Chapter 50

Yuno walks away when Ken slowly approaches, she strolls to Kai's room to have a chat with June believing the only reason he is such a rebellious rebel is because everyone has given up on him, and he will only get worse if someone doesn't step in.

She walks into the room convinced she is the one who needs to do it.

No one will understand what he is going through, or what he must be feeling, but the people he hangs around with do, and whether bad or not he'd rather hang with a bad crowd that understands him, over the rest of society.

"Hey June, you interested in hanging out with me today? I hear you make a mean Kobe beef." She smiles sweetly.

June cocks a brow then looks at Kai giving his cousin a confused look. He replies a thumbs up at Yuno while keeping his eyes on Kai, "Is your sister serious?" He asks giving him a questionable look as if doubting his own sanity.