he turns around and pulls her to his side slinging a hand over her shoulder, "Shouldn't you be in the class a turn and 3 doors away?" She asks crossing her arms.

"Back off, I'm not your boyfriend so if she wishes to be here to see me you have no business being jealous." Kai turns and catches Kanko staring up in his direction with a twisted smirk on his face.

"I think this will be an easy win." Kanko announces to himself making the rest of the team look in his direction.